My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 465 Targeting

Chapter 465 Targeting

Camille could not help but stare at Cora's side face for a few seconds before saying, "Manager Hayes if you feel really fine, but this time the project is not quite the same as the previous completed in the city, I'm afraid, after all, the conditions are more arduous, if the body is not good now is not too late, or arrive at the destination and then back is quite a toss.

“I'm fine, I can do it, I'm just not used to it for a while since I haven't flown for a long time, but I'm thinking about it already, so you don't have to worry at all.”

Cora made a point of standing up with a smile to stare at Camille in order to show that she was indeed available.

Camille didn't have much of a reaction to her reaction, and the words she just said were just a good-natured reminder.

Since he has already decided, Camille naturally will not say more. After that, the two did not have much communication, although sitting together, but both are resting with their eyes closed.

But during that time Austin made a phone call, supposedly the events on the plane were reported to him by Jeremiah.

Austin's words were concerned, and even though they were separated by a cell phone, Camille still occasionally heard a word or two.

Cora's attitude would be relatively cold, answering throughout to indicate that she was aware.

Finally, not knowing what Austin said, her voice suddenly became raw: “I said I know, can you stop reminding? *

The atmosphere in the car followed the quiet.

A few seconds later Cora hung up and then put the phone away before turning on her side and closing her eyes to rest.

The short interlude was not on our minds, and after driving nearly two hundred kilometers we arrived at the county seat, where we met the local governor who had been waiting for them for a long time.

The governor introduced himself, “I named Jefferson, people can call me Oliver."

All four greeted each other politely and made their introductions as well. Oliver then added, "The representatives sent by the Tucker Group have already left for our Fola two hours ago, we can go over there now and meet with them later.”

After that, Oliver arranged for everyone to have lunch before getting back on the bus to continue the rest of the journey.

But the road ahead is not easy, and can even be described as difficult. At the beginning, everyone could tolerate it, but at the end, except for Kian and Oliver, even the driver could not help but stop and throw up, because the road was too bumpy, and the curves were extremely many, it was just over the mountain.

After the hours-long journey to Fola, Oliver immediately handed out water to everyone and explained, "The road from the county to Fola will be built early next year, so it will be much easier and faster when the road is open.”

Oliver didn't want to miss this charity development because of the bumpy roads.

Everyone also nodded their heads to show their understanding. Because this time seven people came, so the accommodation side and the local villagers after discussing the unanimous decision to settle them in the school, the villagers have set up, is a little simple, but very clean.

The school is a two-story building with a total of five rooms on the first and second floors.

Camille and Cora are girls living on the second floor, Kian and Jeremiah also live on the second floor, in addition to the Tucker Group representatives also have a person living on the second floor, the remaining two people live on the first floor, and then there is a temporary kitchen and take turns living in this side of the villagers to ensure their safety, the house is just enough.

After everyone dropped off their luggage Oliver took the four to the captain's house a few hundred meters away for dinner, and upon arrival at the captain's house also had a turn with the three people arranged by the Tucker Group.

Kian obviously knew the identity of the other party from the beginning, so he acted as the introducer: "Hello Master Tucker, I am Kian, the secretary of the president of Simpson Group, this is Mrs. Norman who is also the financial director of our project, this is Master Norman's secretary Jeremiah.

Kian looked behind him and made the introductions, but never waited for his wife and cocked his head before noticing Camille squatting on the floor teasing the puppy.

He frowned and immediately spoke, "..... ... Miss Armstrong."

Camille looked up at the sound of voices. When she saw who was standing behind Kian, she blinked subconsciously, then got up and walked over to him.

Kian immediately introduced, "Master Tucker, this is Master Simpson's wife who is also the architect for this project.”

Then he hurriedly whispered to Camille to introduce, "Ma'am, this is the representative arranged by Tucker Group, Dan Tucker from Tucker Group.”

Camille's face was complicated, and without waiting for any reaction from her, Dan had already reached over, "Hello Miss Armstrong.” Camille smiled lightly, "Hello Master Tucker."

“I've heard a lot about Miss Armstrong, this time I hope Miss Armstrong will take care of more, towards our happy cooperation.”

Dan smiled lightly, and his sword eyebrows were subconsciously raised.

Camille just smiled lightly, "You're welcome, Master Tucker."

The pleasantries of the two people let the others present in the clouds some do not understand listen to the unknown, said it is to know it seems not to know, but do not know it seems to be known.

But without waiting for the crowd to figure it out, Oliver and the captain had already invited everyone to dinner.

Today's meal is local home-cooked food, five dishes and one soup, in such a place is comparable to a holiday dinner.

There is the necessary bacon and sausage and pickled fish for every family, the captain's wife also killed an old hen with mushrooms collected from the pine forest for stew, and vegetables grown by themselves without any medicine.

Each dish is cooked and seasoned with the simplest of ingredients, but the aromas and noses make your mouth water.

Everyone took their seats around the small round table and Camille took the initiative to thank the captain: “Thanks for the hospitality, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Don't be polite, eat more as if it were your own home."

Everyone nodded their heads.

But before she started eating, Camille said, "We're not in a hurry, let's wait for everyone to eat together.”

Because only saw the captain did not see the captain's wife and others. The captain hurriedly said, "No need to wait, they are already eating, you quickly move chopsticks, the road is hard, eat more. "

The people then moved chopsticks, is indeed hungry, although this point and usually eat at home at about the same time, but today on the road for so long and tired and hungry.

The captain showed the most simple smile, that is happy from the heart.

After eating, everyone helped to clean up, then Oliver proposed to take a break today and officially start work first thing in the morning, with Oliver and the captain leading the group to the first village to understand the situation.

Because each village in the mountainous area is far apart, the workload is still relatively large because the whole process is on foot.

After the general arrangements were made, everyone returned to school.

On the road, Camille walked with Dan at the end of the group.

But neither of them made a sound at first, and it was only after a long time that Dan asked, "Is there nothing you want to ask me?"

Camille raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Want to say you will say it yourself, after all, so many years have not said, I am not in a hurry this moment.”

Dan laughed: "This is not happy? Blaming me for not coming clean with you sooner?"

"I didn't say that, after all, you're Master Tucker now and I'm afraid of being targeted.”

"Ha..." Dan laughed: "You did not tell me that you are married ah, the husband is still Hance City, Simpson Group's Master Simpson, compared to your identity than I am more people are afraid of being targeted ah!"

"So you were just waiting specifically to flirt with me?"

Camille shook her head, sighed, and didn't make a point of stating anything about her and Ayan's marital status.

Dan said, "I meant what I said.”

Camille hummed lightly and casually asked, "When did you return to the country?"

"Six months ago." He said.

Camille nodded.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, then Dan took the initiative to ask: "Leave a Facebook account, the previous number is not needed.”

Camille took out her phone to add friends with Dan.

At that moment, he suddenly rang a bell, then looked at Dan and asked, "Did you know I was coming?"

"Well, I should have known."

Dan nodded his head without holding anything back.

Camille wondered, "How do you know?"

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