My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 515 Liar

Chapter 515 Liar

Inside the ward, looking at Cora's pale and colorless face on the hospital bed, he said in a low and dumb voice, "How do you feel? Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Cora did not answer.

Just staring at the ceiling in a daze, she said, "I'm tired, let's just get a divorce!"

Austin's eyes snapped shut, emotions surged under his eyes, but he just said in a warm voice, "Cora, you know I won't say yes, you should rest now, don't worry, you'll be fine with me, I've already notified the psychiatrist to come to Hance City, I'll always be there for you to get better slowly.”

Cora shook her head, she faintly I said, "Do not you really want to be a father? But I simply can not conceive, I have never told you, I can not be a mother in this life, let's divorce, spare me is also spare yourself!" She has known for a long time that she could not have children, because her body was injured by the long-term use of drugs, so there was no way to be a mother.

She didn't care until she saw Camille and Ayan's baby, and then she started to realize how nice it was to be a mom.

She was envious.

She envies herself for not being as lucky as Camille to be his wife, the mother of his children.

She pursed her lips, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Austin refused, rejecting her words outright.

Austin said, "If you can't have a baby, you can't have a baby. If you don't want to adopt, then we'll find someone to have one for us. Cora, I'm not getting a divorce, I'm not agreeing to a divorce!"

Cora heard the reaction is great, the whole person is more from the bed directly sat up, she shook her head crying: "I do not want, I do not want, I just want a divorce, you and I was just a deal, you now and why do you have to me a look of love and not give up?"

"Cora, stop thinking about the word divorce, think about your mother is still far away, can't you hope that she will never come back in this life?" Austin's words made Cora's eyes look at him incredulously.

She said, "Are you threatening me?"

"Cora, this is not a threat, this is what we agreed at the beginning, do you want to back out? Or do you think seeing Ayan will completely clear the line with me? Cora this is impossible, we are married for life, no one can separate us!"

Austin reached out and gently stroked away the tears on her cheeks, but his touch made Cora’s entire body flinch back, and her eyes were from then on repulsed and resistant.

Austin slightly narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes shone with cold coolness, he clutched Cora's hand pulling her hard into his arms and hugging her tightly, he said, "Cora, you be good and cooperate with the treatment, otherwise we will withdraw from this project because of your condition, then from now on you will never see him again, so do you want to listen? *

Cora was trembling all over, her teeth clenched, her eyes filled with stoicism, her ears filled with Austin's voice repeating over and over again until she couldn't stand it anymore.

She pushed Austin away and pointed at the door and said in a loud voice, "Get out, get out, I don't want to see you, you go!"

Her voice was so loud that it penetrated outside through the door. Camille and Ayan looked at each other, before they could react, Cora's voice sounded again: "Don't you touch me, you go away, I don't want to see you, you go, you go!"

Cora's emotions were as uncontrollable as the floodgates opening in her ears.

Her limbs are constantly struggling, not allowing Austin to get close and any touch at all.

Ayan directly pushed the door open, his eyes looked at the woman shrunken into a ball on the hospital bed, with the usual dignified and gentle person judged by two.

Ayan spoke up, "Master Norman, she's in a bad mood, I suggest you come out first."

When she heard Ayan's voice, Cora quieted down. She looked at Ayan without blinking, afraid that if she blinked he would disappear.

She said, "Ayan, you finally came to see me, can you take me away from here?"

Ayan face slightly light, did not wait for him to speak, Austin said coldly: "Master Simpson, my wife needs to recuperate, so it is not convenient to see you now, also hope Master Simpson understanding take your wife to leave, you also said, is between our husband and wife, then also not the turn of outsiders to intervene, right? *

Cora immediately spoke up, "Ayan, don't go, please, Ayan don't leave me!"

Ayan did not say anything, just look at Cora at the moment the face as gloomy as ink.

Camille, who hadn't said anything, was also. I thought the Cora I saw on the rooftop was already shocking enough, but this moment I realized that a person can really become dull in the shortest possible time like there is no vitality.

Naturally, Ayan and Camille had no intention of leaving, which led to Austin's ugly face.

Austin reminded again, "Master Simpson, then I won't see you off, as you can see my wife is in a bad mood right now and your presence here will only affect her."

Cora was afraid that Austin would kick Ayan out, so she couldn't think of anything else and went straight from her hospital bed to Ayan in her bare feet.

Austin saw this as he took her in his arms and looked at Ayan with a stony expression, "Master Simpson, you still don't take your wife away are you going to continue to watch our couple's jokes here?"

“You shouldn't do this to her now, she's already unstable, and you're only making her worse." Ayan stared.

Austin's eyes narrowed: "This is a matter for us as a couple, and Master Simpson is trying to meddle?"

Camille also wrinkled her brow at the sight, and she reached out and gently pulled Ayan: "Why don't we go outside first?"

If the atmosphere stays like this, she fears that it will only get worse and worse.

But just as Ayan was about to respond to Camille's words, Cora suddenly bit Austin's arm hard, and Austin subconsciously let go of his strength, then gave Cora the opportunity to break free.

Cora ran straight into Ayan's arms, and with nearly all her strength she said, "Please take me away, please help me, okay?"

Everyone was silent in the face of such Cora.

Ayan is even stiff and motionless, Camille was also framed by such a scene.

But before Ayan could give an answer, Cora fainted again.

Ayan in a subconscious instinct to reach out to catch her, but just touched Austin has come striding over from his arms to pick up Cora. Austin shouted anxiously, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Ayan maintained a stiff and motionless daze, Camille looked at him without changing his face, and naturally did not miss the worry that flashed under his eyes.

Doctors and nurses had already poured into the room to begin resuscitation, and the drops that Cora had ripped off in the struggle were reapplied.

Silence returned to the ward.

The doctor said, "She was in a very bad mood, I gave her a sedative to let her sleep well first, if she wakes up next don't let her get any more stimulation, otherwise it will hurt her brain causing her to have a nervous breakdown, the consequences will be very serious!"

The doctor said that Cora's depression was already showing signs of relapse, probably due to her recent psychological stress and the fact that she was in a bad situation in all aspects causing the signs to become more and more pronounced.

Austin immediately contacted Cora's psychiatrist at Campole to come over and counsel and treat her immediately after combining the doctor's words.

The doctor arrived that afternoon, and after Cora awoke the psychiatrist gave her the first information, but this time the treatment did not get any better for Cora, but worse and worse, especially when the psychiatrist asked about Austin's topic.

Cora's reaction was huge, she said, "He's a liar, he threatened to force me to compromise, he even tried to have sex with me in that strong- arm way, I don't want to see him, I don't want to see him."

Cora is very repulsed by Austin, but she is hiding something in her heart from the psychiatrist and does not reveal all her innermost thoughts completely.

So what does she have to do to get Austin to nod his head?

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