My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 462: Regard Her As An Outsider

Chapter 462: Regard Her as an Outsider

“The Burton family doesn't know about Arnold yet, and he's probably worried that the Burton family will react too much to cover this up when they find out, so he specifically asked me to meet.”

Ayan lit a cigarette, he didn't smoke it, he just held it in his fingertips, his faint gaze looked at Tomas and asked, "What do you plan to do?" “If you can, you send Eileen away, I do not know if she is useful to you? But once this matter is known by the Burton family side, no matter what Arnold is also a Burton family person, which means ruining Arnold's life, the Burton family can't swallow this anger."

"No need to send away, Burton family side you first conceal, as for Arnold side you understand to see what he wants? This situation treatment does not seem to play a big role, but if once he is released from the inside, with his nature I'm not quite at ease, so you think about it"

Although Ayan said that Tomas should think about it, in fact, he had already made up his mind when he had the idea and said the words. The reason why Tomas was asked to consider it was simply because they were brothers, giving the most basic respect between friends. Tomas naturally also knows Ayan's nature, so immediately responded: "Then do as you wish, but I need to call the prison side.”

"Yes, you watch!"


When they returned to the private room after talking about this matter, Rex had already drunk a lot and started to pester him when he saw Ayan coming in: "Can you say something nice to your wife or not?" Ayan narrowed his eyes indifferently and asked, "It's useless to say all the good things about you like this."


"Well, it's getting late, let's break up for the day!"

The three of them looked at each other, and Derek said, "It hasn't been here for an hour, has it? It's all over now? "

"Well, there's something to take care of, so you guys keep drinking, I'll go first.”

The three men retained Ayan naturally waved their hands and refused. From the clubhouse, the driver had also arrived.

He sat in the back seat and that's when he sent a message to Sienna. He makes his intentions clear, but only in the hope that Sienna can keep it a secret from Camille, or at least not let Camille know it was his intention.

Sienna was also quick to reply and she said, "Okay, I got it."

Ayan put away his phone, closed his eyes and leaned back.

The driver asked, "Mr. Simpson, are you going back to the office?" "Hmm."

He has always lived in the lounge, the reason why he lives in the lounge just because it is not as empty as the villa or apartment, but I am afraid that only he himself knows whether he thinks so in his heart. At Maple Leaves Mansion, Sienna received Ayan's text message while sitting with Camille on the living room landing drinking in the evening breeze, she answered the message without moving before putting the phone down.

She trailed her chin and stared blandly at Camille and asked, "Have a mind?"

"No." Camille met her gaze in response.

As they stared at each other, Sienna said, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow? You're going on a business trip anyway, why don't we go together for a couple of days?"

"Can't play, wait until I get back from my business trip!"

"What are you going to do?"

She asked casually.

Camille didn't think much of it and said truthfully, “I want to take my grandmother's ashes back to Flento City and put them to rest."

"So urgent?"

“Not really urgent, I've been thinking about it after I gave birth to Timmy, before I thought I would give Grandma an explanation after I got things straightened out before finishing the follow-up, but after I gave birth to Timmy I felt that whether I settled Grandma or not was something I had to do, so why should I condemn Grandma to wait so long?"

Camille sighed silently, so she wanted to take advantage of this time to have enough time to arrange the matter, as for the truth she never forgot.

Sienna nodded her head as she said, "I'll go to Flento City with you!" "No, you don't have to make a special trip."

Sienna frowned and was very upset: "Why don't you want me to accompany you? You don't want me to follow you on your business trip, and now you don't want to ask me about Grandma's arrangements, Camille, aren't you being a stranger to me?"

"Of course not! I'm going on a business trip you'll have to stay in Hance City to see Timmy more often for me, and as for Grandma ..."

"Okay, I'm not going on a business trip with you, I'm going back to Flento City with you anyway."

Camille couldn't resist her, so she finally had to agree.

Sienna smiled, raised her glass and clinked it with her.

The next morning, the two drove to the funeral home and then took Grandma on a flight to Flento City with them.

Our friends on the Flento City side were waiting early and then went directly to the cemetery.

It was already afternoon after finishing this series.

Camille treated everyone to a meal and gave a gift to the friends who helped, as is the custom in Flento City, to show that things were going well.

After dinner it was already late in the evening, several people parted in front of the restaurant, and then only Camille and Sienna were left. Sienna said, "Let's go shopping on Flento City Street, shall we? It's been years since we've done that, hasn't it?"

"I haven't been out on the streets much since high school.” Camille replied in a soft voice, her mind wandering to images of eating and living with Sienna, those fond memories making the corners of her mouth turn up while her thoughts were of her grandmother.

The two took a taxi to Maga Street Flento City and had just gotten out of the car when Sienna's phone rang.

It's Mario calling.

Sienna subconsciously tried to hang up, but Camille stopped her: "Answer it, you must know you're back in Flento City."

Sienna's face was expressionless as she picked up, "Hello?"


"Well, accompany Cami back to take care of things."

"Now that you're back, go back to the King family, mom missed you." Mario's words were not negotiating they were informing her that she had to do this.

Sienna frowned with a look of displeasure, but eventually just mumbled lowly, “I know."

Hanging up the phone, she said with a slightly ugly face, "I'm going back to the King family, I'll come see you later."

Camille gently took her hand: "There is no hurry, go back to have a good talk about what, I will go back to the hotel after a while shopping, telephone contact.”


After seeing Sienna leave by car, Camille then walked towards the Maga Street gate, and since she had arrived at the gate, it was time to wander alone.

This is the first time she has visited Maga Street alone in all the years she has been in Flento City. Maga Street in Flento City is very famous and attracts many tourists especially in spring and autumn.

Camille strolled down the street alone, she went to get her old favorite snack, the taste had not changed, but things had changed dramatically. Her emotions were unspeakably complicated as she recalled the past. She walked down the street to the end of the street, probably a little bored by herself, so she was going to take a taxi back to the hotel. Just then, a small child suddenly ran up to her and handed her a piece of paper: "Sister, here."

Camille was a little surprised: "This is for me?"

"Hmm." The little girl nodded, then waited for Camille to take it, and she hopped out afterwards.

She followed the little girl's figure, and watched until it disappeared from sight in the crowd before she looked downcast and opened the paper in her hand.

When she saw the sketchy cat drawn on the paper, her whole body froze.

Her eyes scouted around, but the crowd coming and going, it didn't have the person she was looking for.

She froze there for a long time, with only a face full of shock and surprise, because the sketch cat on the paper was from Preston's hands.

The reason why she was so sure was because the cat on the painting had Preston's distinctive mark, he habitually added a to the forehead of the cat from the first time he painted it to the word king that only tigers have.

At that time, she laughed at him for drawing the cat as a tiger.

Preston said, "Don't tell anyone about this secret.”

Maybe there were many people who would do the same as Preston, but handing it directly to her would be too much of a coincidence, and she didn't believe in coincidences like that in the world.

But she searched around and didn't see any familiar figures or faces, so was he trying to let her know that he was alive with this memory that only they knew each other?

More and more questions emerged in Camille's mind, and it poured out like a steady stream of matryoshka doll.

If Preston was alive, then why did he tell her in such a way?

Wasn't he afraid of what she would say to Ayan?

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