My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 235 Take Advantage

The kiss went on for a long time until Camille lost her breath and he stopped.

His breath was short, his eyes were black and his voice was hoarse. "You've been so cold to me ever since Sienna got here. Tonight, you can tell her she can go back to Flento City. I don't want to see you anymore. "

Camille asked him helplessly, "you use her, and then you kicked her out?"

"She's always with you."

His voice was deep, with a hint of pride.

Camille pressed his lips slightly. "We're good friends."

"Good friends do everything together?"

"What about you? Haven't you and Sophia been the same lately? I haven't said anything about you working together every day.”

She made an offhand comparison.

Ayan smiled and said, "jealous?"


She denied it casually.

He looked at her face. His bony fingers pinched her chin, and his thin lips framed a smile. “Really no or you don't want to admit it?"

"Do you want me to be jealous?" she asked curiously, meeting his gaze.

"Are you jealous?"

"Ayan, it's not attractive for a man to make girls jealous. Don't you think a good man shouldn't make girls jealous?"

She raised her eyebrows with a slight smile in her eyes. Ayan pinched her chin and smiled. "So, I'm not a good man if I make you jealous?"

“I didn't say that. "

He put on a deeper smile and widened his eyes. "If you don’t want to be jealous,” he said, "keep an eye on me, will you?"

"Keep an eye on him."

Camille was speechless and didn't know what he meant.

In the end, she didn't answer the question. She never wanted to control Ayan. After all, he always was more controlling in their relationship. Even after she said she wanted a divorce, she didn't want to ask him to do anything.

In order to complete the project design as soon as possible, Camille went to the construction site almost every day. She not only had to draw the drafts but also had to check each batch of materials with Mr. Moss.

After that, she had to take the drawings to Simpson Group and show them to Ayan.

However, for three consecutive days, every time she went to Simpson Group, she would see Sophia. Sometimes Sophia was still sitting on the chair behind the desk, and sometimes she was sitting on the sofa with Ayan. They had endless topics.

At about 5 o “clock in the afternoon, she arrived at Simpson Group again. She had already been there in the morning. This time, she came here not for business but to ask Ayan to go to the hospital with her to see her grandmother.

When Camille arrived at the door of the office, Kian immediately stood up and said, "Mrs. Armstrong, you are here."

“Is Ayan still busy?"

"Well, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Benson are talking about the project.”

"Is that so? I'll wait here, then."

Kian nodded and suggested that Camille could go sit in the lounge and wait, but Camille refused.

She waited for nearly half an hour before the door was opened. Ayan and Sophia came out together. Sophia smiled and said to Ayan, "we didn't get home drunk that night. You owe me..."

"Camille." Ayan saw her and called softly. Then he came over and whispered, "have you been here for a long time? Why didn't you come in?"

Then he looked at Kian. "Why didn't you just bring her in?"

His voice was cold. Camille explained aloud, "I wanted to wait here. Don't blame Mr. Reid."

Ayan was silent.

Sophia then said, "Camille is here. I just planned the dinner with Ayan. Would you like to join us?"

Camille was stunned and looked at Ayan unconsciously, saying, "No, since you have made an appointment, you go ahead."

Ayan looked a little depressed and asked, "would you like to come to dinner with me?"

"No, why don't you go eat with Sophia? I was just passing by and thought I would come back with you if you were free. Now that you have made plans with Sophia, I'l go home by myself."

Camille said with an awkward smile on her cheek, waved goodbye to Sophia, and walked away.

As soon as she turned around, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

Ayan followed her the next moment. He took her hand and whispered, "Shall we go downstairs together?"

Camille didn't say anything or took away his hand. The three of them went down together in the elevator.

Ayan walked her to the car himself and opened the door open for her. "Ask Sienna to have dinner with you, ok?" he said, "what would you like to eat? I'll order.”

“No, leave me alone, Sophia is waiting for you. Hurry up, bye!"

She waved her hand and told the driver to drive. After driving for some distance, she said to the driver quietly, "Go to the hospital first."

She went to stay with her grandmother, and when she passed the store selling dim sum, she specially bought her grandmother's favorite pastries.

When she arrived at the hospital, she chatted with her grandmother for a long time and then mentioned Ayan especially, saying that he was really busy these days, so he could not come to visit.

Seeing that it was getting late, Grandmother understood and urged Camille to go home.

As for dinner, Sienna cooked noodles and they ate in silence.

Sienna had noticed something strange about her and was going to wait for her to start talking, but she had not yet said anything. Then Sienna asked, "are you not going to tell me?"

Camille looked at her and didn't have any extra reaction until she finished the noodles in the bowl. Then she said, "Ayan has a very good classmate, and they happen to be in a cooperative relationship. Every time I go to Simpson Group recently, I see them together. I think we really don't have many common topics."

They didn't have much to talk about. So far, their topics mostly were related to the baby or grandma and the Simpson family.

Other than that, there was very little conversation between the two of them.

After hearing this, Sienna said, “there is no topic, then create a topic. It's not important. But if his classmate really understands the situation, she should have kept her distance from Ayan. After all, she knew that Ayan was married.”

“It's their business. He can work it out. I don't want to get too involved." It wasn't Sophia that bothered her initially, it was just her self-doubt about her communication with Ayan.

As for how did Sophia treat Ayan? That was Sophia's business, not her concern.

A confident woman was not suspicious.

Camille always held such a philosophy. As a result, Sophia almost occupied most of Ayan's time because of the project. She always bore it and told herself that it was just necessary for his work. She kept calm and tried to avoid going to Simpson Group. So, she could get less upset if she avoided seeing her.

Two days passed fast, and they got a call from the Simpson's Manson. The old Simpson asked Camille and Ayan to go back to the Simpson's Manson for dinner. They were busy recently and didn’t go back to visit for many days.

Camille had to call Ayan to tell her that his grandfather invited them. She asked, “shall we go together or shall I go first?"

"Of course, together. Will you wait for me at work or have someone drop you off at Simpson Group? We'll go straight to the Simpson's Manson when I get off work, ok?"

"OK, I'll meet you there then. Like this, it will be faster."

As soon as Camille finished speaking, Sophia's voice arose, "Ayan, are you going back to the Simpson's Manson with Camille? May I come with you?"

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