My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 349: Dirty Look

Chapter 349: Dirty Look

Camille was stunned, her face was slightly stiff, but quickly dispersed a light smile to meet her grandmother's eyes: "Yes."

In fact, she didn't know if Ayan knew?

Because they didn't spend their birthdays together.

She didn't want her grandmother to worry about her, so she can only lie to put her mind at ease.

Grandma did not get suspicious and said with a reassuring face, "Then I have to discuss with him in advance, otherwise I will rob him of the credit?"

"No, Grandma, you can do whatever you want, Ayan just happened to be a little busy these two days, I guess if I don't remind him, he will forget, when you make the decision, please scold him for me, okay?" Camille pouted, like a little girl who was telling on herself.

Grandma nodded in agreement, "Okay, then don't tell him."

The two smiled at each other, but Camille's heart crossed with an inexplicable loss.

Did Ayan know about it?

She smiled helplessly, shook her head, and then rushed off to inquire about Dr. Ellis about grandma's current condition before taking her out of the hospital briefly for two days for fun.

When they got out of the hospital and got into the car, Grandma said to Camille, "Call the Simpson family and ask if you want to have dinner together?"

Camille nodded, "Okay, if you tell me what to do, I'll do it."

Camille immediately called the Simpson family in front of her grandmother, and it was Talia who answered the phone.

Camille asked, "Mom, Grandma is having a surgery in two days, and I would like to invite Grandpa and you guys to have dinner together in the next two days?"

Talia immediately told the old Simpson, the old Simpson immediately picked up the phone: "Hey Cami, since grandma wants to have dinner with us, then come to eat at home, eating out is not as comfortable as home, right? Not to mention that this is not only the Simpson family, this is also your grandmother's granddaughter's home, do you still want to be outside?"

The old Simpson's words sounded very warm, but Grandma was a person who was reluctant to give others trouble, especially with Camille's relationship, she felt more concerned.

Camille whispered, “Grandpa, I understand your good intentions, it's just a bit of a hassle to dine in, or ...."

"Oh kid, what's the trouble? We are all family members, it's just a family gathering, it's decided, then it's set for the night after tomorrow, how about it?"

Since the old Simpson said so, grandmother also cannot refuse again. It was just a happy decision.

Grandma asked Camille, "It's your birthday the day after tomorrow, does the Simpson family know about it?"

"Of course they know, last year grandpa and mom prepared expensive gifts for me and even invited me to dinner! But this year, let's just let nature take its course, because I think it's already too much trouble for them.”

Ayan was away from Hance City on business trip last year, so she spent her birthday at the Simpson family, and she didn't mention it afterwards, so naturally Ayan wouldn't know.

Camille's words brought praise from her grandmother: "Good girl." Camille showed a smile, her gaze full of gratitude to her grandmother, in fact, she rarely had a birthday when she was a child, but after living with her grandmother, she did not miss her birthday every year since then.

Grandma looked at her face in which floating indifference, so she asked: "Then we will have dinner with the Simpson family the night after tomorrow, would you like to ask the Armstrong family? *

"No." Camille refused outright.

Grandma didn't say much, she cared about Camille, and as long as Camille thought it was good, she approved.

For the matter of having dinner at the Simpson family, Camille has not had the opportunity to mention with Ayan, because grandmother came back to live in the apartment, she spent all her time on her grandmother, she has been taking care of her grandmother until grandma go to rest before returning to her own house, Ayan has also gone to bed by then, so the two had only simple greetings.

The next morning, when Camille got up, Ayan had already left for the office.

Camille went across the street to have breakfast with her grandmother, and Sienna was already chatting with her grandmother, in a particularly cordial and pleasant atmosphere.

After breakfast, Grandma went to her room to take her medicine, so Camille said to Sienna: "Tomorrow night we're going to the Simpson family for dinner, why don't you come with us? *

"Do you go to the Simpson family for birthdays?"

"Grandma had surgery in two days, and she wanted to liven up my birthday."

Sienna nodded: "Grandma still loves you so much, I'm so jealous, but I won't eat the meal, I'll give you the gift when you come back tonight, after all, you're having dinner with the Simpson family, it's not appropriate for me to go over there as an outsider, I can't give you shame."

"What are you talking about? It's not like we don't know each other, mom has seen you too, not to introduce you to a boyfriend?"

Camille pretended to be unhappy.

Sienna frowned slightly: "You just don't tease me, I know what you mean and understand that your mother-in-law is nice, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to go, so I'd better forget it and wait for you to come back tonight and I'll give you a separate pass?"

Camille wasn't pushing her, knowing that Sienna meant well, so she didn't go on about it.

Since Grandma was having surgery in two days, Camille and Sienna went out with her and stayed out all day.

During that time Ayan called and he asked, "Is Grandma okay?"

"Well, not bad, pretty spirited for an old lady."

Camille laughed.

Ayan said, "It's good to take her to relax and unwind, she's in a good mood with you, don't worry about the surgery, everything will be fine with Dr. Ellis, huh?"

"Well, I know."

“Then I'll take Grandma to have dinner with me tonight?"

He asked.

"Do you have time? Will it interrupt your work?"

“No, it just so happens that a restaurant is newly opened, so I'll take you and Grandma there to try the taste."


Camille relayed Ayan's message to her grandmother, and the old lady was happy and relieved.

Because she's a veteran, she tought Ayan treat her well because of Camille.

In the evening, Camille took Grandma and Sienna straight to the restaurant to meet Ayan.

As soon as she met Ayan, grandma opened her mouth and talked to him immediately, and he was able to talk about everything with a gentle and comfortable attitude.

Sienna secretly spat: “This may be the attitude that the son-in-law to the wife's family should have, if the Armstrong family and you have a good relationship, I guess Ayan will also be acting this way, tsk tsk!" Camille smiled slightly: “I reckon it will be more difficult for your future husband to go to the King family, with that dirty look on Mario, he shouldn't be giving any good look right?"

"Don't you worry about me, I'm not going to marry anyone.”

"Oh, then my child will not have a godfather, so can I take the liberty of admitting a godfather? You can't just let your child have a godmother only without a godfather because you're not married?"

"Uh Um, I can't, after all, it's up to me if the child had a godfather or not."

Sienna said with a fake smile.

Camille continued to joke: “But the baby is mine, I can make the decision!"

"Then give it a try."

"Well, I will, don't you dare force me, I'll rebel.”

The two of them were talking and Sienna was about to lose when she suddenly said, "Mr. Simpson, Cami said she wants to have a second child, do you have any idea?"

This sudden interruption made the atmosphere pause.

Camille looked at Sienna incredulously, with a helpless look on her face, but Sienna blinked fearlessly.

Grandmother also heard them talking, looking at the two with a smile on her face, eyes sweeping back and forth between the two as if they were a couple.

Ayan was also a little surprised, but soon he came back to his senses, that handsome face revealed a titillating smile, said with a low and deep voice: “as long as she wants, it doesn't matter what I think, but pregnancy and childbirth is too hard, I think one is good for us now, of course, my ideas don't count, everything depends on Cami, she is the leader of our family.”

The word leader immediately made Camille's cheeks roll.

She wrinkled her brows and looked at Ayan: "What are you talking about?"

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