My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 414: Frustration

Chapter 414: Frustration

Meeting Sienna’'s uncomprehending and conflicted gaze, Camille just smiled lightly: "After seeing it, just throw the picture inside the drawer for me."

"That's all?"


Sienna walked up to her with the photo, looked down from a height, and said, "Shouldn't you be questioning Ayan? You're not divorced yet, what does he mean by that?"

Camille looked at Sienna, who was a thousand times more emotional than her, and couldn't help but smile lightly: "Why should I question him? Although we haven't gone through the formalities yet, but we have already talked about it, at most it's a divorce cooling off period at the moment, so I don't want to bother him, after all, it has nothing to do with me, so you don't get excited either, okay?"

Sienna froze.

She gazed at Camille, with her eyes full of imperceptibility.

Sienna asked even more silently inward, "Does she really not care at all anymore?"

She explored for a long time, but Camille's expression and reaction were as always as warm as ink without the slightest difference, and she didn't know whether to be happy that Camille had let go, or to say that she had come across as a sane and rational person?

In short, Sienna felt some inexplicable contradiction.

Sienna put the photos in the drawer as Camille wanted, just when Yessica came over to call Sienna to help with the color matching of the design of the drawing, and soon Camille was the only one left in the office.

When the door closed the next second, the fruit in her hand also followed to be put down by her, her face also became expressionless, the eyes were indifferently wrapped, people cannot find half of the warmth and gentleness.

She just sat on the couch for a long time without moving, until the phone on her desk interrupted the silence.

She got up and walked over to pick up the phone that was appearing an unfamiliar number which she hadn't seen before.

An instinctive reaction came up, she was almost certain that the call was related to these photos, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?

She pressed answer and remained silent, waiting for the other party to speak first.

The other party probably had the same idea as hers, so they all fell into silence for almost half a minute.

It was only when the other side pressed on that they spoke out, "Camille, have you seen the pictures?"

Camille frowned slightly, "Did you send this to me?" She chuckled, "Eileen, what do you want?"

She didn't think the person who sent the photo would be Eileen, but always thought it might be the female lead in the photo.

Now that she thought about it, it's not surprising that it's Eileen.

Eileen ignored her words and didn't care about her mockery, but simply asked indifferently, "How do you feel after seeing the photos?"

Eileen speaks with a smile on her face, as if she is deliberately hinting at leading Camille to something?

Camille's eyes narrowed slightly and her words were cold: "You care so much about me? You even know how I feel, Eileen, are you being too nosy?"

Eileen snorted, "Camille, what's the point of getting cocky with me? I don't think you know who she is, Ayan must not have mentioned it to you, right?"

Camille doesn't say anything.

Eileen continued: "Tsk tsk, think about you are also strange poor, I will be merciful to tell you a truth, in fact, she is Ayan's heart love, and I have never been with him, as to why he wants to spoil me indulge me, I may as well tell you, also because his heart love."

Eileen had already thought about how to mislead Camille before she made the call, and of course she wouldn't tell Camille that the reason Ayan was indulging her was because of what happened a year ago. Camille's face is expressionless and I don't know if he's listening, but he just responded indifferently: "Finished? When you're done, hang up."

"What do you mean?"

“It doesn't mean anything, just not interested, why? You have to hear me thundering and scolding you to be comfortable? If you want to borrow me to achieve what you want to achieve then don't be delusional, I won't let you get away with it."

Camille's nonchalant tone was very cold, piercing Eileen's purpose. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said indifferently, "Eileen, whatever you want to do, don't pull me, I'm not interested in your business, so don't be bothering me, there's still a score to settle between you and me, don't think I'm letting you off the hook by not doing anything now, and don't jump around like a flea looking for presence in front of my eyes, I feel sick!

Camille finished and simply hung up the phone.

She has never been afraid of Eileen, and is not quite willing to give her face every time to say so much nonsense, so basically is able to say as little as possible, but now is completely out of control.

She hadn't been in a particularly happy mood lately, and she was holding her breath and wanted to let it out. Since Eileen wanted to be scolded, she could suffer.

Camille narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes drifted with a chill, directly dropped the phone on the table, picked up a glass of water and drank two sips of water to be more comfortable.

Of course she wouldn't question Ayan, because as she told Sienna, she had already made up her mind to get a divorce, so she had to compartmentalize the whole thing with Ayan.

She has to control her heart and not allow to care directly about anything about him, only then she can quickly remove herself from this marriage.

However, Eileen's remark took her by surprise.

Isn't Eileen the person in Ayan's heart?

If, according to Eileen, the woman in the photo is the one he loves, then why isn't he with her?

Camille thought for a moment, then shook her head and forbade herself to go any further.

She kept herself busy and didn't continue to think about it.

As they got closer to the finals, the company was getting more and more involved.

The afternoon after the photo thing, Sienna suddenly approached her, "Cami, I have to go back to Flento City tomorrow and I probably won't be able to come over for a few days."

"So suddenly?”

"Mario is going to hold an engagement party, he set a time a while ago, then for some reasons it got canceled, and now it's said to be held again, it's in the name of the King, so I have to go back.”

Sienna was a bit depressed.

Camille nodded, "Good, you are supposed to go back, although he is strict, he treats you well."

"Ha, who knows if it's good or not?"

Sienna responded indifferently.

Camille pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Are you still having some kind of feeling towards him now ...."

“It's gone, it's totally gone, it's completely gone."

Sienna responded with her eyes empty.

Things that should never have been used in the first place were broken cleanly back when she was with Rex.

This time she went back for the engagement only because she carried the word named King.

Since Sienna had to go back, she couldn't be there on the day of the competition, so Camille asked her company mates to join her for dinner, as it had been a long time since we had met.

Camille booked a fancy restaurant and the crew in the company was overjoyed.

All have said: "Mr. Armstrong mighty! Mr. Armstrong is the best!"

They were all about the same age, and all were very energetic.

After work, the group went straight to the restaurant, but they didn't expect to run into Ayan and the woman they had met downstairs at the Simpson Group.

As soon as Camille entered the restaurant, she saw the two men in the lobby, as if they were waiting for someone, but the two men and women standing together made Camille feel from the bottom of her heart that they were a good match.

It is the kind of feeling that had not seen in Eileen, also because Ayan face this woman to maintain a not quite natural feeling, as if in can keep a distance, but the deep heavy black eyes betrayed him.

Camille wanted to ignore it as she did last time, but she didn't expect the rest of the company to recognize Ayan right away.

Casually, he greeted, "It's Mr. Simpson, hello Mr. Simpson, there's our Mr. Armstrong!"

Ayan subconsciously looked over, his eyes met Camille's, and then the next moment he walked straight over with his feet up.

Camille didn't expect him to come forward, and was a little uncomfortable when she saw him standing in front of her.

He asked, "A corporate dinner?"


She mumbled faintly.

Ayan: "Did you book the place?"

"Yes, I did.”

She still had little temperature.

He didn't continue to ask, but summoned the restaurant manager to arrange an extra-large luxury room directly, and then added many more dishes, and also arranged for KTV entertainment after the meal.

His voice was low and magnetic, and the company's pals heard it and rushed to thank him: "Thank you Mr. Simpson, we all owe it to Mr. Armstrong.”

Ayan expression was gentle, then he let the manager take people to the private room first. See the situation, Sienna also followed first to the private room, she took a peak to the woman when she passing her. His gaze fixed on Camille once again and he said in a low voice, "Have dinner with me later, okay?"

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