My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 271 - Loving

Chapter 271 - Loving

They saw this and immediately understood.

Then all look to Camille, although they were dissatisfied, but at the moment they just wanted to get out of here quickly, otherwise they are going to be scared out of a heart attack.

So hastily said to Camille: "Sorry Camille, it's all our misunderstanding, really sorry, I hope you don't take it personally and can forgive us?" “I'm sorry!"

Camille did not have any response, just a bland look at the two men. As for apologizing?

Naturally, she would not accept it.

Some things clearly do not understand anything to jump to conclusions, it is no different from illiteracy.

So Camille didn't say anything and just acted as if she hadn't heard. Talia is naturally aware of Camille's personality and knows what her bottom line and points of concern are, so she won't force her.

But Mrs. Day and Mrs. Collins are considered family friends, so it's not good to be too difficult, so Talia interrupted and said, "It's late, grandpa is watering the back garden, Ayan, why don't you take Cami over there?"

Ayan was reluctant, he supposed to make people thoroughly understand what to say and what not to say?

But Camille didn't want to waste more time on this matter, she walked up to Ayan and took his hand voluntarily: “Come on, let's go see grandpa.”

After saying that, he led him towards the back garden.

Ayan did not refuse and let her lead.

After Ayan and Camille left, Talia then looked at Mrs. Day and Mrs. Collins: "Today's matter, after going out from this door, don't mention it again, or don't blame me for not thinking about the love of these years, the Simpson family's matter, it is not the turn of outsiders to provoke, I hope you have to remember this point. *

The two nodded vigorously, and then this left with Talia's permission. They didn't want to stay in the Simpson family for a moment, and their hearts couldn't calm down long after they came out of the Simpson's manson.

As for the future, naturally, I wouldn't dare.

But Talia felt a little sorry for this, for Camille, and the reason she didn't stop her at first was to hear what they were going to say?

When she would never believe it.

But she was a little worried that Camille might have misunderstood. So at dinner, she took the initiative to bring it up and apologized to Camille.

Camille said, "Mom, aren't we family? It's enough for me to know your heart for me, as for what other mouths say, I don't care at all.”

Camille smiled lightly, and her reaction made Talia feel even more guilty.

The old Simpson also spoke at this time: "These are small things, Cami, you just know that we believe in you, those who say you want to dominate the Simpson Group is only because of jealousy, these gossip later Ayan you to deal with, directly send a lawyer letter to pursue responsibility, do not allow to be any of the sentiments. *

"Okay, at your service." Ayan echoed.

The Simpson family, whether the old Simpson or Fletcher or Talia, trusts Camille unconditionally, and not only that, but also reassures her so that she doesn't have too much pressure and doesn't think about it. Camille was so touched by their reaction and actions that she wondered numerous times if she was born to the Armstrong family compared to the Armstrong family, her maternal family that she was related to.

In fact, she believed in her heart what Bella's mother said, Page said to the public that she was ruthless and unforgiving, she believed that Page could say these words.

If she had said something nice about her, Camille would not have believed it.

After dinner at the Simpson family, the old Simpson asked Camille to accompany her for a walk in the garden.

She is now four and a half months pregnant, and a lot has really happened since she first found out she was pregnant.

The reason the old Simpson wanted to talk to her alone was to ask her what was on her mind right now?

the old Simpson asks, "Cami, is Ayan treating you well?"

Camille answered truthfully, "Yes."

the old Simpson: "And did you change your mind about him some?"

In fact, what the old Simpson wants to ask is whether she will still get divorced?

Camille also heard the meaning of this, she hung her head, silent before saying, "Grandpa, actually I don't know, I don't know what I really think nowadays?"

With so much going on lately, how could she have time to think about divorcing Ayan?

But if we don't divorce, will we just go on like this for the rest of our lives?

He has someone else in his heart, and she is unwilling and reluctant. This is a thorn in Camille's side.

She pursed her lips slightly and kept quiet.

the old Simpson also froze, and then laughed: "Since you still have hesitation, it seems that Ayan is not doing well enough, if he treats you well enough and loves you enough, you will not want to leave him." The expression on Camille's face remained the same: "Grandpa, right now all my focus is on Grandma, I want to wait until Grandma's surgery is over before I think about me and Ayan, no matter how Ayan and I turn out, you are my grandpa, and the baby in my belly will always be the Simpson family's child. *

"Good, with your words that's enough, don't even disown me as a grandfather because of him."

The old Simpson, though somewhat reluctant, did not push Camille. Ayan, who was drinking tea with Fletcher in the hall at the moment, suddenly sneezed, and Talia hastily asked, "Is it a cold?"

Ayan shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

Fletcher returned to the topic, saying, "It was a surprise that so many people supported Simpson Group, and I've had a lot of people ask me about the relationship between these celebrities and companies and Simpson Group since this happened. *

“I'm already investigating this matter, but since the other side can unite so many people to happen for Simpson Group, then it must be hidden extremely deep, at first I thought it was Grandpa's side of the network, but now it seems that there are many people who are only secretly watching Simpson Group.”

Ayan picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee, looking slightly grave and serious.

This is a good thing, but a good thing sometimes may not be a good thing, just as a competitive relationship can also become friends a reason.

Talia has a different opinion: "Whether or not they are secretly watching Simpson Group, at least this time they are helping Simpson Group, so that the outside world will also consider Simpson Group trustworthy. * Fletcher looked at Talia with a smile on his face, "Your Ladyship says s0."

Ayan looked at his parents and just subconsciously shook his head, then put down his cup of tea and stood up, “I'm going to go see what Grandpa and Camille are talking about again?"

After saying that, he had already lifted his feet and walked out.

Talia said with some displeasure, "Am I not right? Why doesn't he say anything?"

"Well, just leave him alone, he's in a hurry to get to Camille, and that doesn't make you happy?"

Fletcher asked.

Talia nodded: "Happy, of course, but I wonder if Cami will blame me in her heart?"

Fletcher blushed slightly, "Why are you talking about this again? Didn't Cami tell you at dinner that she doesn't blame you?"

"But does she think so in her heart? I'm just afraid she'll tell lies to comfort me!"

Talia was worried like a small child who had done something wrong. Fletcher helplessly smiled, and eventually could only a little analysis to let her heart do not think more guilt, after all, their own wife can only be spoiled by themselves.

Ayan came out of the hall, he found his way to the back garden and saw Camille standing in the pavilion with the old Simpson from a distance.

He walked straight over and spoke indifferently, "Grandpa, have you finished pestering my wife for so long chatting?"

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