My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 297 Superfluous

Chapter 297 Superfluous

Camille stiffened and subconsciously froze.

She looked to Ayan: "You went to the hospital too? Why didn't I see you?"

"Shouldn't that be asked of you?"

His eyes were deep, his hands still held her, but his words carried a cold warmth that left Camille with an indescribable alienation.

Four eyes looked at each other, Camille's heart was also like being clutched by something, some indescribable feelings.

She pursed her lips slightly and answered while looking away from her eyes, "I stayed at the hospital for a while this afternoon before Sienna called and called me away, she asked me to accompany her out, so I didn't know you went to the hospital, you must have arrived after I left, right?"


The tone that emanated from between his throat bones, his emotions were unknown and his face was warm and bland.

Camille asks, "Did you go see Grandma?"

"Well, talked with her for a while, where did you go with Sienna? Why didn't you even answer your phone?"

"Did you call me?" Camille's phone was in her bag, she hadn't looked at it since she took Sienna's call, left it untouched in her bag, she said, “I'm sorry, I didn't hear it, are you upset?"

"No." He narrowed his eyes and continued, "So where did you go? Can't tell?"

Camille pursed her lips as she said, "No?"

"What is it that you can't even talk to me about? Or do I need to ask Kian to look into it?"


She called out his name in a slightly serious voice.

With a faint smile, barely visible, he asked, "What's wrong? Don't want me to know?"

“It's not that I don't want to, it's just that this matter is between girls, you make it clear like this, so where to put Sienna's face?"

In order to keep Ayan's attention away from this matter, she had to deliberately mislead him about Sienna, only then he would not be interested.

After Camille's words, he didn't respond right away, just stared at her for a few seconds before saying unhurriedly, “I'm just saying, what's all the excitement about?"

There was an inexplicable meaningful look in his eyes, as if he meant to imply something to her?

Camille looked at him blankly, she opened her mouth to explain, but before the words could come out, Ayan's phone rang at that moment. With one hand free, he picked up the phone directly from the side in front of him, and it was Kian calling.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Khan wants to see you and says she has something important to tell you, do you want to see it?"

His face is slightly light, without the slightest ripple, just coldly said: "What is the matter let her say directly, no need to come to this set, I do not have extra time to deal with her.”

His cold, thin response brought a flash of surprise to Camille's eyes as well.

Didn't he love Eileen a lot?

Was it a fight?

Camille's thoughts wandered a bit and thought of Molly's words. Molly said that Eileen had dealings with Preston, and from the conditions Molly proposed, the dealings between Preston and Eileen should be quite frequent, otherwise Molly could not be so anxious and scared. So does Ayan know?

Would he care if he knew Eileen was with someone else of the opposite sex?

The more Camille thought about it, the more emotionally gripped she became, and until Ayan's call was answered, she was still in a state of disorientation and hadn't looked back.

He called out Camille's name without getting a response and just watched her with a slight frown, as if she was thinking about something?

He narrowed his eyes and directly raised his hand to touch her cheek, then without waiting for her to have any mental preparation, he directly kissed her lips.

He was not at all polite, nor was he the least bit gentle. The kiss lasted so long that Camille almost choked.

Because his strength was not light, he even bit her on the way out, making her lips red and sore.

Camille gasped and stared at him, "What are you doing? What are you biting me for?"

"What are you thinking about? I've been calling you for half a day and you haven't responded. Camille, where the hell did you go with Sienna today? What is it that makes you listen to me answer the phone and get lost in thought?"

He stared at her, his scarlet lips questionably kissed, red and seedy, reflecting a thin, watery intent in the light.

His deep eyes shrank sharply, his throat was a little dry, and his body had a violent reaction overflowing, but in the end he held back and controlled it.

Camille pursed her lips, her words were always light: "I have already said that I am accompanying Sienna on a trip, do I have to report to you Sienna no matter where I go? I didn't wander off, I just didn't want to disturb you from answering the phone, Kian wasn't talking to you about Eileen? She wanted to see you so badly, why didn't you say yes?" Camille shows her displeasure and annoyance, and can only quickly change the subject so that Ayan will not focus on her.

It was only her words that made the man's face turn gloomy and cold as he said in a low voice, "You're keen for me to say yes to her?"

“I didn't mean that, I just wanted to know why you didn't say yes?" “You don't know why?"

He asked faintly.

Camille shook her head in disbelief, "Of course I don't know."

"Heh, yeah, of course you don't know, you don't care in any way, naturally you don't know."

His words carried a cold sarcasm.

She froze and was silent for a long time.

She was still sitting in his arms, but both kept quiet and didn't speak again.

It went on like this for a while until Auntie knocked on the door of the room and whispered outside the door, “The food is ready, do you want to eat now or wait until later?"

Camille subconsciously looked at Ayan, but he still did not respond, nor did he mean to respond.

She hurriedly responded, "We're eating now."

Auntie said yes, and then went to prepare the food.

The two ate their meal, but there was basically little interaction because of the episode in the bedroom.

After eating, Ayan went to the study.

Camille was alone in the living room watching TV, in fact she didn't watch it at all, she just chatted with Sienna on her cell phone and told her about the situation just now.

The study.

Ayan sat in front of the desk, the handsome face flooded with a deep cold depression, he did not have any movement, just keep quiet and sit in the chair for a long time in silence.

He is a very suspicious person, sensitive character makes him see through many things at a glance.

Camille's unusual reaction made him think more.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed a series of numbers, his voice was not warm as he said to the person over there, "Find out where Camille and Sienna went today?"

After his words, the other party responded.

The hand he held the phone, slightly tightened, and then said, "Forget it, do not check, this matter do not care.”

Kian asked with uncertainty, "Mr. Simpson, it's true that we're not checking, right?"

"Well, without checking, what was the response from Eileen?"

"Miss Khan has not returned yet, but her reaction is not quite the same as before, as if there is really something in hand that is of interest to you."

"No need to show too much of what you want to know to let her know, plus you check to see if anything happened while she was suspended from work?"

He doesn't really believe that Eileen really has something to say to him, but rather he believes that Eileen is anxious because she has been suspended from work for so long that she wants to make up some lies to get her job back.

After instructing these, Ayan hung up the phone and leaned on the chair to look at the night sky outside the window in silence.

Over the next two days, Camille did not go back to the office.

Ayan didn't know it at first, but Kian mentioned it the next morning after he reported his work.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson , the person who secretly protects madam asks, madam did not go to the office all day yesterday and so far today, do you know about this?"

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