My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 417: Enemies

Chapter 417: Enemies

Fletcher gave his wife a wordless look.

Ayan's brows furrowed even more and immediately reacted to whom she was referring to?

He didn't respond immediately with a sullen face, but just gave Talia a faint look.

His reaction caused Talia to say, somewhat uncontrollably, "Ayan, are you insane?"

Fletcher saw this, "What's wrong? Keep your voice down, Dad's sleeping.”

Talia subconsciously looked at the stairs again, she was not worried about being heard by the old Simpson, just worried that Camille would know.

Talia took a strong breath and stared coldly at Ayan: "What do you really want? Don't you know clearly in yourmind what kind of person she is? I thought you saw it clearly, so you've been misleading us with Eileen before?"

"Take it easy, say what you have to say, what's going on?"

Fletcher looked at Talia with concerns, and then swept a faint glance at Ayan, as if to remind him not to get Talia angry.

Ayan raised his eyebrows, then took a silent breath before saying, "It's just a partnership with the Simpson Group, you're overacting. There is no permanent enermies and friends in this world. The Simpson Group is competing for a project supported by a philanthropists. She and her husband have a partnership with the Simpson Group."

"Is she married?"

Talia asked in shock.

Him: "Yeah."

“Then why is she coming back?" Talia rolled her eyes, "Can't The Simpson Group just give up the partnership?"

"Mom, it's not up to me alone, it's up to the Simpson Group as a whole, it's for the future of the Simpson Group, we can't stop the development of the Simpson Group because of personal matters, it's not fair, besides, I don't have any relationship with her anymore, you don't need to mention it anymore, okay?"

Ayan face is slightly light, the bottom of the eyes flooded with a deep coldness, the ear slowly sounded the woman's desperate voice: “I'm leaving the country, let's break up, I met a better person than you, I do not want you."

His eyes fiercely shrink, the coldness on his face rose, a thick layer of coldness floating between his eyebrows.

After just a short silence, Ayan followed suit and got up, he said lightly, "Let's end this matter here."

He was ready to go upstairs. Although Camille lived separately from him, it was getting late and he wanted to get an early night's rest.

But before he could even take a step, he heard Talia say, "Cami and I saw you get in the car together under the office building the other day.” Ayan looked stiff and twisted his head to look at Talia: "You saw us with Camille?"


"How come you didn't say that?"

"What do you want me to say? You have not even come home recently, I have to take the initiative to tell you that you need to come back? Ayan, since she is already married and you are also married, I hope you keep your distance as a married person, and don't make anymore news like the one with Eileen, otherwise grandpa will be angry when he finds out, grandpa's body and Cami's body are the main priority, or I will not spare you."

Talia tried to keep her voice as low as possible, but the reminder was very clear in her words.

She took a deep look at Ayan, and then didn't say anything else.

Ayan face gloomy, then raised his feet upstairs, when passing the room where Camille lived, he stopped, in fact, he wanted to knock on the door, but thought about it and then let it go.

He actually had a clear sense that some relationship with Camille was invisibly changing, but was never quite sure what exactly had changed? Ayan sighed soundlessly before walking forward in diameter to the study.

After a dreamless night, Sienna left Hance City the next day, and naturally, all the company's affairs were placed on Camille's shoulders. But now that Yessica can take charge of her own, she is a little more relaxed.

She was busy with her design in the morning at the office when she received a call from Ayan in the afternoon.

When she saw his call, Camille subconsciously thought of his words last night, so he was here to ask for the results, right?

Camille pursed her lips and blushed a little dimly.

She hesitated before picking up the phone and clicking answer. "Hello?"

"Are you free now?"

He asked.

Camille frowned, "Is there something wrong?"

"Can you send some sobriety pills over for me? Because Kian had something to take away and I don't trust anyone else, so?"

He asked in a low voice.

Camille was slightly stunned silent for two seconds.

Then only faintly said, “What do you need sobriety medicine for?" "There's a social engagement that requires it so can you come over? If you don't want to then it's okay if I have my mom deliver it for me." Ayan's words were not too obviously aggrieved and lost, so Camille couldn't help but soften her heart, and she wanted to save herself the trouble of having Talia come out of the Simpson's mansion again, and it wasn't a short trip back and forth.

So she asked for the address, "Where to send it?"

Ayan said the location, is a five-star hotel in Hance City, Simpson Group in the hotel is a share of.

Camille gave a silent sigh and then agreed.

She bought sobriety pills near the office and then this was the car ride. If she had to know Ayan's purpose in advance, she would never have gone.

But only after she arrived did she realize that this was just a hole Ayan had dug for her.

She got out of the car and saw Ayan waiting for her at the front door of the hotel. She walked over and handed him the medicine, "If there's nothing else I'll go back."

He smoothly held her hand, and then clasped his fingers together and gently held it: "Here we are, a piece of dinner and then go back, huh?" Camille subconsciously tried to pull away, but he was not too strong for her to succeed.

Camille frowned at him in disbelief, before she could say anything, she heard a foreign couple get out of a car on the side.

She recognized it at once. Wasn't this the philanthropist Ayan had mentioned?

Because the philanthropist is a public figure, she has seen his picture and seen it in reports.

Camille subconsciously looked at Ayan, he did not change his face, his eyes mildly look at the philanthropist couple spoke: "Mr. Bell welcome you and your wife, this is my wife, Camille, is a bit of an architect.” Camille's face stiffened slightly, and Mrs. Bell was already one step ahead with a loving smile: "Hello Mrs. Simpson, may I call you Cami?" Despite being a foreigner, the local language is quite fluent.

Camille is not a person who treats people with a cold face, so at this moment, she also immediately responded with a light smile: "Hello Mrs. Bell."

Mrs. Bell came forward and opened her hand, then hugged Camille. Mr. Bell saw this scene a face of love, all the eyes of Mrs. Bell, although their age has been very big, but each other's eyes are always only each other.

Mrs. Bell was very warm to Camille, she took the initiative to hold her hand after just a simple greeting, and then take the initiative to say: "In your words I have a destiny for you. It's a natural destiny, especially I like children, but I can't be a mother because my body can't physically get pregnant, I especially admire the woman who can be a mother, pregnancy should be especially hard, right?"

When Camille heard Mrs. Bell's frankness, she felt something indescribable inwardly.

She whispered, "Do you mind feeling the baby's beating?"

"Is that okay?"

"Of course!”

Camille offered to take her hand and put it on her belly, and the baby really move as if she heard their words.

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