My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 486 - Fainting

Chapter 486 - Fainting

When she didn't move or say anything, Ayan just reached out and ripped off her blindfold, then ordered, "Eat before you sleep, you haven't even had a sip of water until now in the morning, won't you be hungry?"

Camille frowned, and without waiting for her to say anything, Ayan set down his meal and got out of the car.

There was a big sense of knowing that she didn’t want to see him so she just disappeared.

This caused an inexplicable discomfort to flash through Camille's mind. Why did he have to do that?

How about just ignoring each other?

As for the meal in front of her, although it was delicious, she didn't have much of an appetite, yet she didn't want to be disturbed by constant nagging, so she reluctantly ate a few bites before putting it down.

After this meal, the group continued on their way and arrived at the airport where Ayan's private jet was already waiting, and the group flew directly back to Hance City.

The plane landed in Hance City just before dinner time, Ayan had Kian arrange a hotel for dinner, and then left from the airport and went directly to the hotel.

So it was only after arriving that Kian reminded the group to get out of the car and Camille realized that she was not going home but had come to the hotel.

She tightly frowned, a face somewhat stiff indifference, she hesitated after a moment or follow everyone a piece of the car, just the sky is spinning very uncomfortable, in fact, she early in town to eat that meal has felt uncomfortable, only think probably not rested, so this did not care too much.

But at the moment, the stomach is also following the tumbling, eyes are bubbling with gold stars, feeling very uncomfortable.

She pursed her lips and thought about it, then as the group was about to raise their feet and walk into the hotel, she spoke up first and said, "I won't be accompanying everyone to dinner, I'm a little tired and I miss the kids, so I want to go home early."

After her words, the Austins as well as Dan responded without any hesitation, "Good, after all, Miss Armstrong is a mother now, and it's only human to miss your child."

As for Ayan's side, he just gave Camille a deep look and then passed a look to Kian: "You send the lady back."

"Okay." Kian immediately nodded, and then went to open the car door. Camille didn't refuse, she didn't want to be a hero at this point, and waved goodbye to everyone before turning around and getting ready to get in the car.

But only when she took a step, her whole body fell to the side in a smooth manner.

Dan, who was closest to her, reached over to help her almost immediately the next second: "Miss Armstrong!"

At the sound of Dan's voice, the group turned around and saw the state of Camille.

Ayan's eyes fluttered, and the next second he took a big step directly towards her, then took hold of her hand and pulled her directly into his arms, looking at her pale and feeble face and immediately worried: "What's going on?"

She frowned and didn't even want to say anything, just shook her head gently, but her face was bloodless.

Ayan took the person in his arms and said in a low voice, "I'll take you to the hospital.”

When he finished, he looked at Dan and Austin and said in a light voice, “Master Tucker, Master Norman, I'll accompany the lady to the hospital first, so I may not be able to accompany you for this meal." Dan took over: "We'll just eat ourselves, Master Simpson better hurry up and take Miss Armstrong to the hospital!"

Austin is also hurriedly said, “The body is the most important, Master Simpson assured to accompany the lady to the hospital.”

Naturally, Ayan was not polite, and helped Camille to get into the car immediately, he instructed Kian: "Go to the hospital.”

Camille did not have much strength and leaned right over the seat when she got in the car. As for who accompanied her to the hospital or what condition she was in at the moment, she did not have any mind to care about it.

A few moments later, the car stopped at the hospital gate, Ayan was the first to get out of the car, and then directly picked up Camille and walked into the hospital.

Kian had contacted the doctor while on the road and was able to go directly to the doctor's office for a checkup upon arrival.

After a few minutes of examination, the doctor truthfully told: "Master Simpson, Mrs. nothing serious, because the mood is not good and lead to tired body cold caused by fever, plus Mrs. in the pregnancy itself because of mood depression caused by premature delivery phenomenon has not recovered, so life should pay more attention to mood swings less angry to let go of the mood to get better quickly. * The doctor's words also made Ayan understand instantly that it was the result of sulking with him last night.

