My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 342 Surrendering Oneself

Chapter 342 Surrendering oneself

Camille also froze, Sophia was giving him shares?

She looked at him with increasingly subtle eyes, not wanting to miss a single expression on his face.

Will Ayan be impressed?

“You do not misunderstand, I am not trying to do anything, this is my sincerity, you know, Benson fanily after I take over, but I know how deep the water in this circle, I need a backer, I understand that you do not feel for me and can not be married to me, but I need Simpson Group to work with me for a long time.

“It's not a trivial matter, and I can't give you an answer for now."

“Then you think about it."

Ayan hung up the phone, his face slightly light and cold.

He and Sophia's conversation Camille naturally did not listen completely, but Ayan said she heard every word clearly.

After the call ended, Ayan put his phone away.

His eyes subconsciously looked at her, and he didn't expect Camille to be staring at him. When their eyes collided, Camille didn't avoid it, but raised her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Sophia is giving you the shares of Benson Group?"

Ayan frowned, his voice faint: "Well, that's what she meant.”

“Then will you agree? With a family like Sophia's, the Benson Group will definitely be her inheritance in the future, so if you take the shares she gives you does that mean you'll be tied to her forever? If it's just a partnership it doesn't seem solid, so is Sophia expecting you to marry her after the divorce?"

Her voice didn't have much emotion or ripple, as if she was really just asking him this question seriously because she was curious.

Ayan suddenly smiled and gave her a good look, echoing her words and asking lightly, "You're right, that's probably what she meant.” Camille's eyes fluttered, but she kept her composure and asked, "So what do you think?"

She asked carefully.

Ayan kept his eyes on her and his words were warm: "What do you think I should do?"

She gently fluttered her eyelashes, "Shouldn't you be making this decision yourself?"

"Camille, we're a couple, you should also think for me whether I should say yes to her or not?"

"Does Sophia really want us to get a divorce and then you to marry her?"

She wrinkled her eyebrows, her voice low, her heart couldn't help but think of what Sophia had said to her before, Sophia said that she wouldn't stalk and cling to the other person knowing that they had a partner, and that she wouldn't do anything against the bottom line even when she liked it.

But now Sophia is asking Ayan to take her shares, isn't that a violation of the bottom line?

Thinking about this, her face became more and more ugly.

Ayan paid attention to all the changes in her expression, and naturally did not miss her unhappy expression at the moment, he responded lightly, "She did not want us to divorce, she just wanted me to take her shares."

"She's okay with us not getting a divorce and then still wants you to have that relationship with her?"

"That kind of relationship? What kind of relationship?"

He did not move and asked.

Camille's face became more and more gloomy, she somehow could not find an accurate word to describe the feeling at this moment, just responded: "She is not just want to use the shares to make you and her become a couple? But on the one hand, she didn't think we would get a divorce, so what does she mean?

Is it that you want me to be your wife who doesn't see the light? And then my children as well? If that's the case, Ayan, I won't accept it, and you can promise her that then we'll break it off clean!"

After she finished, she had a big look of having made a big decision, a face flushed white without much blood, and her emotions seemed to be slowly getting excited.

She took a deep breath, clasped her hands together, and mentally told herself silently that if she really had to face such a side, then let nature take its course.

Whatever Ayan's choice is, she can live with it.

She has children she can raise and care for alone, and she doesn't need to compromise for anyone.

But Ayan listened to the cut deeply looked at her, and then the corners of the mouth rose to outline a light smile, and then people also followed the stand up: “I have not promised her you have to break with me cleanly? She sent Benson Group shares is true, but only bundled cooperation this one possibility, compared to Sophia such a shrewd wife, I think or you are more suitable to do this Mrs. Simpson.”

Ayan finished, the person lifted his feet and walked out, he said, "I'm going to call out to come over and give you a checkup, you can be discharged later."

Camille's eyes moved along with his figure, her mind repeating over and over again what he had just said.

Is she more suited to be Mrs. Simpson than Sophia's savvy?

Was she not savvy enough?

Camille, who was pregnant, was completely unaware that she was going through the process of being pregnant for three years. She thought for a long time but could not figure out what Ayan meant by that?

Is that a compliment to her?

But it sounds like it's not exactly.

Camille had nothing more to do after the tests, everything was stable and then she was discharged.

Ayan drove her back to her apartment. She didn't talk much with Ayan on the way back because Ayan spent most of the time answering the phone.

He seemed to be very busy, but stayed with her.

Camille looked at the side of his face and the whole thing went a bit off the rails with her.

They were arguing in the hospital room this morning, but now they're sitting in the car without any confrontation, and the doctor said she needs to keep a good mood, so he's probably doing it for the baby too, right?

Camille hung her head, following the ringing of what Ayan said Preston had said.

Her face was slightly pale and her eyes were flooded with indifference. She could never figure out what Preston was up to when she suddenly thought of someone.

The Armstrong family had an incident with an associate, Elijah. Preston himself admitted that he was the mastermind of the Armstrong family, so why did Elijah refuse to testify against Preston and instead admitted all the responsibility and cost himself?

Do they have anything to do with each other?

Why else would you give up the defense and freedom that belongs to you because of the other side?

Elijah can do this kind of thing, looking at it will not be the kind of people who sacrifice themselves for others, but he did not give up Preston.

Is it because the money from Preston is in place?

Camille had a stony face, she didn't mention it to Ayan, just acted as if nothing had occurred to her.

The car pulled up under the apartment building and Camille unbuckled her seatbelt to get out.

Ayan said, "Be safe, call me if you have anything, the company still has things to do, I have to go over there first, huh?"

He is already considered to be showing weakness and giving a step. Camille nodded, "Okay, you drive safe.”

She stood off to the side and watched Ayan drive away before withdrawing her gaze.

Since I didn't have my cell phone with me, I had to go upstairs and go home first.

She opened the door and entered. Sienna was in the kitchen making porridge and came out immediately when she heard the noise: "You're back so soon? Did Ayan bring you back?"


"So are you two getting along much better?"

Is it ready?

When Camille thought about it, it didn't seem like it.

She said indifferently, "That's about it!"

Sienna froze in disbelief, but was relieved to see that she was looking much better.

Camille didn't talk much about Ayan, she just couldn't wait to tell Sienna, "Why don't you go out with me, I'm trying to figure something out and I'm going to go to the Armstrong family."

"Now go to the Armstrong family? What's the rush?"

“It's a mess, and I figured Dad would know some of the inside story, so I thought I'd ask him."

The dad she's talking about is, naturally, Brody.

They haven't been in touch since last time, though Grace has messaged her twice, but she hasn't replied.

Sienna packed up and drove with her to the Armstrong family home. When we got to the door, Camille said, “Wait for me at the door, I'll be right out.”

"Okay, be safe and call me immediately if you have anything."


Camille nodded and couldn't help but smile, "Why do I feel a bit like I'm going to war?"

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