My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 423: The Child

Chapter 423: The Child

Seeing Ayan's attitude towards Cora, Talia, whose eyes narrowed slightly, and then asked lightly, “Is it because of her that Cami suddenly went into premature labor?"

There was quiet indifference in the air.

No one said anything, but Talia already had the answer.

She said indifferently, "Miss Hayes, now that you are married, then leave us alone, please leave and don't distract me here."

Talia's words had no mercy or euphemism, and she had always been gentle, turning so sharp at the moment, which made Sienna rise with endless questions.

After Cora left, everything returned quiet and normal.

Sienna whispered to Grace, "Do you know that Miss Hayes?"

Grace has lived in Hance City for a long time, so she should know Miss. Hayes, right?

Grace nodded gently, "I've heard her name, but I haven't had any contact with her."

Sienna probably guessed, just coldly swept a glance at Ayan, because the protection of Camille, so she overflew with discontent and displeasure.

About three hours or so, not long, but not short either, it was a very long time for the people guarding the outside of the operating room.

Three hours later, the nurse came out to report that Camille had successfully delivered a boy by cesarean section.

But because the baby had not yet been full term, so he was sent to live in a special baby incubator after the nurse giving them a look.

The child was tiny, he looked pink and tender. Talia couldn't put her hands down or take her eyes off the whole time. of course, the old Simpson was also very happy.

The only regret was that the baby had to be temporarily hospitalized, but the old Simpson said, "It's good to meet early, as long as everything is fine."

Ayan kept staring at the operating room door, but he didn't see Camille coming out, so he didn't even even glance at the baby. Because the nurse was going to send him to the NICU, so Talia rushed to remind Ayan: "Come and see your son."


He indifferently refused.

Talia wrinkled her brows, then asked the nurse to send the baby to the NICU, then walked up to Ayan and questioned, "What do you mean? You don't even like your own child?"

“I am not disliking the baby, I just wanted to wait here for her to come out.”

He said it seriously, his magnetic voice came with a thick low muffled voice.

Talia listened and stopped talking, so did the old Simpson, with a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, seemingly relieved.

Sienna and Grace followed the nurse over to the NICU to check in, and about half an hour later, Camille came out of the operating room.

Her anesthetic hasn't dissipated yet, so she doesn't feel anything yet. Her brain was clear, and when she saw Ayan, she immediately came over and held her hand, saying in a low, mute voice, "It's been hard work."

She didn't say anything, just averted her eyes to look at the others. Talia was moved to tears, Fletcher was also rushed to appease, the old Simpson kept nodding his head and said, "Cami, you are a great credit to our the Simpson family ah.”

Camille just smiled lightly in response.

Ayan looked at her coldness and thought it was because she was not comfortable because of the surgery, so he gently stroked her hair, and his deep eyes kept watching her without moving away, then leaned down and kissed her forehead, and wanted to continue the intimacy, but Camille directly avoided it.

Her actions were clear to everyone present, and everyone was subconsciously stunned.

Only the old Simpson was the first to stabilize and speak up, saying, "No blowing, hurry back to the ward."

The ward is a separate room that was vacated by Dr. Ellis to allow her to get some rest.

When we returned to the ward, everyone had asked Camille to take a nap and rest, otherwise the wound would be painful and uncomfortable after the anesthetic dissipated.

But Camille just shook her head, she looked to the old Simpson voice murmured: "Grandpa, you're not coaxing me when you say I'm a big contributor to the Simpson family, right?"

"How can it be? It's all great truth, don't believe you ask them?"

The old Simpson had a loving smile on his face.

Fletcher and Talia nodded in agreement, "Of course, you've done us the Simpson family a great service."

Camille pursed her lips and smiled lightly: “Then I, the great meritorious person, would like to make a request can 1?"

Ayan has been standing to the side, she has not even given a positive look, he subconsciously frowned, his face has a few gloomy said: "what request wait for you to rest after, you are tired, now have a good sleep, okay?"

Camille does not answer.

Ignore it like you didn't hear it.

The others looked at each other, naturally they saw the conflict between the two, Cora's appearance, Camille gave birth early, all the signs, we all know what happened?

the old Simpson is also a low face, cloudy black eyes seem to anticipate what, but finally spoke: "Cami, what request you say, as long as grandpa can do all promise you, eh?"

Camille smiled: "Grandpa, I want a divorce, right now, I've fought so hard to have the baby, and since you say I'm a big contributor to THE Simpson family, it's not too much to ask, is it?"

After her words, the air in the ward went quiet.

The nurse who was administering Camille's drops also seemed to have heard something she shouldn't have, and was finally sent away from the room by Dr. Ellis with instructions to keep quiet.

the old Simpson was silent, with a heavy face of gloom and embarrassment.

Talia immediately said, "Cami, you just had a baby now, how can you say such things, if there is anything you tell us, we are all on your side.” “I only have this one thing, Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I hope you can promise me, okay?"

Her voice sounded a little weak, but it did not affect in any way the decision between her words.

She has obviously just gone through the ghostly experience of giving birth to a child, but at this moment she wants to propose divorce, this is probably something that really happened to break her heart, otherwise how would she say such words at this time?

the old Simpson subconsciously looked to Ayan, the man stood pensively where the pupils had signs of intense tightening, the handsome cold face did not have any obvious change of expression, still maintaining the shock and coldness just now.

the old Simpson just helplessly sighed, under his eyes is always inconvenient to Camille's care, he said lowly after a silence, "Since you think about it, then find a time to do the procedure!"

the old Simpson which is so light that if you don't listen carefully you won't be able to hear it at all.

Talia tried to block it, and Fletcher was quick to stop her from saying anything more.

Even when Camille was about to say thank you, Ayan spoke coldly: "I don't agree, your husband is me, if I don't give my nod, do you think this marriage can be divorced?"

"Camille, you just had a baby now, not the time to mention this, how you want to talk, how you want to do, wait for you out of the month after we talk, as for the divorce, impossible, I will not agree, no matter who you discuss with, the end result is to me, I will not divorce.”

His dark eyes were fixed on Camille for a moment, and every word that came out of his mouth carried a refusal and an attitude that could not be ignored.

Camille's eyes pause, and then she asks in a cold voice, "So you won't get a divorce, right?"

Ayan wrinkled his eyebrows, her current level of stubbornness has far exceeded the scope of his expectations.

His face was very gloomy and ugly, the chill on his handsome face was getting heavier and heavier, his narrowed eyes looked at her sorrowfully, "Now is not the time to talk about this, the baby is in the NICU, you just came out of the operating room, do you think I can agree to this request at this time?"

“I think it's not the right time, so when is it? Now this is all because of who, Ayan, all thanks to you, all because of you, after just this encounter, I found that I can not live with you for a second, even the agreement to divorce I do not want to continue, I just want to immediately clear the line with you really become two people rather than a couple ...."

Camille speaks with excitement, probably because Ayan's rejection has made her feel a lot of anger inside, and because he mentioned the child's current condition, her whole body is even more upset.

She had the guilt to blame herself, she shouldn't have been there, she should have left immediately at the moment she heard him talking to Cora, instead of standing there and listening to the whole thing.

But while she resented herself, she also felt dead to Ayan.

She just wants to divorce him now, she just wants a divorce.

So Ayan's refusal made her entire body uncontrollable, although the anesthetic has not yet passed, but because her upper body undulated too much the wound was also involved in causing rupture and bleeding. So she was just out less than half an hour before she was sent back into surgery.

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