He wrinkled his eyebrows and said thanks in a light voice, his deep eyes faintly glanced at the woman sitting in the chair.

After the doctor prescribed the medication he arranged a quiet corner for the nurse to give her an IV because the fever was too high and because she hadn't eaten much for almost a day now she was a little hypoglycemic.

After Camille sat down, the nurse quickly came over to administer the medicine, and after the nurse left, Kian also brought the thin blanket Camille covered from the car, and then hurriedly asked, "Master Simpson, I'll go pack some porridge for you and your wife to pamper your stomach first, right?"

Ayan didn't answer, but simply looked at Camille and asked, "Do you want some?"

Camille glanced up at Kian and said, "I don't want to eat, don't buy my share."

Kian froze, then hurriedly nodded his head and left quickly.

When Kian left, Camille dropped her eyes and stopped talking. Looking at her, Ayan hesitated and then opened his mouth, "What are you really angry about?"

Of course she won't say.

The eyes stared at the floor for a moment without any reaction.

Ayan's brow knitted tighter, a deep darkness under his eyes, his voice gentle: "Camille, the doctor just said that you can't sulk, and what you're not satisfied with and unhappy about, just say it, don't hold it in your heart, eh?"

He stared at Camille waiting for her response, but not only did she not respond, she said indifferently, “You're really loud, you know that?" When she finished, she didn't wait for Ayan's reaction, she had already closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair under the thin blanket. Her series of actions made him slightly stunned, especially since he didn't expect her to simply close her eyes and treat him as if he were a transparent person.

The dismay and disbelief in his eyes lasted for a long time, but in the end he couldn't bear to disturb her rest, so he just sat in silence and waited.

Camille is actually not sleepy, after all, she has been sleeping almost since Fola left, she just doesn't want to face Ayan, let alone answer any of his questions.

There are things she does not want to say, she has told herself countless times, she has to do to control her inner emotions and will not compromise again because of his pressing.

But she does not know why? The hospital is full of sterilized water smell, her nose is into his scent, there is a lingering feeling of irritation in the heart spread.

Her frown followed suit and lasted until she finished hanging the infusion.

Ayan immediately reached out to hold down the needle after the nurse pulled it out, and then the nurse instructed, "Play for three consecutive days, you can come over early tomorrow."

Camille nods, "Hmm."

When the nurse left, Camille immediately tried to pull her hand away and press it herself, but Ayan refused: "Don't move, or it will swell." Her face was indifferent, and she did not want to have an argument with him in the hospital again, so she let him hold it down for almost half a minute, and thought it would be over, but he took her hand in passing, and said in a voice too natural to be natural: "Let's go eat something before we go back to see Timmy, okay?"

Camille didn't answer, but jerked her hand hard, "Ayan, let go."

Ayan naturally refused.

He said, "I'm holding you, the doctor said, you're hypoglycemic, you haven't eaten much all day, are you trying to faint?"

Camille gave him a cold look and took a deep breath before saying, "I'll take care of myself, I won't faint.”

"If you had paid careful attention we wouldn't be in the hospital right now." He took his own steps by holding her, not letting go of her at all as she wished.

Camille was forced almost all the way out of the hospital and then taken back to the car, and the whole time, she didn't have any chance to refuse.

After getting into the car, Ayan instructed Kian to drive and Camille immediately said, “I don't want to go out to eat, I want to go back to see Timmy quickly."

It means that she wants to go back to the Simpson's mansion and eat some casual food so that she can quickly finish her alone time with Ayan.

Ayan does not make a sound, then it is considered acquiescence, waiting for the car to start, she turned on her side again and closed her eyes.

Only that hand was never let go of him.

The car drove for who knows how long finally stopped.

Camille also opened her eyes in an instant, but what she saw was not the Simpson's mansion, but the wedding house she had lived in for a year, and she instantly looked at the man beside her in shock and questioned, "Ayan what the hell do you mean?"

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