My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 289 It'S Him

Chapter 289 It's him

Camille tightly wrinkled her eyebrows, eyes wide opened, the whole person did not even dare to breathe.

Preston's words made her heart feel as if it was going to jump out of her mouth the next second.

After hearing him end the call, she hurriedly walked to a corner and then stood there for a long time without being able to calm her mood. Hearing Preston's footsteps as he walked out of the pantry, Camille then went to the bathroom, and walked out a few minutes later and pretended nothing happened.

But her mind was full of the words that Preston just said.

Who did he call?

Was it someone who had something to do with the collapse?

Was it someone behind his curtain or was it his accomplice?

Camille thought about it a lot, she thought so much that she felt her head was getting bigger.

She went back to the office, as she just walked in, she saw Preston inside, and when he saw her he immediately asked, "Cami, where have you been? I have to go out now and I might not be back until this afternoon, so I'll leave the company to you, huh?"

"Are you going out now? Going on a date?"

She tried to remain as calm as possible and her tone of inquiry came across as breezy.

Preston just smiled, glanced at the time on his watch and said lightly, “Well, sort of, to meet a friend."

Camille didn't believe his answer for sure, if he really just meeting a friend, he must have said so directly, not to mention, did he had other friends in Hance City?

Camille didn't ask any further questions, but just smiled slightly: "Okay, then hurry up, you should go now.”

Preston nodded, then lifted his feet and walked out of the office. Camille stood still for a few seconds and then immediately called Sienna to come to her office.

Sienna came quickly, thinking it was her back that was uncomfortable, so she immediately asked, "Is it a backache?"

Her mouth was still chattering: "I told you not to bother so much, don't you remember the the design issue? Why are you are still standing? Hurry up and lie down and let me take a look for you."

“I'm not uncomfortable.” Camille interrupted her with frown and whispered, “Preston's out, and I suspect he's gone to see someone connected to the collapse.”

She told Sienna again what she had just heard at the pantry door.

The two looked at each other and Sienna wrinkled her brow, "When did he leave?"

"Just now."

"So .... do we need to follow him?"

Sienna suggested with a wink.

Half an hour later, the two followed Preston all the way to the Simpson Group construction project site, the site of the collapse incident. Preston's car stopped at the back door, but he didn't get out of the car, maybe he was waiting for someone who had spoken to him on the phone, so he kept a pause.

Camille and Sienna sat in the back seat of the cab, the car is a road away from the other side of the Preston parking, the two did not get off, so the driver curiously asked, "Two of you are stalking your boyfriend or husband huh?"

Camille didn't make a sound, but just stared at the opposite side with full attention, the road was not too wide, so they can see everything. Sienna saw the situation and hastily responded: “It's my husband, I'm still in confinement in childbirth, and I found out that he cheated on me, so I came out and find the evidence so that I can get a divorce later." The driver was a bit incredulous, because Sienna's dress was not at all like a maternity in the month, but a competent strong woman, to the next belly slightly bulging beautiful-looking woman more like catching adultery.

Sienna also understood the driver's eyes, and hurriedly said: "My best friend, a lawyer, good at taking evidence, in order to help me, pregnant also to follow out."

The driver then believed, nodding with a sympathetic face: "Women still have to treat themselves well, I especially loathe this kind of man, do not worry, today you only give me gas money on the line, as for manual what you need, I help you."

Sienna was busy saying, "Brother, thank you then."

"You are welcome, to help you such vulnerable groups is what we should do, do not worry, you suffer now, will get better later, but the divorce child must be taken away, can not be left to such a man, later may not find what kind of stepmother it!"

"Well, what do you say."

Sienna nodded her head, nodding with an educated look on her face. As the two finished their words, Camille also saw the back door of the construction site, which is the door she and Ayan entered the scene after the incident was opened.

Camille wrinkled her eyebrows, eyes did not dare to blink, afraid to miss any trace, she was staring momentarily, when she saw the man walking out inside, she froze.

She couldn't believe it and hurriedly picked up her phone again and turned on the camera mode to the maximum to confirm again that she was not mistaken, and murmured under her breath, "How is it him?" Camille's face was stony with shock.

Sienna asks, "Who is it?"

Without waiting for Camille to answer, the driver took over and said, "Little sister, why is this a man? You're not mistaken, are you?"

Sienna some difficult, but still immediately replied: “This is he deliberately, is afraid that I found after catching the evidence, in fact, he is a man and a woman, when I think of this matter, I find it difficult to say, really sorry big brother, let you see the joke."

Sienna pushed down her head and her voice seemed to carry a crying voice, and the driver didn't have any doubts about believing it once he heard it.

Instead, they became more sympathetic to Sienna.

Sienna whispered, "Who the hell is this guy?"

Camille said lightly, "Mr. Moss's assistant Isaac."

Camille's face is a little ugly, and Preston collaborated with Isaac, which she did not expect in any way, Isaac is honest, and she also had a few contacts, because Mr. Moss, they still see each other a lot, but Isaac is always not condescending without any complaints to do the essential work, giving her a really good impression.

Although Camille suspected Preston and knew that Preston might have something to do with it, she was prepared, but never thought that he could convince Isaac to cooperate with him.

So she was shocked and in total disbelief.

If it's Isaac, does Mr. Moss know about it?

Isaac could hide it from her, but Mr. Moss spent every day with him, could he hide it too?

If Mr. Moss knew, or was a participant, then this seems even more frightening.

The more Camille thought about it, the deeper she felt the whole thing was hidden.

But she couldn't figure out what Preston's purpose was in doing this. Camille was silent, a face covered with gravity, and Sienna said, "Cami, never underestimate how much temptation interest can bring to a person?"

“I understand that money and status can make people lose themselves, but is there really not a single sign that someone who spends time together is doing something betraying?"

"How can a careful man let anyone find out?"

Sienna responded casually.

Camille, however, fell into a deeper silence because of these words. Also at that moment, Preston's car turned around, and Sienna gently held Camille's head down and whispered, "They're turning around." Camille didn't move, letting Sienna hold her head down.

The car drove past the construction site gate, then the car gradually picked up speed, and the person who got in was indeed Isaac, who looked at the man in the hat and mask and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Wood, where are you taking me?"

“Let's have dinner together, there are just some questions I want to talk to you about.”

"So when can I get out of here?"

"Soon, there's no rush, you and your family can leave together when I've made the arrangements.”


Isaac nodded his head, still worried and scared inside.

He asked more, "It's really not going to be discovered, right?"

The man's eyes slightly narrowed, seems to reveal a vague smile, but a closer look and nothing, his face was all covered, so can not see his expression at the moment, only to hear a faint response: "Of course not, so many days have passed, does anyone suspect you? Don't mess yourself up, let alone have any weakness of heart."

Isaac nodded obediently.

The man looked at his expression through the rearview mirror, which then disdainfully withdrew his gaze, continued to step on the gas pedal and speed up.

In the cab, Sienna saw that the car was completely out of sight before she let go and asked, "What now?"

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