My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 497 Unforgettable

Chapter 497 Unforgettable

Camille put out the chat conversation with Oliver in her cell phone, she said, "This is the chat I had with Oliver two days ago, Oliver has got all the villagers to sign the consent form voluntarily yesterday, so our construction will not disturb the local rules, instead, we have got the support and approval of all the villagers.

Ayan nodded: "Since Miss Armstrong has addressed all the concerns, I personally think this first draft is feasible so far, and I wonder what you, Mr. Bell, and Master Norman and Master Tucker think on your side?" Mr. and Mrs. Bell both nodded, "We agree."

Dan: "I was a participant in the design plan, so naturally I'm all for it with both hands."

Austin smiled: "Since all issues are well thought out, the Norman Group is also in favor.”

Ayan: "Okay, so the first draft is set!"

Once the first draft of the building is finalized, Camille will continue to refine the final architectural drawings and Ayan will arrange for the architectural team to take the lead in going over and arranging everything.

In the evening, the group went to a restaurant for dinner, with Ayan as the host, in order to celebrate the first hurdle of this project with a smooth shot.

Everyone sat in the booth and chatted, the atmosphere was cordial and harmonious.

Mrs. Bell invited Camille and Cora to go fishing at a suburban resort in the next two days, mainly to give the two of them a consolation for their hard work in the early stage of the project.

Mrs. Bell said, "It's a private invitation now, so I'll just ask the two hostesses."

Cora smiled and said, "Of course I'm fine with that."

Austin heard and echoed, "Our Cora does the talking.”

Mrs. Bell couldn't help but laugh at the shallow show of affection: "The husband's gentlemanly manner is very good, Cora is really lucky.” Cora pursed her lips slightly and smiled.

Mrs. Bell looked at Camille again and asked, "Cami, you can't refuse me, this time I have been preparing since you guys came back, you and Ayan have been taking care of us since we came to Hance City, and it's my turn to thank you."

Mrs. Bell's words have come to this point, Camille naturally can no longer say no.

She nodded, "Of course I won't refuse, I was just wondering if I would have the honor to try your personal cooking when the day comes." Mrs. Bell laughed, "Don't worry, you'll be satisfied."

Mrs. Bell finished and looked at Dan: "Dan, you have to come too, if you have a female companion may be better, otherwise I worry that you will be envious of others.”

Dan was amused by the blunt words, but he was also immediately on board.

Everyone was chatting and the waiter came up with the food.

Austin's cell phone also suddenly rang at this time, he took out his cell phone to turn off the ringer, and then looked to the crowd: "Everyone eat first, I'll take a call.”

He got up and came out of the booth, and because there were people coming and going in the corridor, he went straight to the end of the corridor.

Then only then pressed the answer: "Why are you calling me at this time?"

The other person asked, "Inconvenient?"

“I'm eating out, is something wrong?"

The other party didn't know what to say, Austin's face suddenly changed and his voice became warm: "I'm coming to Hance City, take a time to meet?"

Austin's face was downcast, his expression slightly grave, and after he thought in silence, "Wait until I arrange a time to inform you."

The call ended first after the other party agreed.

Austin stood in place and did not immediately return to the private room, holding the phone hand tightened, the bottom of the eyes more than a trace of complex emotions.

He took a silent breath, then only then turned and walked back to the booth.

So he didn't notice that after he left the door of the closest booth to the end where he had just stayed opened.

The woman naturally knew him and knew what his relationship with Cora was?

Originally thought that Cora was back to renew her relationship with Ayan, but unexpectedly she was already married and brought her husband with her to Hance City, and then became a partner together for a charity project.

Thinking of this, the woman's mouth outlined a coldness, then she summoned the waiter to explain a few words, and then stuffed a few hundred yuan as a tip.

After about ten minutes or so, Cora came out of the private room, and then walked towards the front with the waiter leading her.

Cora asked, "Who's looking for me?"

The waiter simply said, "You'll see if I take you there.”

Cora frowned slightly, although some dissatisfaction but still followed the waiter.

She was just having her soup when the waiter leading the way suddenly handed her a note, after which she sought an excuse to come out.

The note had only a few words: Miss Hayes, someone is looking for. She didn't know many people in Hance City, so she was surprised when she found out that someone was looking for her, but the person contacting her in this way was naturally familiar with her, so she couldn't help but follow the waiter out.

The waiter took her to the door of a private room: "Miss Hayes, you can go straight in!"

Having said that, the waiter had turned around and walked away.

Cora stood at the door for a few seconds, then raised her hand and knocked on the door, and a woman's voice soon came from inside: "Enter!"

She frowned slightly and pushed open the door of the private room. But when she saw the person inside, the gaze under her eyes deepened, and her eyebrows were wrinkled tighter.

As their eyes locked, the woman in the booth was the first to speak, "Cora, it's been a long time!"

Cora lifted her foot and walked into the booth, she looked warm and indifferent and said, "Eileen, what do you want to see me about?" "Cora, aren't we friends? Can't friends contact each other without something?" Eileen smiled slightly, and under her eyes was the welcome she showed to Cora, a friend she hadn't seen for years. Originally she just came over to meet a sponsor today, but she didn't expect to meet Austin, Cora’s husband. Although she hadn't met Austin, she had figured out everything since the day she found out Cora was back.

As for asking the waiter to meet Cora, it was just a temporary plan after meeting Austin.

Of course, she also knew that Ayan and Camille were there.

She greeted Cora and sat down, then took the initiative to ask, "Cora, why didn't you look for me even when you came back? Did you forget about me as an old friend?"

Cora's eyes narrowed slightly as she sat down but didn't take the tea Eileen handed her, she just teased, "Eileen, I know how you feel about Ayan, so do you think we can still remain friends?"

Once Eileen was her best friend, but she didn't know that Eileen actually had her heart set on Ayan as well, so she didn't want to continue to be such an in-your-face friend.

Her rejection Eileen didn't seem to care and just laughed, "Cora, I don't see anything wrong with my heart for Ayan, after all, I'm still single and there's nothing wrong with having a crush on a good man, right?"

"But he's married and already has a child.”

"I didn't do anything." Eileen laughed as she looked meaningfully at Cora: "Cora, seriously, if I didn't know Camille, I'd wonder if you were the one who married Ayan? Because you really did look like you were claiming to be her wife.”

Eileen is smiling, but the mockery between the words is very obvious. Cora kept her lips tightly pursed in a condescending manner, “Eileen, I'm not here to argue with you, if you don't have anything to do then I'll leave first."

As soon as Cora got up, Eileen stepped forward to stop her.

Eileen just couldn't see her with this condescending look, she used to be like that, she always had a high posture, even though she had been on scholarship since high school, she always had this proud look.

As for Eileen has always been her sidekick, with Eileen's backing she is the goddess in the eyes of everyone, both in school and life like her a lot of people, they compare her to the snow lotus of the iceberg, ice and pure, pure and noble.

But only Eileen knows that she is not that kind of person at all. She has low self-esteem and self-conceit because of poverty in her bones, but she refuses to admit to face it and wants to take advantage of other people's admiration to climb up to the top.

At the thought of being used by her for years, Eileen narrowed her eyes and stared at her coldly and questioned, "What is the purpose of your visit to Hance City? Do you have an old love for Ayan?"

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