My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 383: Take His Side

Chapter 383: Take His Side

Aria raised her eyebrows and said lightly: “No, I was just thinking about what type of person your wife, my my sister-in-law is. Counting today, I have been back for two days, you have been in the company for the whole time, and my sister-in-law didn't call you, you really don't have a good relationship, do you?"

Ayan wrinkled his eyebrows, the displeasure between his eyebrows was very obvious, he said warmly and indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense.”

She laughed, then went over to him, and stared at him very closely: “You must have had some issues in your spousal relationship, Mr. Simpson, you are quite a loser!"

"Aria, I asked you to come back to cooperate with the investigation team about auditing the Simpson Group's finances, not for you to question me about my personal spousal relationship.”

Ayan reminded unpleasantly.

Aria shrugged and said: "Mr. Simpson, if I participate in the auditing, have you ever thought that if our relationship is exposed, people will think that I play favorites, right? In fact, I do have a good candidate to recommend to you, she also happens to be in Hance City, compared to our relationship, I think she may be more suitable than me, maybe you should think about it?"

"This is not a small matter, I don't trust others, Aria, you know best about the Simpson Group's financial content for so many years. Therefore, I want to be audited by you, as for the person you recommend, keep it as a backup first?"


Aria nodded.

The reason why an auditor role was needed was because she need to work with the tax department to review whether there is any tax evasion by Simpson Group?

The auditor is a very important role, specializing in auditing financial issues in well-known companies, as well as multinational corporations. Aria was a very influential auditor abroad, and she has a certain ranking in most of the listed companies abroad.

If she were to step in and handle the Simpson Group, it would give the Simpson Group some credibility, but her relationship with the Simpson Group has never been disclosed to the public, so even Camille didn't know about it. It was unknown whether of the credibility would still exist if someone expose the relationship.

Inside a high-class villa in the same city, it had been nearly half an hour since Eileen arrived in a hurry, and she was a bit fidgety, asking the maid once again in a voice: "Is he up yet?"

“Not yet, if Miss Khan can't wait, you can go first."

The maid's attitude was a little cold.

Eileen is not thinking that much at the moment, so naturally she doesn't care.

About nearly ten minutes or so later, the man's figure which slowly walked down from upstairs.

Eileen immediately got up and looked at him, "You did the Simpson Group thing, didn't you?"

The man's face was expressionless: "Eileen, you came all this way to see me in a hurry to question me about this?"

She did not speak, just slightly pursed lips faintly looked at him.

He said, "What happened to the Simpson Group is the Simpson Group's own problem, what does it have to do with me?"

“It really has nothing to do with you? But you clearly gave me all that fake evidence of Simpson Group's tax evasion, and now Simpson Group is breaking news like this, don't you know?"

Eileen watched him, her heart was endlessly suspicious of him. She had contacted him as early as the first news came out, but he just denied it and told her not to talk nonsense.

Eileen sulked, and she said, "Eileen, I can talk to you properly is to give you face, if you are coming to question some irrelevant questions, then you can go out. *

His face was cold, without any extra expression.

At that moment, a sexy woman dressed in a sexy dress came down slowly from upstairs with a delicate smile on her face and her voice whispered, "Arnold, is Miss Khan looking for you for something? Am I interrupting your conversation?"

"How?" The woman nestled directly in Arnold's arms, her brow faintly sweeping Eileen with provocative disdain.

Eileen's face stiffened, and under her eyes was an unbelievable indifference.

Although she knew Arnold was not sincere with her, she did not expect him to bring home a woman so soon.

The intimate look of the two made Eileen's eyes as if they were pricked by a needle.

Arnold raised his eyes and swept her away, saying nonchalantly, "Eileen, you're questioning me over him now, are you already thinking about how to stand? "

Eileen pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

He added: "If you think about it, then tell me directly, I also have a bottom in my heart, but if you can not land in Ayan where and then turn back to me, then do not blame me for not showing mercy, eh?" Eileen's face changed, and she mentally pondered, then said in a low voice, “I didn't mean that, I just wanted to ask about the Simpson Group, because you took those records not long ago and asked me to negotiate a deal with Ayan."

“If I told you to go and talk about the terms, then why didn't you go? What are you hesitating about? Is it because you don't trust me?" "No." She pursed her lips slightly, naturally not telling the truth, and just said, "I didn't think of the terms I wanted to talk to him about, and I never got a chance to see him after that because something came up on Camille's side.”

Arnold gave her a faint look, "No matter, but now that the Simpson Group is really in trouble, let's see how Ayan is going to end up, shall we?"

Eileen pursed her lips and didn't say anything, but there were still doubts in her mind, her eyes looked at Arnold and silently asked herself: "Did he really know nothing about it? Did he have nothing to do with it?"

Eileen did not stay here for long, because Arnold and the woman in his arms to put up with she really can not look on, although she does not like and love Arnold, but they at least together, had the most intimate relationship, so she can not witness him and other women still like this? Eileen said with great courage before she left, "I have finished my words, so I will leave you alone.”

After saying that she turned around and walked away.

Arnold didn't block it either, without even saying a word.

Eileen clasped her hands together and flew away from the villa.

She was not in a good mood and drove her car around the streets after she came out of the villa.

She had not slept well recently and was in a very low mood, one convenient because of the phone call Molly made to her earlier, so she sent a message to Ayan, but never got any response, she had been apprehensive, hanging on to a heart worrying what Eileen would really do to her?

After that, It was the problem of Simpson Group tax evasion, she was still holding the fake evidence of Simpson Group tax evasion, and now is waiting for the officials to disclose whether Simpson Group was suspected of tax evasion or not?

Eileen had no way to contact Ayan, so she hesitated to go to Camille herself to clarify?

But before she could make that decision, something had already been done on Camille's end.

Although Camille had found someone to investigate Eileen with the help of Sienna, Eileen had not moved at all these days, so she has not had the slightest success.

In the end, Camille made a decision, she told Sienna about the idea, who simply said, "Have you thought it through? If you do this, you will also be questioned by Eileen's fans, are you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid? Since she is not afraid, why should I be afraid? I have done nothing, I am not afraid of the shadow, I am not afraid of anyone, to anyone I have no heart."

Camille's voice was cold, and her eyes revealed a great deal of emotion and patience.

After her words, Sienna worried that her mood was bad again, and quickly said, "Well, we don't want to think so much now, tell me whatever you want to do, I'll accompany you, but let's say first, no matter what the result is, your own body should be the main focus, don't hurt your body and baby because of these unworthy people and things, okay? *

Camille didn't answer, just laughed softly, "What? Are you worried that I will take things too hard?"

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