My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 478 - Expelled

Chapter 478 - Expelled

After Camille's words, she was already walking out of the room with her feet up.

Her purpose had already been reached, so naturally there was no need to stay longer.

Just her words made Cora'’s face hard to see.

Looking at her back as she left, Cora's face was stiff and cold, and her eyes were more like frozen in place.

She pursed her lips, her mind was all about Camille's appearance just now, she suddenly felt very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before?

Cora subconsciously thought of him, the way Camille had just warned her resembled his scowl.

She smiled coldly, so the couple will eventually have a husband and wife phase?

Her heart was bitter for a long time, and there was no way to dissipate it. Finally she closed the door behind her, and the bottom of her eyes were occupied with warm indifference.

As for what really happened that day?

She won't think about it again, won't mention it at all.

Ayan said it's over, so let's get over it!

Camille came out of Cora's room and went straight downstairs. Although the morning conversation was awkward when you think about it, Camille told herself the moment she stepped into the room that she was not in the wrong, so she should not be the one to be embarrassed. She is not afraid of the shadow of the body, so why does not dare to go out?

Thinking this way, she has no more worries.

But she ran into Dan on the stairs, she went down and Dan came up. The two just looked at each other, Dan smiled lightly, then asked, "She got up?"

“You didn't sleep last night, did you not rest all day today either?"

“I slept for a while, probably because I'm old and don't get much sleep.” Dan said it as if it were true.

Camille grunted softly, "Master Tucker, we're in the same year."

Dan smiled, then asked, "Feeling better?"

Camille flinched slightly, a little surprised that she hadn't expected to be asked a question about her mood.

At this moment, when she heard Dan ask this, she was naturally a little shocked.

But soon she revealed a light smile, "It's quite good."

Dan nodded, then said, "I'll go upstairs to get my phone, you go down and play for a while, hungry to see if there is anything to eat in the kitchen, but you can bear to eat more roast whole sheep later." "Good." Camille nodded.

Then the two rubbed shoulders one on top of the other.

But then Dan suddenly shouted, “Camille.”

She tilted her head in confusion and looked over, "Hmm?"

“I believe you!"

Dan was very serious in what he said.

Camille blinked softly, then smiled, "Thanks."

After that there was no further conversation between the two, Camille walked downstairs and Dan went upstairs to his room.

Dan's words didn't mean much to Camille, but it was a bit of a surprise, because from the beginning Dan believed in him, even though they had only been in contact for six months, and then met again after such a long time, such a relationship is not very good, but he was willing to trust her.

This is a very valuable sentiment for Camille.

This incident is indeed as Cora said, with time and the past, as to whether everyone's heart still remember that only they know.

In the evening, we ate a roast lamb and some small dishes, in addition to the two girls several men have more or less drunk.

Oliver knew that Ayan and Austin were coming and came all the way from town.

Oliver toasted the crowd with the township chief: “Thank you for your willingness to come and visit our poor countryside and to give us a chance.”

Oliver's words were a little too blunt, but there's really nothing wrong with saying that.

It's just that people don't know how to respond anymore?

Oliver added, "I'm not kidnapping you guys, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because Miss Armstrong said that whether we actually end up working together or not, we at least had a chance.” Oliver finished, and with the township chief lifted the wine face towards Camille: "Miss Armstrong we toast you, although you are a girl, but you came here after you did not dislike us, there is anything you are willing to help, also thank you for your confidence in us, in addition to the most important point is that your attentiveness to save a family. *

Camille rescued the boy who fell into the water was brought up again. Speaking of this incident, the township chief, who was a witness, was moved and he blamed himself.

Camille looked at them then stood up, she smiled, "Then here's to us giving to each other and wishing us all the best!"

Camille's words fell, and the crowd clinked their glasses.

We talked until almost ten o'clock.

Ten o'clock in the countryside already belongs to the late night, usually they are eight or nine o'clock has been rested.

It's rare to be so late this evening because of the crowds.

Camille and Cora are girls, so they had already gone to shower and returned to their rooms in advance.

After the end, the village chief also took the initiative to arrange, "Master Simpson, Master Norman, since you two are married to Miss Armstrong and Manager Hayes, then I will not give you separate accommodation, and then the two drivers side with Master Tucker's assistant They will be okay for a while?"

Ayan nodded: "No problem, no need to make special arrangements." Austin chimed in, “It's late, and we're already bothering you, so there's no need to be making special arrangements for anything.”

The two went upstairs together and walked to the door of their respective wives’ rooms.

Austin knocked on the door and Cora immediately opened it and went in.

As for Ayan, he didn't knock on the door, he just stood in the hallway and smoked a cigarette, then waited for everyone to enter the room before knocking on Camille's room door.

But Camille had no intention of opening the door, but simply said faintly, “I've gone to bed and don't want to get up and open the door."

I forgot to mention that Camille took the back door key out of his hand during the afternoon.

So now he simply does not have the key to open the back door, want to go in can only let Camille open the door, of course, there is a possibility that is directly kicked open the door, after all, the monotonous door is easy to kick open, is the noise will be a little big, attracting other people's onlookers just.

Ayan knew that the soundproofing of these buildings was not good, so he also tried to keep his voice as low as possible, and he said, "Open the door first, I want to talk to you."

"Can't we talk about what we have to say tomorrow?"

Camille asked indifferently.

He said, "No, I want to say it now."

"Oh, go ahead, then, I can hear you."

"Camille!" his voice was low and his face was warm.

Camille, however, said coldly, “Can you stop bothering me? I won't open the door, but of course, if you want to draw everyone here, that's fine."

After saying this, Camille stopped making noise.

Ayan understood her stubbornness and didn't want to draw a crowd, so he gave up.

His face was gloomy, and his expressionless eyes were flooded with a touch of helplessness. He took a deep breath, then lifted his feet and left for the door of Kian's room.

When Kian opened the door and saw Ayan standing outside, he froze. Kian asked incredulously, "Master Simpson, what brings you here?" Ayan gave Kian a faint look: "I still need to report to you? Do I need to write a five thousand word application for you?"

"Of course not." Kian hurriedly gave up a huge space to make room for Ayan.

How dare he ask the president to write an application for him?

Did he not want the year-end bonus or was the bonus too much?

But judging from Ayan's temper and reaction, he should have been thrown out?

After this thought came to him, Kian looked at Ayan cautiously and asked, "Master Simpson, is madam not allowing you to enter the house?"

Ayan coldly swept a glance, Kian immediately shut his mouth afraid to speak.

He reminded indifferently, "Close the door."

"Yes." Kian hurriedly did as he was told.

This was followed by Ayan saying, "I'm staying here tonight."

His fingers tapped the floor, then added, "You tidy up for me."

This time Kian was completely confused.

Kian immediately said, "Master Simpson, you can sleep on the bed, I'll just go to the first floor and make up with them for the night.”

Kian finished his speech and was ready to pack up and go out, but Ayan spoke indifferently: “If you go out and find someone else to make up, then everyone will know that I was turned away?"

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