My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 456: Venting Her Anger

Chapter 456: Venting Her Anger

Originally she just came over to do a show, although it was clear that the outcome will not change, but her hidden emotions could no longer be controlled in these two days.

The chains of sanity broke free of the shackles completely, leaving her vision with a mess, and the recent events played over and over in her mind, all the accumulated emotions and anger exploded in this moment.

She took a deep breath and glanced at Ayan who had left her desk, her hands clenched, then she raised her hand and swung everything on the desk to the ground!

Those piles of documents fell with a bang, snapping to the ground, and the iron pencil boxes as well as the water glasses crashed to the ground with a loud noise.

She lost control of her emotions and smashed whatever she saw until the table was empty and there was nothing left to smash.

Ayan naturally was also suddenly stirred by the sudden movement, he gazed at the ground a mess, face indifferent asked: “finished out of breath?"

That's all he had to say.

There is no emotion.

As if he could not hold too many ripples.

This feeling is like a heavy hammer hitting hard on cotton, no pain, no itch.

He's always like that, doesn't care about anything.

Camille asked herself more than once what was important in his mind. Does it treat Cora the same way?


She smiled indifferently and said indifferently, “Ayan, you're ruthless enough, and it's best that you stay that way forever."

Always be this ruthless and don't change a thing.

Otherwise she despises him.

Camille took her bag and stepped over which papers were scattered on the floor and left the office.

Kian outside naturally heard the commotion inside, when the office door opened, he saw a mess.

Kian subconsciously bowed his head to Camille, and without waiting for him to make a sound Camille had already walked around him and left. Kian entered the office in a hurry: "Master Simpson ..."

"Clean up."


Kian immediately ordered someone to come in and tidy up, within ten minutes, the office was restored to its original appearance, and the desk was a neat and clean.

Ayan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a cold chill emanating from his body.

It wasn't until Kian reminded him that it was time for the meeting that he responded.

From the Simpson Group, Camille sat in the car and lit a cigarette, a pack of cigarettes that she had bought and thrown in her bag since Timmy was a month old, but she had never opened them, but now she couldn't help it, she needed a little something to numb herself.

She inhaled hard, choking tears in the eyes, but she was stubborn and did not allow the water to fall down.

She tilted her head and didn't continue smoking, just remembering the scene she just had in the office.

Even if she did that Ayan did not have any overreaction, the more she thought about it, the more ridiculous she felt, what kind of a person he was.

Why won't he even react a little?

Camille went to the Simpson Group the Simpson's mansion side does not know, Ayan did not come back in the evening, except for those bodyguards at the door, everything else is back to normal.

Camille is the next day at noon with the old Simpson and FletcherTalia initiative to speak: "Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I want to ask you to help me take care of Timmy, with you, I know that Timmy will not suffer any aggression, will be happy to grow up.”

Her words made the old Simpson look shocked: "Cami, what do you mean by that? Why are you suddenly saying this? We are a family, taking care of Timmy is natural for sure, you ....."

"Grandpa, I've thought about it, I want to move out alone.”

After Camille's words were spoken, the atmosphere at the dinner table also fell silent.

Everyone did not say anything, just a sullen thoughtful silence.

Until Fletcher asked in a voice: "Cami, is it because Ayan makes you uncomfortable? If so, then I will talk to Ayan and have him come back to the Simpson's mansion as little as possible in the future, and if I have to stagger Timmy with you so you won't see him, much less have any conflicts, okay?"

Camille shook her head and hastened to explain: "Dad I didn't mean it, I've thought about it a lot in the past two days, in fact, I insist on taking Timmy to move out to live is indeed inappropriate, compared to me and the Simpson family naturally the Simpson family can give Timmy greater protection, but I can't continue to live in After all, we have been divorced, although the news of divorce is not yet public, but sooner or later will be public, this is not going to change!"

"And I know you guys love me, but the way he and I are today, it's only natural to keep our distance, so just move out while it's a good decision for everyone."

Camille has made up her mind and no matter what is said it will not change her mind.

Originally, I wanted to move out with Timmy, but now she's the only one moving out.

Talia tried to stay, but Camille beat her to it, "Mom, I'll have to ask you to take care of Timmy, but I promise I'll be back every other day, so if I travel I'll have to work harder on you and Auntie.”

"Cami, can't we just not move?"

Talia asked with some difficulty.

Camille just shook her head gently, a faint curve appeared at the corner of her mouth, she said, "Mom, I just moved out, the Simpson family is still my home, I will still come back anytime.”

Talia hung her head clearly lost.

the old Simpson has not spoken until this moment, said: "Since you have decided, then follow your ideas, but you have to promise me to come back more often when you have time, there is not only Timmy here, but also me, the old man!"

Camille smiled slightly at the old Simpson's words and nodded her head, "You bet, for sure!"

The atmosphere was then lightened.

Camille will naturally come back often, after all, there is a tie waiting for her here that she has never been able to part with in her life.

Camille made the decision to move out and didn't procrastinate. She packed her things and moved out the next day.

In fact, she didn't have much stuff, mostly just clothes, and some toiletries and skin care products.

She took away the most basic toothbrush as well as towels, because she felt that since she was leaving, she should leave cleanly and without delay.

What's more, don't leave yourself any loose ends.

She did not want to be soft, even for Timmy. Moving out of this step was a decision she made only after thinking very clearly, and since that was the case, she had to do her best.

But the reluctance to let go of Timmy was something she couldn't have predicted. Watching him lying soft and tiny in his crib, her heart was as hard as a knife.

She took a deep breath, tears playing in her eyes, probably motherhood, the heart is particularly easy to soft, especially in the face of children.

Talia also had a hard time seeing this, and she asked, "Why so soon? Didn't you just decide? Can't we just move in a few days?"

"Sooner or later, we'll have to move, sooner or later is no different.” She said with a light smile.

Talia also sighed, then asked, "Want a hug Timmy?"

"No." Camille shook her head, the more she hugged, the less she gave up.

Talia added, "Is the house all settled?"

"Well, it's all good, just move right in."

Camille nodded, then got into the car under the eyes of Talia and the old Simpson, she waved and drove with the usual in the usual way to make the Simpson's mansion.

At the same time, Ayan's side was also informed.

Kian told Ayan the truthful report of the bodyguard's words: "Master Simpson, the lady moved out of the Simpson's mansion."

Ayan briefly froze for half a second before asking faintly, "What do you mean?"

"The lady packed her bags and moved out from the Simpson's mansion.”

Kian whispered to make it a little more clear.

Ayan's face then became cold and indifferent, he did not speak, just sitting there with a sullen face and not moving.

In the next second, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the coffee cup in front of him and heaved it out.

He said indifferently, "Get out!"

Kian dared not stay longer and immediately retreated.

Ayan sat there with his eyes slightly narrowed, the bottom of his deep eyes is a chill.

The phone also rang at this time, it was the Simpson's mansion calling. He didn't mean to pick it up, just indifferently swept a glance and didn't do anything.

The phone just kept ringing and eventually, probably out of annoyance, he pressed answer: "Hello?"

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