My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 427: Draw A Clear Line Of Demarcation

Chapter 427: Draw a Clear Line of Demarcation She didn't think what she's going through now had anything to do with happiness, did it?

The topic was not pursued further, so Talia changed the subject to something else.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell stayed at the Simpson's mansion for dinner in the evening, and had a nice chat with the old Simpson, Fletcher, and Ayan. At the dinner table, Mr. Bell took the initiative to mention: "Originally, I planned to come to Hance City after my wife's birthday, but she was so concerned about Cami and Timmy that she booked a flight to Hance City as soon as she found out about it, and she now treats Cami like her own daughter.”

Mrs. Bell smiled and said, "Cami and I have a connection.”

Camille hastily thanked her, and Ayan spoke up at that moment: "Since Mrs. Bell even put her birthday on hold for Cami, and you two happen to be in Hance City now, let us as a couple prepare a birthday party for Mrs. Bell, so that we can also take advantage of Mrs. Bell's birthday to get acquainted in Hance City. After all, the two of you will be staying in Hance City until the end of the project.”

Ayan has arranged for a high class villa for Mr. and Mrs. Bell to stay temporarily, and it will take at least a year until the end of the project, which means Mr. and Mrs. Bell will have to live in Hance City for a year. Mr. Bell was surprised by his offer: “Is it possible? Would it be too much trouble?"

"Of course not."

"Then I'll trouble you two as a couple.”

Mr. and Mrs. Bell said thank you.

Ayan smiled lightly: "No trouble, you two came to Hance City also for Cami and Timmy, speaking of which I have to thank you for your concern for Cami."

Ayan's words reached Camille's ears word by word, but she didn't respond much, just listened to his introduction to Mr. and Mrs. Bell still use the word couple, she felt a little bit harsh, it is obvious that they are no longer a couple, but still keep this name to the public, that feeling like with an inexplicable reminder to tell her that they are no longer a couple.

After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Bell stood in front of the Simpson's mansion and watched the car fade away until it disappeared from sight.

They looked at each other, neither of them moving, just looking at each other.

After a while, Ayan then volunteered, "I'll go check on Timmy before I leave."

Camille murmured, then as Ayan turned to head inside, she suddenly called out to him, "With our current relationship, when do you plan to go public with them?"

This they refers to Mr. and Mrs. Bell, or maybe more people.

Ayan's face sank slightly, subconsciously twisted his head to look at her, frowning slightly between his eyebrows, and asked indifferently, "After this project is officially launched and stabilized?"

"How long will it take?"

She asked.

The gloom on his face gradually deepened, and the tight frown on his brow grew heavier, he did not answer, but only asked, "You are in a hurry?"

“I'm not in a hurry, I just think that sooner or later it will have to be made public, so don't keep maintaining the persona of a loving couple to give others the space to fantasize about the good, otherwise that becomes cheating.”

Her indifference barely detects the slightest temperature, and a pair of eyes are devoid of any warmth.

Ayan said in a light voice: "This project before I signed the electronic agreement with you I have said, if not stable Mr. and Mrs. Bell has the right to withdraw at any time, but this project Simpson Group must take to complete, which can not be ignored to help the development of Simpson Group in the next few years, moreover. This project I have not thought of letting go, so I need your cooperation.”

“I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Bell is the kind of company that would give up a good partnership just because the couple is not getting along or is divorced.”

"What do you want to say?"

“If I could, I would be willing to confess the truth about our relationship to Mrs. Bell, and with our current friendship, I think she trusts me and is willing to give me a chance as well."

Camille also does not know why she has to be so persistent in this matter, in fact, in front of Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Ayan play loving couple she has not needed to do anything deliberately, even a simple small gesture also do not need her to do.

But she still wants to break it off as cleanly as she can.

Ayan remained an apparently loving couple for at least a year, which meant keeping up with him for at least a year, and she was already all over the place and didn't want to get caught up in making a mess of herself again.

She pursed her lips, the words she had heard at the Simpson Group had come back to her from time to time lately, and she wondered how Ayan had managed to stay in partnership with Cora and Austinov as if nothing had happened.

Won't he feel awkward?

I thought it was impossible for people who have loved deeply to be friends after separation?

Was there no love between them?

If she hadn't been in love, why did Cora act so excited, and why did Ayan deliberately hide it?

All the signs that were shown made Camille's heart feel very annoyed. Her determination made Ayan's face hard to see, he said: "Camille, I don't want to be in the Simpson Group has any risk, you don't have a full assurance to convince Mrs. Bell, this risk decided not to take, this is not a matter of me alone, moreover, not I alone carry the consequences, this is the whole It's a risk that the Simpson Group and the Simpson family will have to face, so I can't agree to it."

Camille's eyes were slightly stunned as she hooked her lips into a faint smile, “We're already divorced and none of what you're saying seems to have anything to do with me, so what makes you think I'll say yes to you?"

The two eyes locked, her eyes were all light smiles, but his eyes were all bitterly cold.

This is probably the first time since the divorce that Camille has spoken to him in such a threatening tone.

So Ayan didn't slow down for a while.

As for the final result?

Camille didn't say anything else, and Ayan didn't press the issue any further.

Eyes locked for a few seconds, Talia came out at that moment: "Cami, Timmy is ready to take a shower, do you two want to accompany him?" Camille heard this and then withdrew her gaze and responded with a light smile, "Okay, I got it mom, I'm coming now."

She stopped looking at Ayan and turned around and walked back into the house in diameter.

Ayan stood there for a long time, until Camille entered the room, he took out a cigarette and lit it to his mouth and took a sharp puff, a face cold to low, deep eyes flooded with cold austere.

He smoked half a cigarette before heading toward the garage and then drove away without re-entering the house.

Inside the nursery, Talia saw that Camille was alone, so she asked, "Where's Ayan? Didn't you want to watch Timmy take a bath?"

"He had work to do and left first."

“In such a hurry?" Talia was a little displeased, then looked gently at Camille: "It's still the daughter who is thoughtful, this son only has eyes for work."

Talia's words startled Camille slightly, and a warmth crossed her heart, which was one of the reasons why she still insisted on calling Talia her mother after the divorce.

After Timmy's bath, Camille and Talia played with him for a while. He is still small, but he will respond to talk and chat with him.

Talia says, "Don't look at him and laugh, but he actually hears everything.”

Camille just gazed at him with a light smile on her face, and her eyes were full of doting and love.

A few moments later, after the childcare provider had finished her bath, Camille was able to go back to her room.

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Bell came over, and I have been chatting with them since the afternoon, and the whole person has been tense for most of the day, and now I can completely relax.

After she took a shower, she walked to the bedroom balcony to look at the dark night sky outside, her heart was a little empty and despondent. She looked at the place where she had just talked to Ayan. Although two or three hours had passed, it was as if it had only happened a second ago for her.

She thought that after that conversation, Ayan would be completely clear with her, right?

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