My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 482 - Competition For Wife

Chapter 482 - Competition for Wife

Ayan responded in a light voice: "It's okay."

Austin swept a glance at his neck and laughed, "Master Simpson and Mrs. Simpson are so in love!"

The people in the audience heard Austin's flirtation also followed the gaze over, only to see Ayan's neck has a few red places, plus his white skin so extra obvious, and reveal a few hints of love.

Present are adults, in addition to the local villagers do not quite understand what it means, the rest of the people know by heart this is what happens to stay.

Ayan did not avoid any explanation, the mildness of his face fell into the eyes of the onlookers like a tacit agreement with their suspicions. Camille's face lightly swept him, she pursed her lips without meaning to speak, but the remaining light noticed the expression on Cora's face was hard to see.

Those emotionally veiled but heavy eyes watched Ayan unblinkingly. At that moment, Austin suddenly stepped in front of Cora and then straightened her clothes: "It's cool in the morning, zipper it up.”

After saying that, he took it upon himself to zipper her up.

The village chief also opened his mouth at this time and shouted, "Eat breakfast, come and sit down, this morning we eat dumplings, our village chef and the filling, the taste is very good.”

Along with the township chief's invitation everyone has also been seated.

Austin also reminded at this point in a voice that only he and Cora could hear, "Watch your manners and image, don't forget what your status is nowadays?"

Cora clenched her teeth and remained silent.

Cora, your eyes have betrayed you, don't take everyone for a fool, if others see what's going on, you will not only make yourself a name, but also the Norman Group and I will be ridiculed, I don't want to see such a situation. I don't want to see that happen, understand?"

After a short interlude, everyone was seated and began to eat breakfast.

At breakfast the township manager took the initiative to bring up last night's topic with Ayan: "Master Simpson, so we'll leave after breakfast?"

"Yes, thank you." Ayan nodded politely in response, then informed the crowd, "After breakfast, we'll set out to walk around a bit, so that we see the same things, which will be good for the report afterwards." Several people nodded their heads in agreement.

But Austin said, "Master Simpson, Manager Hayes' foot is not yet healed, so why don't we let her rest and I'll represent her at today's walk."

Ayan raised his eyes and looked over, "Yes, there is nothing wrong with my side.”

Cora immediately took over: "No, I can do it myself. Since all of us are leaving, it's only right that I should come along too, I'm the financial head of this project, I have to take my share of responsibility.”

Cora attitude insisted, she wanted to go together, do not want to stay here to rest, not to mention the foot injury is not a very serious matter, the two days of rest has not been considered pain, she can endure. But it was only what was in her mind and she didn't say it out loud. After her words Ayan did not immediately make a statement, but slowly and methodically finished eating the bow! of porridge, and then picked up a tissue to wipe the corners of the mouth, and only then not slow: "Manager Hayes since the insistence of the departure, then Master Norman here what is the meaning? Why don't you guys discuss it first after, although all of you are leaving, but it is understandable that you are physically ill, what do you think?"

Dan: "Naturally, Manager Hayes is definitely still physically dominant with his injury.”

As for Camille, she naturally will not make any comments, she is just an architect, she can't make decisions about the cooperation company. So she was silent the whole time, quietly eating the bow! of porridge, and even sometimes she didn't listen carefully to what they were saying, because she was full of thoughts of this plate of cabbage in front of her, picked back from the ground in the morning, and then peeled by hand layer by layer, torn into small pieces, and watched the process of getting into the pot, which is still amazing.

Camille was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't respond when Ayan called her name.

That is, until Kian whispered a reminder, "Ma'am, Master Simpson is calling you again.”

It was then that Camille looked up at the table, and a table full of people were looking at her.

Camille wondered, "What's wrong?"

Ayan's face was faint, and if he hadn't been watching her and knew she was dazed, he probably would have mistaken her for not wanting to pay attention to him.

He opened his mouth lightly and repeated what he had just said, then asked, "Do you have any comments?"

"No." Camille immediately replied, then added: "Manager Hayes is not my subordinate, so what can I say? As long as Master Norman and Master Simpson think it's okay, it's fine!"

After Camille's words, she had also finished eating the porridge, then put down the dishes, people also got up after: "Everyone take your time to eat, I'll go upstairs to clean up a little."

Then she left the table without looking back.

The atmosphere also gradually fell into silence, we look at each other dare not make a sound, and so the deadlock for a long time, Cora once again opened his mouth and said, "I want to participate, I go to change a shoe."

Since the parties involved have decided so, the other people present naturally have no opinion.

Half an hour later, the group left from the school, and today they were going to the village across the street, the one where Camille saved the children.

Because of a good rest, everyone's strength and all aspects are well stored, except Cora will walk a little slower, the other people maintain a smooth state.

On the way, we chatted and time passed quite quickly.

When he passed the little boy's house, he saw Camille from a distance and ran to Camille with his walnuts: "Sister, here you go."

Camille crouched down to keep level with him and took it without ceremony, "Thank you Dale.”

The child named Dale, and Camille called him Dale.

Hearing the sound of talking, the grandparents also came out in a hurry, they rushed to greet a line of people sitting down to chat, probably learned that Ayan and Austin is the leader of the project is Camille's leadership, and then is a meal of praise, so that the crowd can not help but laugh.

Camille smiled, "Grandparents, thank you for your compliments, my boss will give me a raise.”

The atmosphere of Camille getting along with everyone present was in full view, compared to the Cora villagers who also made no secret of their fondness for Camille.

The mayor also introduced Ayan's identity at the right time: "This is Miss Armstrong's husband.”

The grandparents praised again: "Good-looking, you are a good match, to marry Miss Armstrong such a beautiful girl with a good heart, you have to treat her well, she is a fairy down to earth.”

Ayan looks handsome, at this moment between the eyebrows is obvious smile, the voice is also with the underlying smile: "Thank you both for the praise, I am honored to marry a fairy."

Dale also gently tugged at Ayan's suit pants at this point and said with some displeasure, "Uncle, when I grow up, can you let me have my sister? I want to marry her back as my wife!"

Child's play everyone just laughs and passes.

But Ayan squatted down and looked at Dale very seriously and solemnly, and he said, "No."

Dale pursed his lips with a face of aggression and wanted to cry. Camille also said immediately, "Dale, uncle teases you."

She then gave Ayan a displeased glare, with a warning in her eyes to remind him not to tease the crying child.

Probably someone backed up, Dale showed a smile and looked at Ayan slightly smug.

But in the next second, Ayan's voice slowly sounded again: "She is not a sister, she is an aunt, uncle and aunt are a couple, and we have a lovely child, if we give up the aunt to you, then uncle will have no wife, and the brother will have no mother, so no."

There was a silence -

Everyone fell into silence.

What is he doing here?

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