My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 442: Hate You

Chapter 442: Hate you

The two of them remained in a stalemate for almost half a minute before he let her go, but then he took her hand in a smooth motion. Camille subconsciously wanted to shake it off, and her heart was incredibly annoyed, but this point, he tossed on probably to wake everyone up, so she endured.

Ayan took Ayan upstairs to the nursery, Timmy just ate a full meal has not slept, but he probably also know that he drank so did not get too close, just pick up a side of the baby toys shook, Timmy not only did not have any fear, but also smiled.

Camille stood by without saying a word, watching him tease Timmy with a doting fatherly look, and had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

A moment later, she spoke faintly and reminded, "It's time for him to go to bed.”

The short answer is that it's time for him to get out, too.

Ayan: "Hmm."

He gave a low muffled mumble before leading Camille out the door. Waiting out of the nursery, Camille then forcefully broke away from his hand: "It's late, I want to rest, if you are not sleepy go to your room to stay!"

“You're quick to change your face, weren't you just being gentle with me? Worried that Timmy saw his mom abusing his dad?"

He gave a low laugh, his voice was low and hoarse, and his words even revealed a few jokes.

Camille swept him up with a slightly wrinkled brow, her words cold: "So what about you? You deliberately get drunk night after night just to see Timmy?"

"I get drunk night after night and you don't know what it's for?"

“I'm not a worm in your heart, of course I don't know."

“I'm so obvious, and you can't see it?"

He leaned forward toward her to close the distance between them, his warm breath spilling over her cheeks, and whispered, "What am I for, you really don't know?"

Camille averted her eyes from him, but his proximity made her so uncomfortable that she pursed her lips for a brief moment to maintain her composure, then subconsciously turned around, "I'm going to rest." When she finished, she had already taken a step towards the bedroom. But just as she was about to push open the bedroom door to enter, Ayan suddenly stepped forward and followed her in, and then the door was closed and he held her in his arms and refused to let go.

Such a move was so sudden, so sudden that Camille didn't have any chance to react, and she struggled to refuse: "Ayan, let go!"

But he was indifferent without the slightest intention to let go, instead he intensified and took her directly back to the bed where they had once slept together, and he wanted to continue more as if out of control.

Ayan showed the reflection of the middle reveals that he misses Camille, so something a little touch will never be the same.

When the cold fingertips crossed the skin leaving layers of shivers, Camille gave up all arguments and resistance, the whole person lay motionless, words lightly asked, "If you want me to hate you, then go ahead!"

He stiffened and stopped all further.

Dark eyes in the dim light saw Camille's eyes flooded with a strong coldness.

His deep eyes narrowed sharply, and his voice was low and revealed a bit of aggression: “Really don't have any slightest concern for me?" She was silent, but that meant everything.

Ayan seemed to have some frustration sliding across his cheeks, his deep eyes not looking at her for a moment, naturally did not continue, but turned over on his side and took her into his arms and whispered: "Let me hold?"

His voice was muffled to the point where, I don't know if it was an illusion, Camille heard a few moments of supplication in his tone.

But such a thought she immediately put to rest.

She thought she must have misheard.

How can Ayan pray to others?

I don't know how long it took, Camille breathed steadily and closed her eyes, he thought she was asleep, gently withdrew his hand, then leaned down and kissed the corner of her mouth, then only then got up and left the bedroom.

Ayan went back to the guest bedroom, he did not know that at the moment he left the bed Camille had opened her eyes, she lay straight on the bed and did not move, feeling the air still in the air for a long time did not fall asleep.

She stared at the ceiling in a daze, her mood filled with unspeakable complexity.

And what is he doing this for?

Why are you doing all these superfluous acts when you obviously have no more relations?

She was deep in thought, unable to find an answer of her own.

The next morning, Ayan left the Simpson's mansion very early, for last night's events we all unspokenly did not mention.

But the old Simpson was probably worried that Camille would be uncomfortable, so he spoke in front of everyone and said, "From now on, if he drinks again, he doesn't have to come back, and even if he does, he's not allowed to come in."

the old Simpson's words were directed toward Camille, he knew Camille had held back a lot this time, and understood that Camille did not want to see Ayan, so he had to do it.

Talia hastily responded, "Yes, I'll ask Kian to remind him."

Fletcher is also followed by reassuring: "Dad, you do not worry about him, he is already an adult, let him weigh his own affairs, you ah now enjoy your old age, when you have time to play with Timmy, and when Timmy grows up can also accompany you to relieve boredom!" Speaking of Timmy, the old Simpson's face then emerged with a smile. The old Simpson is two generations removed from Timmy, so it's even closer.

the old Simpson swept back to Camille, who hadn't said a word, and he asked, "Cami, Timmy is getting older every day, and you can't always keep an eye on him, do you have any work plans or arrangements?" “The company is taken care of now, and I'm idle, but I do have a work arrangement, I'm just still thinking about it."

"Good, there is no hurry, you take your time to consider, I'm just afraid that you are bored at home, after all, girls still need to have their own career and circle to be more independent.”

The old Simpson words are not at all like people of this age, more like the Simpson family such a wealthy family can say, because many rich families want women to stay at home with their husbands and children are not allowed to show their faces.

But like the old Simpson such an open-minded people really few, so Camille feel very touched, of course, not only the old Simpson, Fletcher and Talia is also to her is not to say.

Camille talked to the old Simpson about this topic at breakfast and received a call from Mrs. Bell in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the Simpson Group are about to launch a charity project that has put the Simpson Group and its partner companies, the Norman Group and Mr. and Mrs. Bell, in the spotlight. Mrs. Bell called to renew her invitation to Camille.

Mrs. Bell said: "I really hope you can join this project, although we have not worked together and do not really know each other's style of work, but Ayan praised you very much, although he is your husband, but he is also the president of Simpson Group, I think his words can not be false, so I invite you again, Cami, do you want to say yes? "

Camille was slightly stunned, she hadn't expected Ayan to be complimentary of her.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't believe in her own ability to do her job; she’s satisfied with her own work ethic and is confident that she can do it perfectly.

This is the second time we have been invited to this project, the first time it was Mr. Bell's proposal and this time it was Mrs. Bell.

But the concerns in her mind remain.

She pursed her lips for a brief moment of silence before speaking, "Thank you for your trust in me, I have probably learned about this project these days, it is a very meaningful and challenging project, can you give me half an hour? I would like to think about it."

"Sure, so give me an answer in half an hour?"


Hanging up the phone, Camille stood in front of the living room window as it was getting dark outside.

She wrinkled her brow slightly, her face a little too warm and light.

The old Simpson also approached at this point: “Cami, is something bothering you?"

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