My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 307 Prisoners

Chapter 307 Prisoners

The man finished drinking the water, and only then did his deep dark eyes look at her and said indifferently, "You went out with Arnold?" Eileen did not have the slightest embarrassment of being known by him, just put down her bag, walked to the sofa and sat down, her words were warm and cool, "What's the problem?"

"Aren't you afraid that Ayan will be even colder to you if you do this?" "Do you think he's not cold enough for me now? He stopped all my work and made me ridiculed in the circle, so I wonder if he still has me in his heart. I'm afraid even the last bit of love is gone, right?"

Eileen was in a very bad mood when she thought of this, she would have liked Ayan to know, she wanted to see if Ayan cared in the end? Now she can't even contact Ayan, she can't help but spit out: "You asked me to tell Ayan that you did the collapse, Camille already knew about it, but what happened? I can't even see him, and my secretary answers my phone calls. He doesn't want to see me at all, so I'm afraid he wouldn't believe me even if I told him."

Eileen put all her displeasure and dissatisfaction on Preston, so her attitude towards him was no better.

Eileen's tirade said a whole lot and made Preston's face go cold to the bone.

He walked over and sat on the empty single sofa and said indifferently, “I will be staying with you recently, so inform your agent not to come over."

"You're staying at my place?"

"What? No?"

Preston is not the least bit worried, much less afraid of her refusal. Eileen didn't say no, but asked, "You're not afraid of Ayan knowing you're staying at my place?"

"He'll come over to your place?"

“You're not worried he'll be watching me?"

"He doesn't know we've crossed paths, so there's no need to worry about that." Preston finished indifferently, then he picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote down a series of things, he said, "Go and prepare these living supplies for me, remember, the usual food or just buy your portion alone, after all, you live alone, buy too many portions, it is easy to cause suspicion.”

Eileen was not happy about it, but said nothing.

She asked, "How long do you plan to stay? You're wanted by the police now, so staying at my place all the time isn't an option, is it?"

“I'l be away from Hance City for a while when the heat dies down." “You're leaving Hance City? What about me?"

Eileen asked in disbelief.

If Preston leaves, then all that is left between them that hasn't been done is left to her?

If that were the case, Eileen would never have agreed to it.

But her mind Preston also seems to have guessed, he said: "just temporarily away for a period of time, after will new identity back, as for the relationship between you and Ayan can maintain the status quo, everything is waiting for my return.”

"How long will it take?" Not quite convinced, without much of a bottom, she asked, "If you don't get back for a few years, then what happens when Ayan and Camille get better and better together?"

Preston sank his face, he did not answer the question, just indifferently swept Eileen as he said, "No matter how long, the purpose between you and me is always the same, you want to marry Ayan, when all is said and done, it will surely be as you wish, after all, it is what he owes."

In the evening, Preston stayed in Eileen's guest room, he did not have much sleep, stood in front of the window and lit a cigarette, looking out at the night sky, he thought of Eileen this night, she is now completely in front of Ayan can not say a word, so she is not very useful at the moment.

He squinted his eyes and took a sharp puff of smoke, white smoke curled around his handsome face, the corners of his dark and cunning eyes showed a touch of calculation.

He suddenly came up with a way to get himself out of trouble.

He hooked his lips in a smile, finished the last puff of his cigarette, and then went to the bathroom.

The next morning, the first sunlight shone through the glass of the villa. Camille was up early and had to hang out in the living room because she couldn't go outside.

Auntie got up to prepare breakfast when she saw her and asked softly, "Madam, are you hungry? I'll go prepare breakfast now."

"No, there's no need to rush, I'm just getting enough sleep.”

It's the third day here, nothing to do, no point.

Camille pondered for a moment, then went to open the door, the bodyguard outside immediately stood up straight and blocked the door: "Madam, you can't go out without Mr. Simpson's permission, don't give us a hard time, okay?"

“I'm not going out, I'm just asking you guys to tell him I need a pen and paper, I need to work."

After she finished lightly,, looking at the two bodyguards without any action, she asked again, "What? Not even this?"

The bodyguards glanced at each other and hung their heads, "I'll ask Mr. Reid.”

Camille was standing at the door waiting. The bodyguard couldn't resist her and had to dial Kian's number in front of her.

But just as the call came through and the bodyguard was about to speak, Camille suddenly rushed over and grabbed his phone.

The bodyguard said helplessly, "Madam ...."

Because she is pregnant, and Ayan's wife, so simply can not do anything to her, even to retrieve the phone in her hand, but to keep a distance, and helplessly look at her.

Camille picked up the phone and questioned directly, "Kian is it? Ask him when the hell he's going to let me out?"

Kian also froze when he heard it was Camille's voice. He subconsciously looked to Ayan who was looking at the file aside and his voice murmured, "Madam?"

Hearing this name, Ayan also slightly raised his eyes to look at Kian, his face slightly light, his eyes stunned.

Camille said coldly, "He didn't go to Hence City at all, did he? What was he trying to do?"

"Madam, don't get excited, just stay at the villa and we will tell you when Mr. Simpson is done."

Kian said cautiously, a heart of trepidation, the remaining light is still subconsciously watching the expressionless Ayan.

But Camille doesn't even listen. Camille asks, "Are you being perfunctory?”

Her cold voice came out through the phone, and even though she didn't turn on the speakerphone, Ayan still heard it loud and clear.

Kian hastily denied it, but just kept the official answer: "Madam, you don't think anything, it's really just because Mr. Simpson is busy, so,...." "You still haven't answered my question, did Ayan not go to Hence City?"

She called Ayan three words, is the first time Kian heard, dodging eyes dare not to look directly at Ayan, afraid that Ayan will therefore kill the innocent.

He took a silent breath and said in a somewhat apprehensive whisper, "Madam, if there's nothing else, then that's all for now."

Kian wanted to hang up the phone, if he continued, he really did not know what else would happen?

He pursed his lips, not even daring to breathe, especially watching those bony fingertips gently tapping the table, as if to tell him that the owner of these hands is running out of patience.

But before he hangs up, Camille asks, "Are you with him? He's right next to you, isn't he? Give him the phone, I need to talk to him."

Kian simply stopped talking.

Camille's voice became more pronounced: "Ayan, what do you mean? Why do you want to lock me up here? If I really did something you could have just asked me, even a prisoner has the right to explain, am I even worse than a prisoner?”

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