My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 399 Disappointment

Chapter 399 Disappointment

At this moment.

Camille woke up from her sleep, and the first second she opened her eyes she had realized that the other side she was in was not a hospital room anymore.

The next second she realized she sat up directly from the bed and confirmed from the room's décor that here the Simpson's mansonAyan's room.

Her face was cold, and she went out of the room barefoot without even bothering to put on her shoes.

This time she was not grounded as she had been before at the villa, she was free to go downstairs and met the maid during which she asked, "Why am I here?"

"Madam, young master brought you back last night, are you awake? Breakfast is ready, do you want to eat now or later?"

"Where is Ayan?"

“The young master left last night, I think the company had something to take care of, so he didn't stay overnight."

The maid's words made Camille's face look even harder.

She walked down the stairs in bare feet and saw the old Simpson in the hall.

Looking at each other, she walked directly to the old Simpson and asked in a low voice, suppressing her heart's anxiety, "Grandpa, how do I get back to the Simpson's manson?"

the old Simpson's face was a little stiff, but after seeing Camille immediately changed and showed a smile, he said: "Ayan brought you back last night, it just so happens that your body also recovered almost, live in the Simpson's manson with me, the old man two days?"

Camille frowned as she said, "Did he tell you to say that to me?" "Cami..."

"What exactly does Ayan mean? He told me that he would give me two days to think about an answer, but in reality he is playing a trick on me?"

Camille sneered incredulously, a face pale and powerless, she was still wearing her pajamas, and her white feet were bare on the floor.

the old Simpson frowned tightly, a pair of cloudy eyes is also very serious, he helplessly sighed: "Cami, I do not know what you and Ayan actually talked about? But you are husband and wife, husband and wife are naturally one, so just think of it as staying here temporarily for two days for my sake, okay?"

The old Simpson said this to Camille aimost with a pleading tone.

His words left Camille soundlessly stunned.

She stood there stiff and motionless, the old Simpson look is also very uncomfortable, but can only continue to say: “just two days, two days later no matter how between you and Ayan? I will let you go, okay?" Camille looked at the old Simpson. From the moment she met the old Simpson until now, the old Simpson had never made any demands on her.

Even when she first found out she was pregnant and insisted on divorcing Ayan, the old Simpson was on her side.

Camille lightly pursed her lips, a face of warm indifference, her heart incomparable contradiction and tangled, but the heart of the old Simpson has a very deep gratitude.

Naturally, she also knows that this is all Ayan's intention, it is Ayan wants to block her action, also want to protect Eileen so choose to sacrifice her.

She smiled helplessly and then spoke lightly, "Grandpa, you know, I won't refuse any of your requests, I will probably agree to whatever you say to me today because you treat me well and treat me like your own granddaughter, so I'll oblige, but .... this is the only thing I can do for you."

The last sentence made the old Simpson's face stunned, and naturally, he immediately understood the meaning of her words.

This is her way of paying back all her favors to the Simpson family. There was a moment when the old Simpson couldn't bear to send her away immediately, but Ayan's words still echoed in her ears, and eventually she had to harden her heart.

At this time, Talia from the mouth of the maid learned the scene is also immediately from the garden outside fast not come in, see Camille even without shoes, immediately with slippers to go over: "Cami, the ground is cold, come, quickly put on shoes.”

Talia does not know the situation, only that last night Ayan returned with Camille, and afterwards told the family that she was not allowed to leave, and then left after a few words alone with the old Simpson. What must have happened to this couple?

Only Ayan won't talk about it, and Camille won't talk about it.

With Talia taking care of her, Camille put on her slippers and was then taken to the restaurant for breakfast by Talia.

Talia's warm concern and care was not really any different from the past, but today Camille did not have the slightest desire to respond. She could not raise her spirits and energy, just a few words silent. Talia looked at her coldness and detachment and said with some discomfort, "Cami, are you blaming us in your heart?"

Camille looked up at Talia: "Why? You should not think too much about it."

"But you don't even call me mom anymore."

Talia's eyes were red as she spoke.

Camille hurriedly said, "Mom, don't think anything of it, I just don't have much appetite or mood, I don't blame you and Grandpa and everyone." She's just blaming Ayan's eccentricity.

What Ayan did broke her heart and left her utterly disappointed.

It's not that he can't love people at all, he just can't love her.

After breakfast, Camille returned to the hall again, where the old Simpson still sat.

Camille whispered, “Grandpa, I'm going upstairs first."

the old Simpson nodded: "Okay, talk to your aunt at home if you have anything to do, and if you want to talk let your mom go up there with you, huh?"

Camille nodded, then headed upstairs.

Until Camille's figure disappeared at the stairs, the old Simpson then sighed silently, "Cami is going to alienate us."

Talia heard this from the side and immediately got a little excited: "Dad, what do you mean by that, did Cami and Ayan have another fight?" the old Simpson didn't answer, but simply said faintly, “This time it broke her heart.”

the old Simpson did not say much and also sighed helplessly, then went back to the room.

the Simpson's manson seems calm and quiet, but also each mind, although the surface is not much different, but the kind of coldness overflowing from the heart is very clear.

Camille spent the morning locked in her room, sitting by the window staring out. Ayan hadn't left her cell phone, and that meant she couldn't contact anyone.

So she didn't bother to figure out what he wanted to do since Ayan had sent her back to the Simpson's manson.

Camille didn't want to toss and turn, just wanted to be quiet, but when she thought about what would happen at this moment, her head was in a mess.

She mentally murmured silently, "Ayan, did you ever hesitate at the moment you chose Eileen?"

In the office, Aria asked with a stony and puzzled face, "Brother, why don't you discuss this with your sister-in-law properly? Do you know what it means that you are now counting on your sister-in-law in such a way? It means that you have made a good choice in her heart, you chose Eileen, won't you regret it?"

Aria also just learned the news, she originally came over early in the morning just to see how Ayan is actually going to choose?

What I was told as a result was that everything went according to normal procedures, but that the results of the Simpson Group audit would be published by her.

Aria is so helpless, she tries to block it, but Ayan simply won't listen. She was a little emotional, but Ayan just said lightly, "Aria, are you sure you want to talk to me about these personal matters at this time?"

Aria stiffened her face, she helplessly tightened her brow without a sound.

At that moment, Kian knocked on the office and came in.

"Mr. Simpson, Miss Khan is here.”

"Let her in."

Ayan responded indifferently and then looked at Aria, "If you don't want to see her then get out, if you want to stay and listen then don't show any displeasure towards her, hmm?"

Aria pursed her lips and didn't say anything, but her heart was telling her again that it was better to go out than not to go out.

She walked to one side of the couch and sat down, glaring at Ayan with a displeased look on her face.

This scene was naturally seen by Ayan, but there was no response, just a deep look at her, before his eyes then came Camille last night when he carried back to the Simpson's manson their room, his eyes a meal, deep eyes thickened.

Eileen followed Kian in and a gentle voice slowly rang out, "Ayan ....." Ayan's voice was warm and light, and he gestured to the chair in front of his desk, gesturing for her to sit down and talk.

Ayan asked, "Got the results?"

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