My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 435: Slap

Chapter 435: Slap

He said, "She and I did get together, first love in high school, and then abandoned because she did not have any reason, but this is already in the past, I thought there is no need to mention it again, so that's why I have not been active to tell you, I ....."

"It's not my business anymore, it's your business, not mine, so you don't need to be explaining to me, after all, we're divorced.”

Camille directly interrupted his words, cold to no expression of the face ni him.

Since there was no intention to say it clearly from the beginning, there is no need for any further explanation now.

What you don't get when you need it, only appears when you don't need it, and that's somewhat meaningless.

Her indifference was so obvious that Ayan was subconsciously stunned.

At that moment, Camille lifted her hand and pushed him away hard, “I'm going back."

But her hand just touched his chest, and was directly clutched in his palm.

Camille subconsciously tried to struggle and push him away, two or three times, Ayan's brow wrinkled more tightly, just want her to hear him out quietly, so directly cupped her face against the body and kissed her down.

Camille stiffened.

She couldn't believe that he would do this to her when they no longer had any relationship?

Her eyes were lost in thought and she didn't move for a long time. The kiss lasted for how long she didn't know, only that when the warm lips left her lips, she directly raised her hand and gave Ayan a heavy slap. "Snap!"

The sound of a crisp, loud slap was extraordinarily pronounced in the garage, as if surrounded by a vague echo.

The two men's eyes locked on each other.

The man's handsome face was flushed with a slight red, his pupils heaved, and his whole profile stiffened.

He did not seem to anticipate that Camille would make a move, so for a while his face was gloomy to the core.

So far, no one but her has dared to make a move on him.

His coldness made Camille's heart slip through a hint of weakness, but she soon calmed herself down, it was he who kissed her first without permission, so what was wrong with her slapping?

Camille was silent for a moment and looked at his handsome face and said, "Ayan, I'm not your wife anymore, what you're doing now is no different from being a hooligan, if you don't want to make things worse between us then stop doing things like this to me, and I don't want Timmy's dad to be someone I hate! *

After saying that, she pushed the person away with force, then walked out of the garage without looking back.

She was in a bad mood and was filled with anger.

However, Ayan's face did not look any better. He gently pressed the tip of his tongue against the cheek where she had slapped him, and finally picked up his phone and called Kian.

Camille came out of the garage and stood on the roadside of the hotel waiting for her car, somewhat distracted by the scene she had just witnessed in the garage.

Ayan's action made her very confused, what did he really mean?

The only people they can relate to now are Timmy's dad and mom, so who is he to act like that?

The more Camille thought about it, the colder her face became.

At that moment, a black car pulled up in front of her and the driver's door was opened with it, and Kian got down from it.

He walked up to Camille and whispered, "Ma'am, I'll walk you back." "No, I'll take my own taxi.”

Camille refused outright, knowing without thinking that Ayan must have called him to come.

But Kian insisted: "Madam, it's hard to get a car on this road at this hour, even if you call a car, it will take a long time, you are in a hurry to go home with Timmy, why don't you let me drive you?"

Camille looked at Kian indifferently, subconsciously felt that the secretary around Ayan spoke in his style, trying to pinch people's soft spots whenever and wherever possible.

Camille took a deep breath, and then did not continue to refuse, although she knew it was Ayan's intention, but she thought carefully, Kian is also right, this time to take a taxi to wait for quite a long time, she now only want to see Timmy quickly to calm the emotions of the heart, so she directly pulled open the car door and sat up.

Camille sat in the back seat and remained quiet the entire time.

All the way back to the Simpson familythe Simpson's mansion, after the car came to a steady stop, Camille did not immediately push open the door to get down, but lightly corrected Kian: “from now on directly call my name or Miss Armstrong, I and your Mr. Simpson is divorced, we have no relationship now."

Then she pushed the door down and walked back into the house in diameter.

Kian sat in the car stunned for several seconds, although Camille so ordered, but he must not do so, after all, others do not know, but he is the most informed person.

On his way back, Kian took the initiative to call Ayan over: "Mr. Simpson, I have returned the lady safely to the Simpson's mansion." "Hmm."

Ayan responded lightly.

Kian wanted to say something but was silent, then said in a low voice: "Mr. Simpson, the lady asked me to call her by her first name or Miss Armstrong directly from now on, what do you think?"

"What do you think would be appropriate to call it?"

The man's low, hoarse voice carried a questioning displeasure.

Kian immediately understood and hurriedly responded, “Naturally, madam.”

Ayan grunted coldly, and then just hung up the phone.

He had returned to the Simpson Group's lounge, and after a shower lay in bed without any sleep, but also increasingly awake.

His eyes could not help but recall the image of her being kissed against the body in the garage, her murmured gasps echoing in his ears, her reddened ears and cheeks revealing her annoyance and shyness, especially when she raised her hand to slap him on the cheek because her eyes were starry with anger.

Such she is very vivid, very vivid, no longer like the old one, no matter when and where she is as gentle as water without too much ripples of that she.

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the change in his body because he missed her, the knot in his throat rolled, then lifted the covers from the bed and walked to the bathroom once again.

Since that night, Camille’s relationship with Ayan has grown even more strained.

However, this is only Camille's unilateral attitude towards Ayan, Ayan but every other mountain back to the Simpson's mansion, although every time said it was to see Timmy, can look to him to see Timmy is almost finished to leave, but the last few days are to stay for lunch or dinner before leaving.

So this led to Camille spending more time with him, and this made Camille feel particularly awkward.

On this day, she was really in the nursery feeding Timmy milk, the nursery nurse had gone to clean the bottles, Talia was preparing the afternoon tea later, and two friends wanted to come over to see Timmy, so there were only Camille and Timmy in the room.

Camille whispered to Timmy, “Baby, when will you grow up? Will you grow up quickly?"

Timmy blinked his eyes and didn't know if he understood?

Timmy usually sleeps on a special soft collapse when he drinks milk, Camille is bowed at first and then just lies on her side when she gets a little tired.

Because it is at home, so she only wore a knitted skirt to the knee, at the moment so lying, slender white legs exposed a large part of the whole person looks thin and not lose sexy.

Ayan just stood there and watched without moving until Camille finished feeding the milk and got up from the bed to put the bottle away, and before she could get up she saw him standing in the doorway.

She wrinkled her brow, her face subconsciously cold: "You ..... Why did you come without making a sound?"

“I just got here, too.”

If he said he had been standing here for a long time, she would probably be even more upset again, right?

The two eyes looked at each other, Ayan lifted his foot into the nursery, the room was not small, but because of his tall and upright body came in it seemed a little crowded.

Camille subconsciously kept her distance from him, his pupils snapped shut, his eyes just fell on Timmy on the bed, but his face was somewhat faintly indifferent.

Camille saw that he was ready to hold Timmy, so she hastily spoke up, "He just ate enough and needs to be burped.”

“I'll do the shooting."

His first time.

Camille did not retort, since he was willing, he tried, after all, he is Timmy's father, this is what he should do.

He held Timmy gently in his arms before he looked up at Camille, "I don't know how, you teach me?"

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