My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 338: Stunned

Chapter 338: Stunned

Camille subconsciously stiffened, she looked at the old Simpson, her face gave a slight beat, and then said, "Grandpa, why do you ask that?" "Cami, just tell me the truth, is that what you think?"

The old Simpson was very concerned about this issue.

Camille smiled lightly, "No, Grandpa, I didn't think so."


The old Simpson didn't quite believe it.

Camille said, "When have I ever lied to you?"

the old Simpson a gloomy expression which relaxed a little, he also sighed, and then said in a low voice: "This time, it is indeed aggravated you, I also know that he did too much, you can rest assured that I will give you an explanation.”

"Grandpa, don't worry, and don't ask him about it, and don't need to ask for any more guarantees or promises like him, this matter, let it go!" Camille's attitude is a little serious, the old Simpson listened to a long time are silent.

Camille's insistence made the old Simpson finally nod his head and agree.

He stopped looking for Ayan to apologize to Camille, and stopped being angry with Ayan over the incident.

Just let the matter pass with time.

Camille had lunch at the Simpson's manson, then played chess with the old Simpson for a while, followed by the old Simpson mentioned: "Cami, your birthday is coming up, this year you are the biggest contributor to the Simpson family, you tell us how you want to spend it? I, the old man, will make the arrangements for you personally?" "Grandpa, aren't you discounting my life like this? You are the elder and I am the junior, how can I let you make arrangements for me? I don't ask for anything, just have a meal together.”

Grandma's surgery was about two days before and after her birthday, so she didn't have much thought to spend on her birthday, and she didn't have the interest to have a lively celebration, she just wanted to have a simple meal.

But the old Simpson's point was, "How can that be? This is your first birthday with child, and your last birthday as a girl, the next birthday you are a mother, the responsibility can be more, so this year must be a good celebration to do."

the old Simpson is very insistent to give Camille birthday, Talia side is also the same idea, Talia said: "Cami, you do not want to let grandpa worry to you to arrange, then let me, I am particularly interested in this area, I will not be tired, I will arrange the following people to do, I mainly want to personally over to you to arrange, you are not allowed to Refuse me, or I'll be bored to death staying at home."

Fletcher also said it was okay, and it was finally decided, leaving Talia in full charge of arranging her birthday.

Although Camille did not refuse again, she also said many times, "Mom, don't be too complicated and fussy, just keep it simple, okay?" Talia nodded her head and assured, "Don't worry, just leave it to me, I won't let you down."

Talia's words made Camille feel embarrassed, but Talia came up to her and reassured her, "We're family, Cami, and I hope you'll never feel embarrassed, family should be open and honest, no need to be polite.” “Thank you mom, and thank you dad, and most of all thank you grandpa.”

Camille smiles a respectful smile.

Although the meal was not Ayan in, but the meal was still quite happy and harmonious.

After dinner, Talia had her driver take Camille back to her apartment.

It was lunch break at this point, and she didn't bother Sienna, so she went back to her side of the house, took a shower and then laid down to rest a bit.

But there was no sleep, all in his mind was Ayan's indifference to him at the Simpson's manson.

Other than his questioning remark, there was not a single word of interaction between the two of them.

It just feels like more than a stranger.

Camille wonders why they have become like this?

At the same time, Ayan, who was in the Simpson Group's top floor office, received word that Camille had returned to her apartment.

Kian had already returned from Flento City, but before he could check in with him, Talia's call came first.

On the phone, Talia educated Ayan somewhat unhappily, “You are too much today, Ayan, you are a man and Cami's husband, how can you face her with that kind of attitude in front of me and grandpa? Do you know how unhappy she is today?"

"Are you here to educate me instead of Grandpa?"

"Don't mention your grandfather, if you make him sick, your father and I can't get around you, I tell you, Cami's birthday is coming up, you must give me a good performance to make her happy, if you can't get the attitude I'l..."

"What do you want?"

Ayan laughed lowly with some helplessness.

As for Camille's birthday, he narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the way she spoke for him at the Simpson's manson to the old Simpson. Heh, she doesn't care about anything.

Even now, like this, she did not react in the slightest.

He really wanted to know what was going on in this woman's mind?

In her ear was Talia's coldly grunting voice: "I'll go online and expose you, I'll show the Simpson Group employees what kind of person Mr. Simpson is?"

“You're still really down with it?"

"Don't you force me, I can do anything when I'm in a hurry, so be careful or I'll have your sister going around the international arena saying you're bullying your wife."

“You are really the real mother!" Ayan helpless occasion.

The call ended and Kian then offered the notes in his hand.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, I checked all the records that I could find before the lady and Preston came to Hance City from the time they met."

Ayan flipped through the contents of his notes for a few moments. Camille and Preston have known each other for more than ten years now, but although they have known each other for so many years, they have always been friends. Everyone who knows them knows that Preston likes Camille, but Camille has someone in her heart and is just a friend to Preston.

So even if Kian check also did not find anything, Ayan also did not continue to look at the meaning, only lightly asked: "In addition to these, there is nothing else suspicious things?"

“No, in case these friends are paid by Preston, I also made a special effort to understand know some of the surrounding neighbors, also said that they did not know that Preston and Mrs. have been together, Mrs. keep a good distance between the two, will not be close.”

Camille and Preston were close friends and their mutual friends knew it, but no one knew the news that the two had been together and were shocked.

Ayan was briefly silent, catching the phrase Kian had just mentioned. He looked at Kian with no expression and asked, "What does it mean that she has someone in her heart?"

“This I do not know very well, just listen to those people say so, should be the lady that ex-boyfriend?"

Kian also checked, but there were no obvious results. Although he had known Camille's classmates and friends for many years, none of them had met Camille's ex-boyfriend.

Kian reported the truth to Ayan, who was completely silent after listening.

It's okay if you don't know if you've known Camille for a year or two or a few years, but some of the people who have been with Camille since high school don't know who her ex-boyfriend is?

Ayan a handsome face was covered with coldness, his words were warm, “Are you sure you didn't miss anything?"

“I am sure that all that should be investigated has been investigated, and if I still want to investigate more thoroughly, I am afraid that I will alarm the lady."

Kian went to a lot of trouble to find this out.

But Ayan always had doubts, he said, "Camille is surrounded by only one friend of the opposite sex, Preston, and everyone has never met her ex-boyfriend, who do you think the ex-boyfriend could be?"

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