My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 469 Falling Into The Water

Chapter 469 Falling into the water

Camille this side of the general light, so her appearance in front of the camera a little blurred, looking at her clean white face full face without any dress, Ayan eyes slightly narrowed, in the off-camera throat knot rolled, low voice asked.

"He just kept crying, auntie went to take a bath, mom is still busy with some things, and he doesn't want to talk to other people, so I had to call you."

There was a delay on Camille's side, and only after hearing it did she give a low hmm.

Then asked, "Is he hungry?”

Camille stared at Timmy carefully, and did not see his eyes red, thinking that maybe it was not very strong crying.

Ayan replied, “I don't think so."

After that, he reached out and took Timmy's hand and waved it toward the end, then said, "Shout for mommy!"

Camille, confused by such a move, said faintly, "He's still young, how can he shout?"

Ayan, however, said, "Don't you want the first person he opens his mouth to shout at to be you?"

"Of course I hope so!" Camille returned, not at all politely.

Then the atmosphere was quiet.

Because the signal is not good, most of the picture is stuck, a small part of the movement and immediately stopped.

This will only waste traffic, Camille couldn't help but say, "The signal is bad, why don't we end it first?"

Ayan said without changing his face, "Yes, but will he cry? Auntie and mom are not available yet, I'm worried I can't handle him."

His words made Camille hesitate, and then she said, "So just stick with it for a while? Or maybe it would be slightly better to switch to voice, which should be okay to listen to the voice, right?"

“I don't know, but the signal is not good, what if the voice is not connected later?"

Ayan asked in a light voice, as if he had also seriously thought about this issue, and there seemed to be a trace of distress between the words.

Camille pursed her lips, also felt as if this is the case, that look Timmy cried even worse, so she also stopped talking.

The phone's camera was originally pointed at Timmy, but after a while, I don't know how, only half of Timmy's face and Ayan's neck to chin position remained in the video.

Camille frowned slightly as she spoke softly, “Timmy, what are you doing?"

Naturally, Timmy could not respond.

But Timmy's dad responded, "He's looking at you."

Camille pursed her lips slightly and fell silent once again.

She didn't know what to say to Ayan?

If it wasn't for Timmy, she thought they probably wouldn't even have a video, right?

After all, there is nothing going on, so there is no need to contact at all. She sighed silently and then prepared to put the phone on the stand with the intention of reading a book for a while, but she had just put the phone down when a low man's voice slowly rang out, "How are you doing over there? Are you still used to it?"

Camille was slightly stunned for a couple of seconds, then responded, "Well, it's pretty good.”

"How's the research going?"

"The visit is not finished yet, the report I haven't written yet." It's just a simple record, the report will have to be finalized after the visit.

He then asked, "Do you personally think it's a good fit over there?" Camille wrinkled her brow, "In what capacity are you asking me? Is it as Master Simpson or as Ayan?"

"Could it be that the answer is different for different identities?"

"Of course!”

"Then I choose the latter.”

He was curious to know how she would answer given Ayan's status. Camille pursed her lips slightly and said in a light voice: “Sorry, I have no way to tell you the truth, after all, this is the project's inside information.”

Ayan laughed.

Being angry and laughing.

He muttered, "You just bully me, don't you?"

Bullying him?

She hasn't done anything yet.

Camille didn't know how to answer his question, so she just shut up and didn't say anything.

Just then Timmy also began to be reluctant, Timmy can sit quietly for so long only because of the novelty of the cell phone video, now he felt tired of it, there is nothing to be curious about the point, so it began to be reluctant.

Ayan gently coaxed, one hand holding the phone, one hand holding the baby, but there was no sense of incongruity.

Who would have thought that the hand that holds the pen and signs the contract at Simpson Group is at home with the baby right now?

While Camille was lost in thought, Auntie's voice sounded over there, and upon hearing Auntie's voice Camille immediately said, "You can let Auntie take Timmy, he's more used to Auntie and Mommy's company at night."

Timmy is still young, but children have dependencies too.

Because the aunt came, the video call naturally did not continue, and waved goodbye to Timmy after Camille cut off directly.

Probably because of the video with Timmy, Camille slept extraordinarily well this night, and slept until dawn the next day.

A new day begins and it's time to repeat the work of the previous day. Today, in addition to Camille and Cora, Jeremiah also followed a group to other villages, while Dan and Kian they have to go with Oliver to participate in the local water monitoring, so they need to go to the town. The three followed the village chief to go through the river gorge towards the opposite mountain, today to go to the village in the opposite half of the slope, the distance is not far, but the amount of exercise to climb the mountain is not small.

A few people chatted and the time passed quickly.

Just less than two or three hundred meters from the village head they were going to visit today, they suddenly heard the sound of fluttering water coming from the fish pond not far away.

Because the fish pond is surrounded by fruits and vegetables and dense weeds, it is not possible to see anything at a glance.

The township chief laughed, "I guess the fish in the pond want to fly to the dinner table."

Jeremiah and Cora were laughing along, and Cora was curious enough to ask, “Is it all your own family's fish pond?"

"Not their own, it is the village, each village on our side has fish ponds, waiting for the rice planting and water change is the time to play fish, each family by the head to share the fish." The village chief explained enthusiastically.

Speaking also ignored the sound coming from the fish pond, the township chief pointed ahead: "Almost there, there are a lot of wild fruits over here, later I will pick some for you to take back."

The village chief walked in the forefront, Cora and Jeremiah followed immediately, but Camille froze in place and did not move, she hesitated before saying, "Wait, I want to go check.”

After saying that, she immediately ran towards the fish pond as fast as she could.

When Camille arrived at the fish pond, she saw the "fish" flopping around the edge with only a black head left.

She simply did not have time to think, throwing away the sweaty jacket because of climbing and even shoes can not take off immediately jumped into the water.

Camille's actions also made the township chief and Cora and Jeremiah followed, and only then did they see that it was not a fish at all, but a young boy of six or seven years old.

Camille rescued the boy from the water, and then gave him a simple administration, the boy spit out the water he drank in, which became conscious and cried out.

Jeremiah hurriedly took off his clothes and wrapped them around the little boy, Camille then got up from her feet, she was soaking wet and dripping water.

Cora looked to Camille and said, “Is Miss Armstrong okay?"

Camille pursed her lips hard and shook her head.

Then I heard Cora say, "Your clothes are soaking wet, you'll catch a cold if you keep going like this, but it seems a bit far to go back and change now, so do you want to keep dressing like this?"

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