My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 330 - Tricking

Chapter 330 - Tricking

"No." He responded lightly, then changed the subject: "You went to the police?"

"Well, it went, and at first they blamed me for showing up too late, but I did what you said, and they didn't give me a hard time, instead they reassured me that they would do their best to find you."

Molly repeated to Preston in detail what had happened when she went to the police station today.

He didn't say anything when he heard it, he just said in a low voice, "Thank you."

These two words made people feel rusty, so Molly immediately cried and asked, "Brother, what do you mean? Are you trying to meet me now? "

Preston lifted his hand to wipe her tears and gazed at her with tender eyes, "I'm not trying to be a stranger to you, I'm just afraid of getting you involved."

Molly cried more fiercely, and her heart was even more endlessly moved.

Especially in the face of Preston's gentle like water, she simply can not resist.

She pursed her lips to control her emotions as she said, "I'm not afraid of being involved, I like being involved with you, brother, I'm on your side unconditionally, I only trust you."

Preston hooked his lips in a smile, seemingly satisfied with her response.

The two of them went to the sofa and sat down, the food on the table was still hot, so Molly took a pair of clean chopsticks and handed them to Preston: "You must not have eaten properly, why don't you eat first and I'll order two more dishes for you?"

“No, I'll just eat a little." Preston refused, saying, “You alone, ordering so many dishes, even if you have a big appetite, you can't eat so much, it's easy to make people suspicious, eh?"

Molly then gave up and did not want to continue to give him the order, just sat aside and offered to peel the shrimp shells for him.

Watching Preston eat she was very happy, and when he finished eating, she took the initiative to hand him wet wipes to wipe his hands and mouth, and then only then asked: "Brother, in the end what happened? You drove your car into the river where there is no chance to escape ah? Do you know that I was scared to death when I saw the news."

Preston leaned on the couch, his eyes faintly swept Molly, he did not answer the question.

Just narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Ayan deliberately set a trap for me at the hospital to get me inside, and afterwards had the police chase me and push me to the breaking point, I can't be caught by the police people, or you will have to see me inside the police station now." He avoided the importance of why fell into the river and how to escape from the river skipped, he put all the things to Ayan, but also fiercely to the account to Ayan's head.

Molly asked with some uncertainty, "Brother, why did Ayan do this to you? Is it just because of that project? And why did you give him trouble with his project to make him target you?"

She asked carefully, but Preston's eyes immediately flashed cold. Preston said, "You think I'm the kind of person who would actively seek out someone if he didn't provoke me?"

A clear displeasure was revealed under his eyes.

Molly immediately shook her head and denied: "I didn't mean it, I just .... I'm just afraid you're doing this for Camille, and that would be so unworthy.”

"Of course not." Preston denied it with an expressionless face, saying, “It was all about Ayan messing with me in the first place, and I can't just let him bully me, can 1?"

Molly shook her head, "Of course not, brother you're doing the right thing, I support you."

The indifference on Preston's face gradually dispersed, and he reached out to straighten the messy hair on Molly's cheeks, and said in a soft voice: "Molly, it's good to have you."

His actions left Molly completely stunned.

Molly's cheeks blushed slightly and she quickly lowered her eyes and whispered, “Brother, don't be so polite with me."

Preston's deep eyes never left her gaze.

His reaction caused Molly to ask, "Why do you keep looking at me?" He said, "Wanted to take a serious look at you."

Molly froze.

There is an indescribable taste in the heart.

Preston had always been good to her, but she wasn't sure if that was because Preston was adopted by the Walker family?

So all along she didn't dare Preston to ask for too much, she was afraid to make things worse between them, but then he had Camille with him, she knew he liked Camille, her jealousy exploded, and from then on their relationship was slowly changing.

The atmosphere at the moment is like going back to the time when we didn't know Camille yet.

He is gentle and considerate and attentive to meticulousness.

Molly lightly pursed her lips as she asked, somewhat uncontrollably, "Brother, do you still have Camille in your heart?"

Preston's eyelids jumped slightly, and then his eyes looked away, his voice was warm: “To her just stay at the first meeting, we have each other in mind."

They have each other in mind.

Do she and he have someone else in mind?

So he doesn't like Camille?

Molly asks, somewhat uncertainly, “Isn't Camille the one you like?"

"Of course not." He responded positively, “I like people I can't like." Molly frowned and didn't understand what it meant?


"Because our status and relationship are not suitable." Preston said while looking at her, the tenderness of his eyes made Molly fall completely, his voice what mute to the extreme: "Molly, do you still not understand what I am saying? "

Molly stiffened up completely.

It's not that she doesn't understand, it's that she can't believe it. Because she thought how is this possible?

If he was really what she suspected in her heart, then why did he reject her initiative so many times without hesitation?

Also, Eileen said he would never be able to fall for an arrogant young lady like her, ever.

So she didn't dare to think about it.

Molly kept her head down and remained silent for a long time without any response.

Preston asked in a low voice, "Molly, why don't you say anything? Is it because my words scared you?"

Molly hurriedly shook her head, her heart was a little worried that he would immediately retract the words he just said, her heart was both conflicted and apprehensive, not wanting him to retract, but not daring to respond.

Molly pursed her lips as she looked up at Preston and she asked, "You mean, you like me too, right?"

Preston said, "Did I not express myself clearly enough?"

"But you have never said the word like to me, even if I take the initiative to tell you my heart, you are serious to tell me that it is impossible, when I mature will change."

"Am I not right? Because you are still young, your current feelings are not representative of the future, so I want you to think it over."

Molly didn't think so, she said, "But I'm an adult.”

"But Molly have you ever thought about how disparate we are from each other? I'm adopted by THE Walker family, and by definition I'm not good enough for you."

"But I don't care about that, and if I did I wouldn't like you."

Molly retorted with slight excitement.

Preston looked at her, a lot of softness rose up under his eyes, he said in a low voice: "I understand, the reason why I say what's on my mind at this time is not because you helped me, but I am worried that Ayan and the police side are watching me not to have the opportunity to say it later.”

Molly was so touched that she quickly reached out and covered his mouth to stop him from continuing, "Brother, I promise you, there will never be a day like that, I will definitely help you get justice.”

Because of Preston's confession, Molly is completely smitten.

She is now full of Preston, want to exclude all difficulties to be with Preston, she is a complete and utter love brain, in addition to love can not want anything kind of.

But how could she see what was on Preston's mind?

Faced with her assurance, Preston did not show much heart, just shook his head and said, "No need for you to give me justice, it's too hard, dealing with the police is tired enough, and there is an Ayan, there is no way to deal with him without a certain foundation.”

“I don't work hard, I'd do it for you." Molly, in order to let Preston see the sincerity, she hurriedly asked, "What kind of foundation is needed to deal with Ayan?"

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