My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 280 Disguise

Chapter 280 Disguise

So Ayan took the test report back with him after work, and he and Camille returned to the apartment almost one after the other.

And Sienna was there too, but made an excuse to leave when she saw Ayan was back too, because she was afraid that Ayan would ask her if she wanted a man, just like Camille did.

So it's better for her to slip away first.

Only Camille and Ayan were left in the apartment. Ayan casually handed the report in his hand to Camille and said, “This is the comparative result of the steel bars you asked Kian to test. The inspection center said that the manufacturing plant of this steel bar belongs to the underground plant, and it will be difficult to investigate.” Ayan's words echoed in her ears, but what he said Camille only heard the first sentence, as for the rest all because she saw the inspection report on the steel production materials.

She saw the clues in the material, something that was particularly familiar to her.

However, she did not show any difference, just a little distracted, she did not hear Ayan even he called out to her several times.

Ayan frowned and reached out to jerk the test report out of her hand as he asked, "What are you thinking?"

Camille came back to her senses and she said lightly, "No, just looking at these materials for comparison.”

Ayan didn't notice anything wrong and didn't think much of it, just assumed she was under psychological pressure because of the incident, after all, there were still ten days to go before the competition, she should be a little anxious in her heart.

Ayan pondered for a moment, then picked up his phone, opened a video, and handed it to Camille: "Take a look at this.”

Camille gave him an uncomprehending look, then turned her attention to her phone.

Ayan showed Camille the video that was handed over by the deceased's cousin, but Camille was completely frozen.

The man in the video was wearing black clothes and pants, with the letter "M" hat, the video screen was not high-definition, but the man's figure maked Camille's face pale, she suddenly did not know what kind of reaction to make?

Ayan saw the slight stiffness in her cheeks and asked lightly, "Are you familiar with this hat?"

Camille suddenly looked at him, and her face tensed and stiffened as she locked eyes.

She didn't respond, just stared at Ayan in awe.

He said, "This man and the man who took Elijah's wife, if nothing else, should be the same, maybe this man masterminded both events, because there is a certain knowledge of all our work and daily life, or else it is someone who has been following us for a long time, do you think?"

The emotions under Camille's eyes were always heavy, but her facial expression was forcibly gentle and smooth. She looked at Ayan, suppressing the panic in her heart and asked, "Ayan, do you have anyone you suspect?"

Ayan shook his head, "Not yet."

Alittle conflicted and torn inside, Camille twisted back around to re- focus on the man in this video and she said, "Any news from Elijah’s wife?"

“No, it's as good as evaporated.”

"One can't disappear so cleanly.” She murmured in a low voice.

"Well, that's what I mean." Ayan leaned on the sofa, his deep eyes always staring at her side face, he vaguely sensed her distraction, did she have something on her mind?

Ayan narrowed his eyes and his voice was light: "Don’t worry and don't need to have any worries, you should race race, this matter even if it can't end before the race starts, I won't let you get into trouble, so don't think much about it, huh?"

Camille lowered her head and nodded gently, but he had no idea what the concern in her heart was?

But Camille also caught a message from Ayan's words. Although he answered that he had no object of suspicion for the time being, but with what she knew about him, so many days had passed, he could not have found out nothing, because he had always been a man who wished to be prepared for everything.

He does not fight unprepared battles.

Even if it is a surprise attack, he has ways to make the other side know what to do.

So Ayan's answer left Camille a little puzzled, did he really find out nothing?

Camille is at a loss, in fact, she can directly confess her thoughts to Ayan, but she is a little hesitant, her heart is concerned about the love to make her unable to do a complete and utter desperation.

Camille was silent for a long time, Ayan took his phone and put it aside, reached over her waist and asked in a low voice, "Does it still hurt?" "Alittle.”

He lifted his hand and pinched her cheek, whispering, "If it hurts, rest at home for two more days, no need to rush, your body is important.” Camille just pursed her lips and nodded her head, without much expression on her face.

Ayan directly cupped her chin and turned her head towards him: "What's wrong with you today? Did I do something to displease you or are you in a bad mood?"

Camille said in a rush, "No, I'm in a good mood."

"Then why no expression at all? What are you thinking about?"

She was silent for a moment, worried that Ayan would continue to ask questions, before saying, "I was thinking about what you just said, who is this man? And what is he doing all this for?"

“In addition to money is interest, perhaps he is just a pawn, the real mastermind behind him has not yet revealed, but whatever he is does not matter, the Simpson Group and the Simpson family are not anyone can provoke, if it is really for the Simpson Group, then the Simpson Group will definitely make him pay double the price.”

He narrowed his eyes, handsome face flooded with determined coldness, deep eyes filled with indifferent hostility.

He stared into her eyes after he finished, his thin lips with a light smile, "Neither the Simpson family nor the Simpson Group will allow being bullied, so don't condescend to yourself, okay?"

He told her again that she didn't need to have any scruples and didn't need to care about what others saw, just stick to herself.

His gaze was so direct that it brought a light smile to Camille's face as well.

But this matter has always been like a thorn in Camille's heart, she also because of this matter all night distracted, the heart of the speculation made her also completely into confusion.

After Ayan went to take a shower, she found the video of Elijah's wife being taken away by the man wearing the M hat. The man in the video could not see his overall appearance because he was carrying a suitcase, and then she opened Ayan's phone to compare the video she had just watched.

The man in this video in Ayan's phone is walking in a camouflaged position, but a person who meets every day will still have a subconscious sense of familiarity even with camouflage.

This is why she reacted as strongly as she did when she saw the video, because her subconscious reaction was to suspect that the man was Preston.

She narrowed her eyes and looked very grave.

She wondered if she was overthinking it?

Or maybe this man was just someone who looked like Preston?

But whether it was the former or the latter, there was no way she could convince herself.

As Camille wandered off, the sound of running water in the bathroom came to a screeching halt, and she snapped back to put Ayan's phone back where it belonged.

A dreamless night and the next morning.

Camille, Ayan and Sienna went downstairs together, then separated in the parking lot and watched Ayan's car leave before Camille said to Sienna, "Let's take a taxi to the office.”

"A taxi?"


Camille said already looking down to call a car with her phone.

Sienna was puzzled, but didn't ask more questions.

When the two arrived at the office and were about to enter the elevator, Camille suddenly said to Sienna, "I'll tell Preston the car was serviced when we get to the office later, so don't say anything."

"What are you going to do?"

Sienna wrinkled her brows in surprise and asked.

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