My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 301 Surveillance

Chapter 301 Surveillance

She wrinkled her eyebrows, her face was pale and bloodless.

Plus, she really hadn't eaten much this day, so Auntie nodded and immediately went downstairs.

Camille closed the door and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling in awe as she waited quietly for Dr. Ellis to come over.

Half an hour or so.

The sound of a car engine came from outside the window, and she hurriedly got up from the bed and went straight out without even putting on her shoes.

She went down the stairs and only reached the corner of the stairs when she saw the doctor coming in from outside.

Auntie was about to take the doctor upstairs when she looked up and saw Camille standing there. Auntie hurriedly said, "Madam, the doctor is here, do you want to stay downstairs or go back to your room?" Camille's face was cold as she swept a glance at the doctor she had never seen next to her and she said, "Ayan sent him?"

"Hello ma'am, Mr. Reid arranged for me to come over, do you have a stomach ache?"

The doctor nodded slightly with his head held high and introduced himself again.

Camille, however, did not react much, just gave him an indifferent look and then said, "I want Dr. Ellis, he is my primary care doctor, I don't want anyone else to see it but him."

The male doctor hastily responded, "Madam, Dr. Ellis is my teacher, you can trust me as much as you trust him."

“I don't need it, you can go." Camille turned around and went upstairs. The male doctor looked at the maid aunt, his eyes were a little difficult, but finally did not say anything, because Dr. Ellis arranged for him to come over and instructed him not to say a word that should not be said. Camille went back to her room, she didn't even close the door, she sat on the couch in her bedroom, her heart rising with anger and emotion. The maid aunt also followed her up at this time, warmed her hot milk and put it on the coffee table in front of her, then spoke in a warm voice: "Madam, why are you suffering? You are pregnant, you should take good care of your body."

"Auntie, ask him for me I when he will let me out?"

"Madam, I'm not sure about this, it's late, you should rest early, staying up late is not good for the child.”

"You should just tell him that, trapping me here is not only bad for me, it's also bad for the baby in my belly, tonight I just have an upset stomach, but what about tomorrow? And what will happen who knows?"

Camille goes along with the aunt's words and threatens with the baby, trying to get the aunt to tell Ayan and then let her regain her freedom for the baby's sake.

But auntie looked at her with difficulty and hesitation in her eyes, Camille asked lightly, "What do you have to say?"

Auntie sighed helplessly, she originally did not want to say, but now she had to say, she said: "Madam, Mr. Simpson asked me to convey a message to you, he said he hopes that you and the child in your belly are safe, otherwise you can not afford the consequences.”

A simple sentence made Camille completely silent.

How could he not hear his threat?

She half-smiled her eyes into silence, and her aunt could see that she had listened before she said to get an early night's rest and left the room.

The door of the room closed gently, Camille then gradually slowed down, but a face is still ugly and gloomy.

How could he threaten her with her grandmother?

How could he do that?

The more Camille thought about it, the harder it was, she felt like her heart was blocked by something like some gasping for air.

Throughout the night, she basically did not sleep much, turning over and over, tossing and turning many times.

In a hotel room in the same city, when Ayan received a call from his bodyguard, his subconscious reaction was to grab his car keys and get ready to rush to the Rosenkins Mansion.

But he opened the door and only gradually calmed down. Her pregnancy test results had been good, and she usually didn't have anything going on, so she should be fine.

But he still couldn't take it lightly, so he chose to contact Dr. Ellis and asked Dr. Ellis to arrange for a doctor to come over, and then asked Dr. Ellis again, "She should be okay at this month now, right?"

“Basically, you can rest assured from all the inspection information, but I'll arrange a student to go over and check it out, or you can put your mind at ease.”


Ayan's face is still not the slightest relaxation, after hanging up the phone has been standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, hands around the chest, the handsome face tight as a string.

He continued in this state until Dr. Ellis’ phone call came and he got an answer, his heart was relieved, but at the same time a wave of anger spread from the depths of his heart and took over all his thoughts.

He mentally murmured, "Is she preparing to threaten him with the safety of the child?"

When Ayan thought of this, he subconsciously brought up the image of her vowing not to have the baby, and immediately called out and told the other party to tell Camille, "I want her and the baby to be safe, or she can't afford the consequences.”

The words fell, he threw the phone aside, the gloom on his face did not diminish but increased.

Time was passing by, but his mood was unchanged.

This night, in addition to Camille, Ayan also did not sleep well.

As the new day begins, Camille has to hold back her emotions because of Ayan's words, telling herself to calm down over and over again, so she lives like a puppet on a string at the Rosenkins Mansion, with no freedom, no contact with anyone, and her every move under the watchful eye of the servants.

Camille was actually quite depressed, but she had no choice but to keep going as if nothing had happened.

Because Camille suddenly could not be contacted, Sienna's side was also anxious.

Originally Sienna thought she had gone back to the Simpson's manson with Ayan, but after calling again and again without any response, Sienna was a little worried.

So she called Ayan directly.

But Ayan did not answer her phone, she had no choice but to go directly to the security room of the apartment to transfer the surveillance.

However, although she lived here, the person who rented the house was Camille, so she did not have this right to transfer the surveillance. Sienna felt annoyed and finally drove straight to the Simpson Group. She asked to see Ayan by name. The receptionist of Simpson Group didn't know her and just reminded her, "Miss, you need to make an appointment to see Mr. Simpson, but our Mr. Simpson is not in the company right now, he is on a business trip to Hence City."

Sienna frowned tightly, "Ayan’'s away on business?"

She confirmed that Ayan was indeed on a business trip, but did Camille go with him? The receptionist at the company didn't know, so she couldn't give her an answer.

Sienna was silent and finally planned to go to the Simpson's manson to ask about it.

She will not rest until she is clear, an hour or half a day without contact she felt no matter, but a day and a night has passed, the phone is always in the state can not be connected, so how can she be calm as nothing happened ah!

Just as Sienna was about to leave the Simpson Group to go to the Simpson familythe Simpson's manson, her cell phone rang at that moment.

The number of the caller, although there is no note, but the string of numbers she has long remembered by heart.

She held the phone hesitantly before tapping to answer, "Hello?"

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