My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 249: Fabrication

Sienna let of Camille, but she didn't distance herself with Camille. Then she asked slightly, “Mr. Simpson, I'm still a sick person. Would you mind me hugging your wife?”

“I think I would mind.” Ayan was straightforward and nonchalant. Sienna raised her eyebrows, then leaned her head on Camille's shoulder, “Mr. Simpson, I helped you convince the King Group to cooperate with you, you can't burn any bridges, right?”

“Well, oranges and apples. If you need any help in your future work, I'd like to do you a favor.”

He was telling her that she couldn't hug his wife just because she's cooperative.

Camille, as his wife, lowered her eyes and didn't make a sound. However, Sienna said deliberately, “Camille, look how fierce Mr. Simpson has been on me!”

Camille replied, “Well, he's also pretty hard on me. So, don’t mess with him, uh?"

Sienna said, “You're so gutless.”

Camille smiled calmly. Ayan interrupted their conversation and asked, “Let me know in advance when Mr. King is coming to Hance City so I can arrange for someone to pick him up.”

“I'll inform you after he sets the time.”


Ayan was consistently mild.

After a brief interlude, Sienna returned to the opposite house, and only Camille and Ayan were left.

Ayan lifted his hand to take Camille into his arms with his eyes looking deep and his face looking gentle. He asked in a low voice, “I'm mean to you?"

Camille turned up her face and pressed her lips. “Nope.” She replied mildly.


She nodded, “Well, I just said in fun.”

“Distance yourself from her. I don't like it when you get so close.”

He spoke seriously without a hint of joking.

But Camille was a little stunned.

Don't get too intimate with Sienna?

Keep a distance?

Camillid laughed.

“We're good friends,” she said.

“Good friends don't need to cuddle and kiss, do they?”

“Don’t you and Rex often get together to drink and chat? Aren't your guys so close?”

“No.” He denied it without hesitation. When they went out to drink, they simply drank and talked and no one dared to touch his shoulder. As for others, he didn’t care about them.

Camille was completely blown away by his words.

Noticing that she was silent, Ayan said, “Bear in mind that don’t get too close to her. I don't like that though she is a woman.”

Camille was speechless.

She was really speechless.

The man was overbearing, right?

But she kept silent and gave her a smile, which Ayan took as her promise.

Camille later grumbled the incident with Sienna and she replied, “Are you showing affection to me?”

“I'm complaining to you.”

“But you face are full of happiness not complaint.”

“I can’t help if you put it this way.”

Camille raised her eyebrows.

Sienna snorted, “Scumbag.”

Ayan arrived at the corporate office. Kian followed him in, and then closed the door.

He went over to the desk and sat down. Kian handed over his work schedule. As Ayan checked it, Kian said, “Mr. Simpson, it comes to fruition.”

Ayan glanced at him.

Kian continued, “The man with a scar found ten people in Flento City who had recently been in and out of Hance City, and finally we tracked down a man called Hunter Lee.”

Ayan put down the schedule and papers in his hands and leaned on the chair. “Where's the man?” he asked with a gentle look.

“He is in Flento City. I've got somebody watching him around the clock.” “Why not bring him back?” Ayan frowned with a solemn look in his face. “Mr. Simpson, we found something else about Hunter.”

Ayan said, “What?”

“Hunter may have something to do with Mrs. Simpson. Hunter's wife has been taking care of Mrs. Simpson's grandmother. She is the nanny with Mrs. Simpson's grandmother now. The reason why he came to Hance City is to see his wife.”

Ayan'’s face turned exceedingly cold as Kian spoke.

He twisted his eyebrows and didn't respond.

Kian went out on a limb and said, “Mr. Simpson, if it really has something to do with Hunter, will Mrs. Simpson also know?"

Ayan kept silent, glancing at Kian coldly with his eyes full of displeasure and unfathomable chill.

He waved Kian out and lit a cigarette while sitting in the office.

Hunter was the husband of the lady who was taking care of grandma, so Camille also knew him?

So, did it have something to do with Camille?

Lost in thought, he got up after a while, picked up his car keys and left the office.

Kian saw him coming out and asked, “Mr. Simpson, are you going out?” “Put off the work until the afternoon. Don't call me if nothing important.” "OK."

Kian gazed after Ayan with a solemn look. Now he knew something he shouldn't now and he really worried about being killed at midnight. Ayan came out of Simpson Group and drove to the hospital.

He bought grandma a kind of snack she could eat. Camille was not here and there was only the nanny here.

When Ayan arrived, the nanny went to do the laundry.

Grandma looked at Ayan and asked about the hot search, “Have you quarreled with Camille recently? I was worried about the things online for days, but Camille always kept silent every time I asked her to bring you here.”

“No quarrel. We're fine.” Ayan was peeling fruit for grandma, looking mild. “I was busy dealing with the new project a few days ago and didn't came to visit you. As for the hot search, the media made it up. Eileen and I are partners. Something is ambiguous for the interests involved and you just need to know that I only care about Camille and our baby in my heart.”

Hearing this, grandma was extremely satisfied.

Ayan peeled the apple and handed it to grandma. Then he wiped his hands with a paper and said, “Grandma, is the lady taking care of you from Flento City?”

“Yeah, Camille contacted the housekeeper when we were still in Flento City”

Grandma didn’t hide anything.

Ayan narrowed his eyes and asked, “Who else is there in her family?” “She has a child who is studying away from home. Her husband came here a few days ago and stayed for two days before leaving. I'm not sure about the rest, why are you interested in that suddenly?" Grandma was a little surprised.

Ayan said calmly, “Nothing. Since you are going to have surgery, I'm worried about that the nanny taking care of you may be unavailable so I plan to hire a spare nanny who can come and take over at any time.” “You're thoughtful.”

“That's what I'm supposed to do.”

Ayan smiled faintly.

His pressed his thin lips and probed, “Grandma, do you know a man called Hunter?"

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