My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 511 Hell

Chapter 511 Hell

She thought Austin would be moved to give up after she said that, but what she didn't expect was Austin just sneered and said, "Then let's go to hell together!"

After saying that, he cupped her chin and kissed her directly. Cora subconsciously dodged, and her warm lips landed on her cheek.

Her actions made the coldness under Austin's eyes deepen, and the strength of her chin squeeze increased, moreover, she did not give her any chance to refuse to continue.

This caused fear and insecurity to come over Cora, and her mind kept flashing back to the images that had caused her so much pain.

No matter how much she struggled and how much she screamed and begged him, nothing worked.

For a moment, she felt like she was back to that night years ago.

That night was the darkest night of her life, she was locked in a small dark room with no way to escape, as if countless hands were roaming her body, those disgusting mouths and the sound of laughter caused tears to fall down the corners of her eyes.

Her reaction Austin did not notice until the soldier suddenly touched something at the head of the bed.

At this point, she was filled with the desire to stop all of this, and after a brief blank she grabbed it with her hands and smashed it directly at the man on top of her.

With a muffled sound, Austin also got up from her, and Cora saw this and quickly pushed him away and ran to the other room.

She hit Austin over the head with a desk lamp, and she was so scared that her fear grew instead of diminishing.

She hid in the corner of the room, her hands clutching her head. Not waiting for her to calm down, another knock from Austin immediately sounded outside the door: "Cora, open the door!"

The banging on the door made Cora's heart feel more and more uneasy, her whole mood was very bad, and a face was even paler and more powerless.

What was she supposed to do?

Outside the door Austin was still knocking and his voice was cold: "Cora, do you think you can hide in there for the rest of your life?"

The suite was bought by Austin, so even if she didn't open the door, Austin had all the answers.

This is something Cora realizes as well.

Under the panic, she touched her pocket phone, originally because to go back to the room to wash so the phone has been in the pocket, this moment, she was glad that the phone has not left the body.

She held the phone hands fingertips are unable to resist the trembling, she pressed the familiar string of numbers to dial out directly.

Cora and Austin weren't the only ones in turmoil this night, Camille and Ayan were too.

Only the difference between the two is completely different.

Ayan had just returned to Hanyama Mansion when he received a call from Talia.

At this time of the day, if there was nothing going on, Ayan would not call. As soon as he picked up the phone, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Talia's voice was anxious like burning: "Timmy has a fever, he cries non-stop and keeps spilling milk, your father and I are taking him to the hospital, you and Cami should hurry over too!"

Although it was late, Camille and Ayan were Timmy's parents and it was impossible to hide them at this time.

Talia told Ayan to inform Camille, and he immediately drove to Maple Leaves Mansion, and then immediately called Camille again.

When Camille saw Ayan's call, she didn't want to answer it because she had just been separated for a short time, what else could be going on?

But her heart was always restless, so she pressed answer just before the ringing was about to end: "What is it?"

"Get ready, I'll be downstairs in a minute.”

He said in a brief and horrifying way.

Camille frowned, "Doing what?"

"Timmy has a fever and Mom and Dad are taking him to the hospital, so let's go straight there."

“Timmy's got a fever?" Camille's voice was shaking.

Because Timmy was born prematurely, he has been carefully taken care of from the beginning of the month, and usually with care and attention, both by his aunt and Talia as well.

So when she heard that Timmy had a fever, her whole being became unsettled.

Ayan also noticed it and said in a loud voice, "Camille, listen to me first, you put on your clothes and shoes and go downstairs now, I'll be right there, eh? Timmy just has a fever, kids have fevers, don't worry, I've contacted Dr. Ellis, it'll be fine, eh?"

Ayan's warm voice reassured her heart gradually felt safe, she lowly mumbled, then hung up the phone and did what Ayan said.

She had just come down from the stairs when Ayan arrived in his car. He made the usual forty-minute drive take just over twenty minutes. The two arrived at the hospital in silence, and Talia and Fletcher arrived with Timmy, and Dr. Ellis was waiting for them.

After a brief examination, Dr. Ellis prescribed fever-reducing medicine for Timmy to take, and then the test results would not be available until after sunrise, so he had to stay in the hospital overnight for the time being.

Timmy had his first fever since he was born almost five months ago, so the family was very anxious and worried, even the old Simpson was alarmed and kept calling to check on the situation.

Camille the mother is a pair of eyes did not leave Timmy body, took the medicine Timmy because of so long also tired to fall asleep, the corner of the eye is still hanging tears, both heartache and hard.

Dr. Ellis said, "Don’t worry too much, it could also be due to growth or teeth fever, had a little test to see when the results come back in the morning."

After dropping off Dr. Ellis, Ayan said to Fletcher and Talia, "It's late, do you want to go back to the Simpson's mansion or stay overnight at Hanyama Mansion? I'll be fine with Camille at the hospital.”

Talia wanted to stay, but Camille said, "Mom, you and Dad should go home and rest, you may have to take care of Timmy tomorrow!" Hearing Camille say this, Talia then nodded her head and Fletcher left. The atmosphere in the ward also instantly quieted down, Camille is still crawling on the side of the bed gently holding Timmy's little hand motionless, Ayan walked over and spoke softly: "He's asleep, you go rest too, I'll keep an eye on it here, huh?"

Camille shook her head, "I want to stay with him."

She murmured in a low voice, and Ayan knew she was worried about her heart for Timmy.

He reached out and gently hmmed her shoulder, his voice low, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen.”

Camille hmms softly, followed by Ayan's phone ringing.

The voice was extraordinarily abrupt, and he was worried about waking Timmy and had picked up almost as soon as he took it out.

A woman's voice came from there, "Ayan, help me, help me, Austin ... ... Austin he's going to break down the door and come in and get me." It's Cora calling.

Her cries accompanied by sobbing speech were extraordinarily clear in the quiet ward.

Camille naturally heard it, but was only slightly stunned, but otherwise did not react.

Ayan's face was expressionless, and his deep eyes revealed a coldness of unknown emotion, which was followed by a kick at the door and Austin's stern voice: "Cora, did I tell you to open the door?"

Cora kept begging for help, mouthing Ayan to help her, and then the next second the call was cut off.

Ayan stood there with a low face and did not move, Camille also gently let go of Timmy's hand to cover him and walked to the other side of the couch, and then only then said, "If you are worried, then go check it out."

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