My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 452: Moving Away

Chapter 452: Moving Away

She can aggravate herself, but aggravation can not let anyone aggravate Timmy, she subconsciously clenched her hands like a warning to remind themselves must be resolute Road last.

Before she could respond to Ayan's words, the hand that had fallen to her sides and clenched into a fist was suddenly wrapped in a large, warm palm.

Ayan said softly: "Do not want to care about me? Or are you just tired? Want to find some to rest?"

Camille stiffened, and then immediately raised her hand to shake off Ayan's hand.

She faced him with a cold stare, "Ayan, did you come up with the name Timmy when you and Cora were still together?"

"You said it was Grandma's wish but it was just a reason to excuse not wanting me to target or get into an argument with you on the matter so you lied to me, right?"

Her question after question makes Ayan's face slightly stiff, deep eyes reveal a few warm light, but under the eyes crossed the gaze is so clearly visible.

After her words were asked, he didn't immediately deny it.

So what does that mean?

If he doesn't say anything, doesn't that mean he's acquiescing? Otherwise, why didn't he say anything?

Camille smiled coldly, and a very obvious coldness and indifference emerged from under her eyes.

Every word revealed an extremely deep chill and mockery: "Ayan, don't you feel disgusting doing this?"

Ayan sunken his face as he whispered, "It's not what you think, my explanation to you is not a lie, Timmy's name does ...."

"Enough, I don't want to hear you say anything anymore, your words have zero credibility with me, you are not worthy of my trust anymore, I gave you a chance, if you had told the truth then, I probably would have only felt a chill but not hated you, after all, we can't change what happened before, but you shouldn't have continued your before on my child. *

Camille directly intended to Ayan's words.

The coldness in her eyes is enough to show how angry she is with Ayan at the moment.

She looked at him indifferently and didn't want him to say anything else, so she said in front of him, "I will take Timmy and move out as soon as possible, since we are already divorced, we should keep our distance, if you still can't let go of Cora in your heart, then go after what you want, after all, you have already violated morality once, and you are not afraid to violate it a second time. The second time you break it, you're not afraid to grab it from Austin's side.”

Her voice is light with mockery and ridicule, the meaning of ridicule between words is as clear as with thorns in the heart.

Ayan stared at her with a tight frown, but his focus was not on her telling him not to worry about morality to go to Austin and snatch Cora, but on repeating the first thing she said over and over again.

She had to take Timmy out of the house as fast as she could.

He said with a scowl, "You want to take Timmy and move out? Where are you moving to?"

“This is my business, I think I do not have the obligation and need to tell you, right? Of course, you can rest assured that you are Timmy's father, I will not deny you the right to see him, the Simpson family I will also keep in touch with grandpa and mom and dad, these do not need you to worry about.”

"Camille, I don't approve of you taking Timmy and moving out.” How could he possibly allow it when his focus was always on the matter? This is simply not going to happen.

It will never be possible.

He said with a sullen face, without the slightest hint of negotiation or relief, "I think you need to be clear about one fact, Timmy is a member of the Simpson family, a child of the Simpson family, and even if you are his mother, you cannot easily take him out of the Simpson family to live alone. He has to stay in the Simpson family."

Timmy has to be in the Simpson family, which is Ayan's final bottom line.

If he did let Camille take Timmy away from the Simpson family, then he knew what that meant.

So he won't allow that to happen.

Camille didn't expect such a reaction from him either.


Isn't that what he wanted?

Timmy moved out with her from the Simpson family, won't he have an easier time of it?

There was no obstacle that will be a stumbling block for him.

Isn't this great?

Camille pursed her lips, a face full of indifference, she said: "I'm not discussing with you, I'm just telling you that I will do so, as for the child I did not say that he is not the Simpson family, let alone move out of the house to disown you as a father, so your concerns are completely unnecessary. "

"No matter what you say, I won't say yes."

Ayan was very insistent.

Camille did not want to continue to talk to him, just said: "I promised Grandpa that I would not take the child half a step away from Hance City until he was three years old, no matter what happens between us, he will always be one of THE Simpson family, and that is something that no one can possibly change.”

Camille always refused to shout the word Timmy, not only she was avoiding it, but Ayan also sensed it in her avoidance.

But more important than that at the moment is to disabuse her of the idea of taking Timmy away from the Simpson family.

Ayan wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "This is just a verbal assurance you made with grandpa, it's not useful for you to take Timmy at all, and besides, the agreement between you and grandpa has nothing to do with me."

His deep eyes were filled with a grave look at her, and every word was filled with an extremely heavy tone: "Camille, Timmy cannot leave the Simpson's mansion without my permission, and no one can change that, not even grandpa has the right to interfere."

His words caused a very noticeable choking in Camille's chest, as if it was like a fire burning.

Camille bellowed, "Ayan, who are you to do this to me? What more do you want? Aren't you satisfied now? Everything is going the way you want it to, isn't that enough?"

Their eyes locked, her face sulking and questioning, her eyes probably just shed tears, so they were now glowing with a very obvious starlight. Such a she makes Ayan's chest is also a fierce shrinkage, a face is cloudy and cold, the gloom between the eyebrows has not been reduced.

He fell into a short silence, he did not know why to be silent, the deep eyes just all a moment to stare at the woman in front of him, an inexplicable uneasiness gradually spread in the heart, but his handsome face is always cold.

His voice is low and indifferent as he asks back, "Camille, what do you know? Do you really know what I want? You don't know, you don't know anything!"

The two argued also let the old Simpson with Fletcher, Talia knew. From whom does the conflict between the two originate?

Talia couldn't be more clear.

Of course, the old Simpson and Fletcher also already know, because today they also met Cora, although they pretend not to know each other, or just the first time to meet, but something has happened it is impossible to erase.

Talia took the initiative to confess to Camille: "Cami, I'm sorry I kept this from you, but they have not been seeing each other all these years apart, I can assure you of this 100%."

Camille did not say anything, just a faint sweep of Ayan, in fact, from his expression can be judged to be true.

But what does all this have to do with her?

Camille said lightly: "Mom, I do not want to blame you, this matter has nothing to do with you, it is between us, I want to take the children to move out is actually a long time ago, this day will come sooner or later, a day earlier or later there is no difference, even if I moved out, you can still come to see the children at any time."

She can take her time to get used to being alone with the baby properly, and besides, she has an aunt to help her, so she thinks she is OK.

But Ayan said, "Didn't you already promise Mr. and Mrs. Bell that you would participate in this project? Are you sure you can do both when you get busy with work or travel and who takes care of Timmy?"

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