My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 432 Apology

Chapter 432 Apology

Because Austin had also invited Mr. and Mrs. Bell, he didn't think much of it and dialed Camille's cell phone directly after a short silence.

By this time Camille was ready to take a break, and when she saw that the name on her phone screen was Ayan, her whole body stopped. She looked at the phone that was still ringing and mentally asked herself silently and rhetorically, why is he calling?

This is the first time he has called her cell phone since the divorce, right?

Could it be drunk?

Or is there something going on?

Camille thought about it in silence, but eventually had to press answer. She lifted the phone to her ear, pursed her lips to keep quiet and didn't speak.

The man on the other end of the phone was also tightly knit with a low face, his voice hoarse as he asked, "Rested?"

"Get ready."

She replied in a brief, horrified voice.

He said, "There's something I'd like to ask your opinion on."

"Well, you tell me, what is it?"

She still had a very light tone, as if she was talking about something else that didn't matter.

Ayan's brow knitted tighter and his face took on a deeper, lower tone as he said, "Austin asked us to have dinner tomorrow night and I declined, but since Mr. and Mrs. Bell's side has agreed, would it be convenient for you to accompany me?"

His tone was not the slightest sound, just a very mild inquiry, with the meaning that if she did not want it, then forget it.

But if he could really forget about it, why did he call to ask?

Camille pursed her lips, her face slightly stunned.

Her subconscious reaction was naturally reluctant, not only because of her divorce from Ayan, but also because agreeing to Austin's invitation meant she still had to see Cora.

She didn't want to meet up with Cora.

At the same time, I can't help but ask, Cora and Ayan's affairs, Austin does not know?

She fell into a brief silence as the man's voice rang out again in her ear, "Camille, if I want you to agree to accompany me to this dinner, is that okay?"

"But we..."

“I know." Ayan knew what he wanted to say, so he directly spoke out and interrupted her to continue, then explained in a low voice: "It's just that Mr. and Mrs. Bell want to participate otherwise I can refuse, because the contract has just been signed, if there is a mistake at this time may bring Simpson Group a lot of trouble, so I hope you can accompany me to a piece of I hope you can accompany me to attend.” “You don't need to say this to kidnap me, you know that since we are no longer related, then you shouldn't ask me to do you a favor.” Camille's unhesitating response left Ayan without a sound.

In fact, he had anticipated her reaction.

Because recently she has changed a lot, little by little he can see clearly.

Especially when facing him, she looks like a stranger again, sometimes with even a trace of disgust under her eyes, those are clearly visible so that people can not ignore.

At this moment her response has already indicated everything, Ayan's face is as stony as ink, but in the end she was not able to say a word that threatened or swayed her decision.

Both were silent and thought the phone was just going to be hung up when Camille's voice suddenly rang out again at that moment: “I will attend this time for the sake of Grandpa and Mrs. Bell, but there will be no second time."

After saying that, she had already hung up the phone first.

She clutched the phone tightly in her hand, and her heart was pounding at a breakneck pace.

She sulked without much expression.

Even though she didn't want to see Cora, if she didn't agree to Mr. and Mrs. Bell's side of the suspicion that the cooperation would probably be in vain, she didn't want to create any difficulties for the Simpson Group, not for Ayan, but for the Simpson family and Timmy.

The reason why she kept the decency with Ayan and did not rehash the premature birth, but only to let Timmy's father and Timmy's mother in front of Timmy can "live in peace”.

She sighed silently, her gaze dull and stunned, her heart asking silently, what she had just done, Ayan must be annoyed with her too, right? Heh.

A self-deprecating sneer spilled from the corner of her mouth.

But Ayan annoyed or not do not know, only know that his face the next morning were cold and full of chills.

Kian didn't know what was going on, so he could only instruct the people in the secretary's office to pay careful attention not to run into the gun.

In the evening, Kian drove back to the Simpson's mansion to pick up Camille: "Ma'am, Master Simpson sent me over to pick you up."

Kian's address caused Camille to frown slightly as she casually asked, "Mr. Reid, are you aware of my current relationship with him?"

Kian looked through the rearview mirror for a moment and then immediately replied, "Ma'am, I don't understand what you mean, what did you say?"

Camille did not answer, just met Kian's eyes to gaze for a few seconds, she did not see any difference, and finally just faintly said, "It's okay." Kian really doesn't know?

Did Ayan not even tell him?

She sighed silently and sat in the back seat, then stopped talking to look out the window.

This is still her first time out socially after giving birth to Timmy, but she didn't deliberately dress up, just simply wore a light-colored knit top with a pair of chinos, a thin cashmere long trench coat outside, and Dior new flat shoes.

With a delicate light makeup, it looks like it gives a feeling of age and comfort.

When she arrived at Ruby Seashore Hotel, Camille got out of the car and saw Ayan standing upright in the doorway smoking a cigarette for who knows how long, and put it out when she saw her.

He wore a simple and classic style black coat, short hair under the face of three-dimensional handsome, if the eyes seem to have been falling on her for a long time to see.

Camille took the initiative to walk over to them. The atmosphere was a little too quiet after the two met, and the hotel manager himself took them to the private room.

During this time, Ayan took the initiative to lighten the mood by asking, "Does Timmy listen?"

Camille was stunned, and her heart couldn't help but think, what is there to listen to or not to listen to in such a young child?

But the mouth replied, “Well, it's fine, but recently it may be colder, the night fuss is more powerful."

"Isn't the house heated?"

“It's on, but it's a little dry."

Camille responded helplessly, although nothing is missing, everything is complete and the best, but children are more difficult to bring up until six months, so it's all normal, right?

Ayan swept up her sigh and asked in a low voice, "If you're not used to living there, why don't you let Mom stay with you and take Timmy somewhere warm for a while?"

She: "No, Timmy is still small, tossing and turning will be troublesome and not used to."

Ayan has no experience with children, so he doesn't say much more.

It just so happens that this is also the time to walk to the door of the private room.

The manager knocked on the door of the private room, then made a respectful gesture for Ayan to enter with Camille.

Austin and Cora have already come, now see Ayan and Camille also came, Cora full of shock to look at Austin.

But Austin had already gotten up and greeted Camille and Ayan, "Mrs. Simpson, I'm so sorry for inviting you out to dinner when I knew your babies were still young."

"No harm done!"

Ayan whispered in response, a gentleman pulled out a chair for Camille to sit down, saw his action, Camille subconsciously swept to Cora, her gaze really has been watching.

Camille did not refuse and readily accepted his courtesy. When she sat down, he followed suit in the seat next to her.

But Mr. and Mrs. Bell never arrived. Ayan looked at the time and asked, "Master Norman, did Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell remember the wrong time?" “I'm sorry Master Simpson, I lied to you and Mrs. Simpson.”

Austin slightly bent his head, his face light to look at Ayan and Camille two.

Ayan asked, "What does Master Norman mean by this?"

“The reason why I used Mr. and Mrs. Bell as an excuse was because I was worried that you wouldn't accept my invitation, so I had to find a goodwill excuse." Austin finished, his eyes always looking at Ayan's expressionless handsome face, and the next second he looked at Cora beside him and said, "Cora, today Master Simpson and Mrs. Simpson are here, there are only four of us here and no outsiders, so apologize to Mrs. Simpson! Hmm?"

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