My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 467 Risk

Chapter 467 Risk

Camille faintly froze, her eyes faintly looked at her: "All can be, I do not care."

It's just a term of endearment, call it what you want.

Cora flashed a smile, "Camille, thank you!"

“You're welcome!" She responded with a warm expression, feeling quite uncomfortable with Cora’s politeness.

But fortunately there was nothing more to say, both of them went back to their own rooms, and this episode will naturally not be on the mind. The night passed, the next morning we got up around six o'clock, after a simple breakfast, we followed Oliver and the township chief set out for the first village.

This time it was mainly a visit to understand the basic local situation, and each of them had their own division of work.

Camille, in particular, was the busiest as an architect, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each focus and village, and ultimately giving the most objective advice on the project in the context of these circumstances.

Fola is an independent township, this township has ten villages, the farthest distance is almost twenty kilometers, the local situation is very severe, the mountain road is very difficult to walk, but the scenery is beautiful, and with the name of Fola, this side of the water quality is not seen in the city, the air is also very good.

A group of people spent four days to have a preliminary understanding of Camille think do resort has a lot of room for development, especially this side of the weather temperature difference with the city's temperature is larger, completely is the winter warm summer cool can bring a good sense of experience to the people on vacation.

It can keep the busy people in the city away from the noise and pressure brought by work, and it can also increase the income of local villagers, so that the young people who work in the city are willing to return to the village to reduce the number of children left behind and to take care of the elderly at home, which completely hits the main purpose of Mr. and Mrs. Bell's investment in this project.

Camille made a report of her idea and sent it to everyone, including Ayan, who was far away in Hance City.

She said, "These are my initial thoughts, and perhaps new comments and questions will be added in the second round of research.”

Several people gathered in Kian's room because they wanted to discuss the matter. The room was not big, and the seven people were a bit crowded, so they sat in a circle.

After Camille's words, Cora raised her hand.

Kian said, "Does Manager Hayes have anything to say?"

"Well, I'd like to talk about what I've learned and thought in the last few days.”

"Okay, Manager Hayes let's get started!"

Kian held the phone up closer to Cora so that the few people on Ayan's side could hear better.

Cora said: "Miss Armstrong's idea I think is very good, because this time it is a charity-oriented project, so it can bring no small help and change to the local area, but in addition to charity we have to consider the cost of the project, especially at the moment we see the advantages and disadvantages can not be equalized, which means that investing in this project will lose money, but also will cause the future can not be long-term, so I think need to think about it!"

After Cora's words, a brief silence fell over both the floor and the Simpson Group conference room on the voice side.

Everyone looked at each other without the intention of speaking, Cora hurriedly spoke out and said, "Miss Armstrong, my thoughts just now are not meant to be directed at you, I just stand in my seat to give considerable ideas and suggestions.”

"Understood!" Camille responded in a warm voice as she said, "Manager Hayes" point is realistic and correct, because before charity we are first and foremost a project, a long term project, naturally we have to consider all aspects, but I think the beginning of a project is full of risks in anticipation of the future, if we can meet the future at the beginning then there can't be the existence of the words risk and crisis.”

Camille and Cora's eyes met the same, without any arguments or smoke, just basic suggestions for the project and the ideas each insisted on.

The phone also rings Ayan's voice, since coming here, Camille has not had much contact with Ayan, but he took the initiative to send a message twice, but she ignored it as if she did not see it.

At this moment, Ayan asked, "Mr. Bell, do you and Mrs. Bell have anything to say?"

“I need to think it over!" Mr. and Mrs. Bell responded.

Ayan asked again, "What about Master Norman?"

"I rather agree with Manager Hayes, as the financial head of the project, I think her opinion is fair and objective, although a project can not just look at the beginning, but has to look at the beginning, Master Simpson what do you think?"

Ayan didn't respond because he was the overall leader of the project and anything he said would have a great impact on the project and would sway the judgment and decisions of others, so she inquired lightly, "What about Master Tucker? Does Master Tucker have anything to say?"

Dan raised his eyebrows and thought seriously before speaking: "I think Miss Armstrong's idea and Manager Hayes" opinion are both good, although we are businessmen and have to balance interests, but I think the theme of this time is charity, naturally charity should be the first, so I agree more with Miss Armstrong s meaning."

Dan finished his words, his eyes then looked at Camille, his eyes without much emotion.

Camille also met his gaze quite frankly, but Cora suddenly spoke up and asked, "Master Tucker, do you support Miss Armstrong's idea directly without thinking about it?"

Dan asked rhetorically, "What's wrong with that?"

Cora flinched slightly, "No problem.”

Dan looked at her lightly, followed by: "I agree with Miss Armstrong's idea for a very simple purpose, because this is only a tentative decision and not immediately decided that this place must be the location of our project start, but Manager Hayes means to directly shoot the board to deny this place, then we have gone to a lot of trouble this time Come to this side of the meaning of all, after all, the next to examine all aspects, so why so early to make a decision?"

Cora's face stiffened slightly, then immediately showed a smile and said, "Master Tucker is quite right, so I have said that I only represent my seat and perspective to express objective suggestions and opinions, after all, my words are not the final decision to decide this project.”

Dan didn't respond, just kept silent with faintly downcast eyes.

The atmosphere was once again quiet.

Half a minute later, Mrs. Bell spoke up and said, "Since everyone has already passed, why don't we examine it in depth for a few days? Also good to give us enough time to think, because at the moment I can not give back the answer, I agree with Miss Armstrong's analysis, and Manager Hayes' objective advice is not wrong, so let's discuss it again?"

"Yes, I agree with Mrs. Bell, since everyone has already passed, so in order not to waste the trip and not to lose the local villagers, how about giving you a few days for an in-depth inspection, and then we vote on it?"

Ayan spoke slowly.

Camille said in a light voice, “I have no comment.”

“I think it's okay.” Cora chimed in.

The people all said they could, and eventually it was settled for now. After finishing the voice conference, everyone came out of Kian's room one after another and prepared to go back to their own rooms.

Dan was ready to talk to Camille about her ideas, to find out more about how Camille had conceived them in her mind, but before he could say anything, Camille was shouted at by Cora when she came out of Kian's room.

Cora said, "Miss Armstrong I have something to say to you."

Camille looked at her with uncertainty, then said, "What's the word?" Cora said matter-of-factly, "I was just talking about something and didn't have anything against you personally, you're not angry, are you?" Camille subconsciously frowned at her with a puzzled look, "What makes you think I'm angry? Isn't this the normal pattern of work?" Cora hastily said, "I'm just afraid that you are too much, I'm not disagreeing with your idea, I think what you say is also quite correct, but I this bit need to do the assessment for the risk and money of investment, so ..."

Camille interrupted Cora expression somewhat indifferent said: "Manager Hayes, is there a possibility? It's actually you who is overly concerned?"

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