My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 244: Prenatal Check

During the best part of the movie, Camille's phone suddenly rang.

She checked her phone. It was her cousin who worked at the hospital. Camille answered. Ayan picked up the remote and turned down the volume.

My cousin said, “the prenatal check is tomorrow. Don't forget it. I know you have a lot to do recently, so I will remind you.”

"Well, OK, I got it, thank you."

"Sure, the check tomorrow is going to be a little tough, so if he's free, why don't you ask him to come along?"


Camille was told not to eat breakfast in the morning until after the exam, and to bring some dry food or milk with her.

Camille took the notes and then ended the conversation.

Ayan was sitting a little far away from her, so he didn't hear what she was talking about.

After seeing her put down her phone, Ayan asked, "what's up?" Camille paused, then shook her head. “Nothing.”

Ayan seemed incredulous and kept staring at her. Camille did not shy away from looking directly into his eyes. They looked at each other for a few seconds.

Ayan didn't think too much about it, but he was a very observant man and could easily see anything strange.

At that moment, he wondered whether she was disguising herself too well, or whether she really had nothing to hide from him.

After the movie finished, Camille went to her room to take a shower. She was already lying down when Ayan came in. They went to sleep one first, and one after. He held her in his arms as usual.

After a night of good sleep, he woke up naturally.

Camille was the first to get up to wash up, so she didn't hear the phone ringing.

Ayan never checked her phone, so he called Camille's name and didn't get a response. He reached for her phone.

He frowned as he saw the contacting name on the screen.

Then he picked it up. Before he could speak, the other person said, "are you up? Will you be there in an hour? I've already lined you up for a Down's screening when you get here. It might be a little uncomfortable, so do you want him to stay with you?"

"She's taking a prenatal check today?" his deep voice made the person on the other end of the line silent.

She waited a while and then said yes in a low voice.

Ayan put the phone down, and his face went blank. He sat on the bed and didn't want to get up. His dark eyes were cold. The bathroom door opened and he looked over.

His cold look made Camille confused. She looked at him for two more seconds.

Then he asked coldly, "where are you going?"

Camille was very smart.

It was obvious that there was a reason for his sudden question.

So, she didn't hide from him. She just told him the truth, "I'm going to the hospital for a prenatal check.”

"Oh, that phone call you got last night was about the check?"

He asked coldly.

Camille acquiesced by being silent.

Ayan half-closed his eyes with a faint sneer. "Camille, you're not even telling me about the prenatal check now? The baby is ours. I have the right to be involved, right?"

“I didn't want to hide it from you. I just wanted to ask you when we went to the hospital.”

In fact, she didn't think of anything at that time, she just didn't want to tell him.

He had a lot of things to do. She was able to do the check-up at the hospital alone.

But Ayan didn't think so. Ayan squinted, and his voice was cold and unpleasant. "Ask me at the last minute if there is something I need to do, I can't cancel it. Is that what you want?"

“If you must think so, then I can't stop you."

She said faintly, bringing the atmosphere to the lowest level.

They looked at each other and Camille pressed her lips slightly. After half a minute, she said softly, “if you'd like to come with me, then get up and wash now."

After the check, Camille had to go to the construction site.

She looked at Ayan, who was not moving, and she was silent for a few seconds, then went to the cloakroom to change.

By the time she came out, Ayan was ready, too.

Since Camille couldn't eat breakfast, Ayan had no intention of eating it. Instead, he said to the servant, who was preparing breakfast, "no need to prepare breakfast today."

The servant said yes and then continue to work.

Camille looked at him and said, "I won't eat. You can eat.”

"No," he replied flatly, without any emotion.

He was obviously angry, Camille could tell that, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

When they arrived at the hospital, Camille said first, "let's go straight to the doctor.”

Since it was all arranged, there was no need to queue for appointments and so on.

Ayan accompanied her all the way and the two took the lift to the doctor's floor.

At this time of the day, the hospital was crowded. As soon as Camille and Ayan got out of the elevator, a man with a checkup sheet ran so fast that he ran directly into Camille's right shoulder.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" he shouted.

Camille tilted her weight to one side, barely landing on her feet.

Ayan held her with his strong hands and stopped her from falling.

He gave the man a cold look. "Do you have eyes?"

The voice was cold and harsh, without any emotion. Even if it was only a few short words, but still made that man scared.

The man was stunned. He could see at a glance that the man in front of him was not to be provoked, so he quickly apologized.

But Ayan refused to let him go.

“I'm not the one you should apologize to," he said coldly.

The man immediately apologized to Camille, saying, “I'm sorry, miss." "Is sorry enough for what you did just now?"

Ayan's handsome face looked cold and angry.

Camille quickly grabbed Ayan's arm and whispered, “I'm fine. Let's go to the doctor first. If we are late, we'll have to wait for a long time." Ayan didn't want to let it go like this, but Camille insisted that she didn't want to pursue the matter.

After all, he didn’t do it on purpose.

Ayan finally listened to Camille, but he didn't leave her side. Holding her hand, he followed her as she walked to the doctor's office.

It took nearly an hour for the exam to be done.

Camille threw up several times in the middle of the examination. Ayan was so worried and looked at her gravel. His voice was a little hoarse. "We will never have another child."

At that moment, he leaned over and kissed her on the ear. Then he took her gently into his arms.

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