My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 370: Shield Her Faults

Chapter 370: Shield Her Faults

The conversation finished and the other party hung up the phone directly.

Camille sat stunned and motionless on the bed, her gesture of holding up the phone lasted for a long time before she put it down.

With a face that was pale and cold, completely in a daze.

When Ayan came in after answering the phone, he saw her dazed look. He walked across the bed and sat down, reached out and gently stroked her face, asking softly, “Why aren't you sleeping? Is there something wrong with you?"

Camille didn't answer, just looked at him with light eyes, "Eileen texted me twice before Grandma passed away, she told me to leave you or else I'll regret it, do you think she's threatening me? Because I refused to leave you, that's why she did something to make me regret?" Ayan's cheeks were cold as frost and he furrowed as he said in a low voice, "Camille, stop overthinking, okay?"

“I'm not overthinking, I have proofs." She opened her phone and opened the text message to Ayan, and she said, "Don't you believe me?"

“It's not that I don't believe you, I just don't want you to let these untrue things affect your mood.”

"How is that not true?"

Camille questioned with some excitement.

Ayan also said with a sullen face, "Then how can you prove that this text message is from Eileen? Because it's not her usual number, it's just a number that you don't know who it is either, so how can you conclude that it's Eileen and it won't be anyone else?"

His words caused Camille's eyes to stare at him in disbelief.

He said, "Don't you look at me like that, I'm not speaking for her, I'm just stating a fact so you can come to your senses.”

“I think I'm very sensible and sober right now. On the contrary, don't you think you're being a bit too protective by ruling out Eileen's suspicions straight away?"

Camille's words are indifferent, and the corners of her mouth spill over with a nonchalant mockery.

When Ayan noticed, his brow subconsciously tightened and his voice darkened, "Camille, you think I'm defending Eileen?"

He seemed to have some unpleasant anger.

Camille looked up at him with a faint expression: “Isn't it? Why are you so sure it's not Eileen?"

"Okay, so let's assume the person who texted you is Eileen as you think, but what does this have to do with what happened to Grandma? Do you think Eileen did it?"

"What happened to Grandma, was it really an accident? Have you checked whether the incident was an accident or not?"

Camille pursed her lips, Ayan's use of assumptions to describe the matter of Eileen made her heart very uncomfortable.

Why are things about Eileen hypothetical?

He is not willing to let Eileen take any risks and isn't it?

Camille's face was somewhat cold, her heart was squeezing with emotions, she had been controlling herself desperately trying to figure out whether this incident was an accident or an accident deliberately created by someone?

She kept her eyes on Ayan without blinking, because she didn't want to miss any of his looks or expressions.

Two people's eyes look at each other, just look at each other, each other's heart is clear what each other in mind?

He said lightly: "Grandmother although your grandmother and I do not have any blood relations, but Camille, since I am your husband, I will not tolerate your grandmother suffered any aggravation, this matter in the first time yesterday I have asked Kian to check it.

So far, nothing can be found on the hospital side, because there was a time when the power went out briefly, but that doesn't prove that it was Eileen who did it, because we need evidence to identify a person, not you and I can convict someone just by talking about it."

Camille laughed.

She shook her head and said, "Ayan, you say you're not defending Eileen, but aren't you defending her with this statement now? You think I need to show evidence to prove that Eileen did it, so what evidence do you have to prove that she didn't do it?"

The two argued over whether it was Eileen or not. They were both very firm in their own minds and were constantly trying to convince each other that they could hear what they were saying.

But they are too insistent on each other.

No one has convinced the other.

Ayan lightly said: "Okay, I'm not saying anything now, if you really suspect that Eileen did it, then I now let Kian from beginning to end to check again, all the results by you to see, okay? My only request is not to be angry because of this matter to hide all the grievances in the heart, do not quarrel with me because of this matter and fall out, eh? * His attitude is gentle and sincere, every word and deed is full of initiative to show goodwill, see this kind of him, Camille's heart does not have any feeling is certainly false.

But she was so full of that phone call and what that person said at the moment that she really had no way to calm down.

She sighed silently, her eyes had little temperature looking at Ayan, she said: "I am not trying to quarrel with you, I just want to clarify this matter, I can't tolerate that my grandmother was deliberately killed, my heart now determines that it is Eileen, I only have suspicions and guesses about her, so I will definitely do everything to find evidence to prove that it is Eileen. "

Camille's firm eyes made Ayan's eyes deep and heavy, he said, "Camille, Camille do you still don't understand after all I've said? You want evidence I can have someone find it for you, but I hope you don't put your mind on the evidence, you are very weak now, you need to be hospitalized to keep the baby."

“The children are important, but Grandma is more important to me."

In fact, she has been very euphemistic, her heart is more direct, the child no longer can be regenerated, but the grandmother matter can not have any accident, she needs a truth.

But Camille swallowed back the words as they came to her lips.

After she said it, probably the conflict with Ayan will be deeper.

She looked at Ayan lightly, the displeasure under his eyes was obvious, but did not get angry, just kept gentle and said, "Camille, if you are so stubborn and disregard your body, then I will have to not allow you to leave this ward half a step.”

Camille smiled coldly, “So you're planning to lock me up again?"

The sarcasm in her words was clear.

But Ayan had no intention of denying it, he said, "If you insist on doing this, then I'll just have to put you away again."

"Ayan, what are you doing like this? What do you take me for? Are you worried that I'll hurt the baby by figuring this out or are you afraid that if I figure it out and find evidence that points to Eileen, it will make things difficult for you? If it's the former then you don't have to, if it's the latter, you can just tell me, I won't make it difficult for you."

The implication in her words was obvious, and Ayan's face changed instantly: "So what do you mean by those words?"

"I didn't mean anything by it, I was just being honest."

She responded faintly.

He suddenly laughed coldly, then stood up from the chair, he looked at the woman in front of him from a high position, his voice cold: "Camille, you think I am protecting Eileen I can understand that you have misunderstandings because of the past, but you think I am not sincere for the sake of the child and you but to protect a woman who has nothing to do with me? *

Camille did not say anything, just pursed her lips to keep silent, Ayan saw the situation in the heart of the sulking more serious, and then the two had an argument over this matter.

Ayan left from the ward, if he stayed any longer, he really couldn't predict what would happen?

He was getting mad at Camille, he really didn't know what she was thinking.

How could she think he would hurt her for Eileen?

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