My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 294 - Birthday

Chapter 294 - Birthday

Camille gave a slight pause, and her face flashed with some light stiffness.

She said, "Okay, I got it."

Ayan gave her a look, then reached out again and cupped her chin and lifted it slightly, leaned over and kissed her on the lips, and only then was he satisfied to let go and turn around and go out the door.

Only Camille was silent.

Those words of Ayan just now made her a little weak.

Was he hinting at something to her?

Camille's subconscious thought was that Ayan might know something. But on second thought, it shouldn't be possible.

If he had even a hint of knowing, he would have gone along with the investigation and would not have simply hinted at her.

It was with this thought that Camille's heart sank with relief.

In the morning, Camille arrives at the office and gets busy.

She checked Yessica and the three of them for inspirational drawings, and there were two good design points to use. She gave Yessica and the girls directions to draw along with her ideas, and afterwards showed them by hand how they had to use the useful inspirations and throw away the useless ones.

It was a busy morning.

She didn't have time to look at her phone until lunchtime, when Sienna brought her lunch, and only then did she have time to pick up her phone and glance at it.

There was a message from Molly asking her, "How are you thinking about it?"

"The last few days may not be possible, I have to figure out the relationship between them before replying to you, if you want both Eileen and I to disappear from his side, this matter had better not reveal any word to her, otherwise with my years of friendship with him, how much do you think you may win?"

Camille had to threaten Molly to save her from spilling everything to please Preston.

Molly's side is temporarily stabilized, and her next step is to find an opportunity to break the story when Preston meets with Isaac.

It's just an opportunity that can't be found.

Camille kept an eye on Preston for a good two or three days without any movement.

During this period she still had to pay attention to the design draft, the heat of the collapse incident had dropped, but the media side would still occasionally broadcast it and the netizens would still discuss it, so it was impossible to restart the project without the matter being completely resolved.

That afternoon, Camille came to see her grandmother in the hospital after a busy day at the office.

Grandma is much stronger and she watches TV with her and then talks for a while.

At that moment, Camille's cell phone suddenly rang.

It's Sienna calling.

She said, "Cami, are you close to The Moore?"

"Well, it's pretty close, I'm at the hospital with my grandmother, what's up?"

“Preston went into The Moore and didn't come out for over half an hour, I followed him all the way out from the office, see if you want to come over?"

Sienna parked across the street, she went to rent a car two days earlier in order to keep Preston from finding out that she could easily follow Preston at any time.

She followed her all the way to The Moore, where people had been inside for more than half an hour and hadn't come out.

During this time, no one else had gone in, and she made a point of learning from the people around her that The Moore had two doors, a main door and a side door next to the main door.

But Preston hasn't even come out, and she hasn't left for a moment, so i's natural to confirm.

Camille got this news is also immediately gloomy face up, she said: "I will immediately go over, you first help me watch?"

"Well, you come over and drive safe, no rush, if he comes out and goes I'll talk to you anytime?"


Camille hung up the phone, and her grandmother was immediately concerned, "What's wrong? I don't see you looking very well."

“It's okay, don't you worry.” Camille held Grandma's hand and whispered soothingly, then said, "I have something to do first, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good, go busy, I do not need to come here every day, and I have nothing to do, but you are pregnant now, everything must be careful and pay attention to safety, know?"

Camille nodded, then got up and left from the ward.

But not long after she left, Ayan arrived.

The two just staggered off without any touching.

When she saw Ayan, Grandma couldn't help but laugh, "Did you count on Cami leaving just before you came over?"

"She's gone?"

Ayan happened to be in the neighborhood to meet a client he was working with, and he knew Camille was in the hospital, so that's why he made the trip.

After hearing his grandmother say that Camille had just left, he casually dialed Camille's cell phone.


Only no one answers.

He narrowed his eyes and looked a little warm.

Auntie said, "She's probably driving, I don't have anything going on here, do you want to go to her company to find her?"

Ayan smiled gently: "No, I'll keep you company for a chat.”

“You really don't need to?" Grandma smiled back.

He nodded in agreement, "No really, how has your health been these past two days?"

Ayan did not change his face without any ripples and grandma chatting, he stayed for nearly an hour or so, the whole time without any impatience, any topic can talk with grandma, amused grandma very happy, the mood is good.

It's just that his heart was always warm and light, and Camille didn't call back the whole time.

It doesn't take an hour to get back to the office from the hospital, and don't you check your phone when you get there?

Or did she not go to the office at all, but to some other place?

Ayan narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes shrouded in a thick layer of deep, a handsome face reveals a shallow emotion, I do not know if he hides too deep, his emotions are difficult to guess through. Camille arrived outside The Moore to turn with Sienna, and Sienna said, "He hasn't come out, and no one else has come out, because it's not at the hotel yet, so there's nothing going in, and I don't know what he's doing in there?"

Camille nodded as she said to Sienna, “I'll go in and check it out.”

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need." She refused, she didn't think Preston would do anything to her?

Even if everything was his doing, she was still willing to believe that he would not do anything to her.

After all, he had many chances to do it, but he didn't do that, which means he won't harm her.

Camille took a silent breath, then lifted her feet and walked toward the restaurant.

She walked into the restaurant with soft music playing inside, there was not even a greeter at the door, and there was an empty feeling in the atmosphere.

She slowly walked inside and saw flowers and balloons, and the environment gave the impression that someone was having some kind of holiday or the restaurant itself was in this theme mode?

Not waiting for Camille's reaction, the original light music turned into a happy birthday song.

Camille stood frozen in place and didn't move any further, her eyes fixed on the front, looking at the man standing in the center of the hall stage.

He played his guitar, and his dark eyes looked at her in the same way. After a happy birthday song, he picked up the microphone and said in a gentle voice, "Cami, happy birthday."

Camille's birthday is not yet here.

He added: "Although your birthday is still ten days away, but this year's birthday I will spend with you in advance, I hope you will always be happy and happy, and may your heart be fulfilled.”

He came down from the stage and slowly approached her until he was standing in front of her, and Camille was able to get a real sense that the person in front of her was really Preston.

She didn't respond the entire time, not even a single tone was made. Preston laughed lowly, "Why don't you talk to me Cami, are you really ignoring me? I don't know when I'll be able to spend your birthday with you after I miss this one, so do you want to talk to me?"

Camille's pupils snapped shut and her face stiffened with coldness. She opened her mouth and asked in a hoarse voice, "Preston, what do you mean by your words?"

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