My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 231 She Got In

Ayan unconsciously raised his eyes to Sophia. His eyes were deep and dark with a distinct blankness. The slight frown on his brow indicated his displeasure.

Sophia immediately said, "Ayan, please don't look at me like that. I'm just afraid that you are embarrassed, and I'm afraid that it will upset other designers, and it's not good for Camille, what do you think?"

His soft voice suddenly lowered and his deep eyes darkened. "We don't know the results yet. Aren't you worrying a little too much? Even if it comes out that she doesn't pass, I have plenty of options if she wants to continue.”

His meaning could not have been clearer.

It was clear that he had a preference for Camille.

Sophia thought this was unbelievable. Since Ayan was in charge of Simpson Group, he had always kept professional. Even when he was in college, he was the same. No matter who was involved in the work, he treated everyone the same.

But now he was making an exception for Camille.

Sophia felt incomprehensible. She felt that Ayan should not let anyone change his boundaries and principles.

But she also saw the man's displeasure, so she did not say anything else, just smiled faintly.

Kian soon found out what was going on, and he told Ayan the truth. "Mr. Simpson, shall we directly start a public investigation?"

Ayan shook his head. "Find out who this Irene is," he said, “This must be investigated in confidence. Camille must not be the focus." Camille's relationship with him was already putting pressure on her. If she got promoted, other designers and the outside world would think she had used her personal relationship. So, he needed to keep a distance between himself and Camille.

Ayan also told everyone who knew about this to keep their mouths shut. He would take action if words got out.

Sophia also heard what Ayan said clearly, but Sophia thought that Ayan had said it for her to hear, and immediately her face went stiff and pale. Sophia wanted to tell Ayan directly that she was not that kind of person. If she really wants to do something, she would do it directly.

However, in order not to cause any conflict between Ayan and her, she refrained from saying anything.

Then they watched the whole competition without interacting.

After an hour, all the designers finished their presentation, followed by a half-hour intermission, when the judges had to select the 20 designers. During this time, Camille and the others were sitting in the lounge and chatting.

Yessica clapped and gave Camille a thumbs up. "Mrs. Armstrong, you were so amazing. You are my idol!"

“You will change your idol next second, right?"

Camille was unsparing in her punctures.

Yessica was embarrassed and smiled. "I'm telling the truth. Your spontaneous performance was so unexpected. *

Sienna chimed in. "Your Mrs. Armstrong has so much potential. If you three really follow her, you can make it your own."

"All right, don't flatter me." Camille interrupted with a pale face and checked the clock. With about a dozen minutes to go before the announcement, she decided to give everyone a reminder.

She confessed, "Although we are satisfied with this performance, it does not mean that the public and the judges are satisfied. After all, the competition has the rule, so we should also be prepared psychologically. If we don't pass the competition, we don't have any complaints and burdens, after all, we have worked hard.”

Yessica and Liam looked at each other and said, "Mrs. Armstrong, we all listen to you. This time, the biggest pressure is still on you. You worked so hard but others stole your work. *

“In fact, it doesn't matter to us. You are the key figure. Anyway, we will do what you say.”

Benjamin chimed in.

Yessica also nodded. “In the end, I am most responsible for what happened today, so......."

"Telling you this is not to ask you to take responsibility, but to let you have faith. In the future, when we have this competition, we still need to work hard for it."

Camille interrupted Yessica directly. The two boys had a more open mind, but Yessica was a little girl who was very stubborn and probably would blame all the fault on herself, which was not what Camille wanted to see.

With Camille's guidance, Yessica felt much better.

That was when the results of the race were announced.

Twenty designers had been selected, including Irene and Camille. Camille was the 19t, and she almost didn’t make it.

This was undoubtedly good news. Several people shouted for joy, but Yessica was not happy and said, "Why Irene? She was stealing from our work."

Sienna smiled. "Little girl, you have to think this way, she can rely on your achievements to win. In the end, Mrs. Armstrong is the most brilliant one. After all, your improvisational work also passed, it means that you really have potential!"

Sienna said this with a smile, and she spoke softly and clearly with every word, which made people feel very real.

Yessica, also felt a little embarrassed and dropped her head with a smile.

In contrast to their harmonious atmosphere here, the atmosphere in the other lounge was far worse.

Irene was woken up from a deep sleep by her assistant, who discreetly said to her, “Irene, we made it through. It's just..."

"Just what?" Irene looked at the assistant sleepily.

The assistant whispered, "It's just that Camille got in..."

"What did you say? Camille got in, too? Are you sure?"

Irene reacted somewhat aggressively.

The assistant said, "Sure, I just watched the judges announce it live." Irene had a stiff face and a little panic. Then she said coldly, “You pack your things. I'll wait for you in the car.”

Then she put on her sunglasses and went out. Two other assistants were waiting at the door. When they saw her coming out, they followed her to the parking lot.

Irene made a phone call as soon as she got in the car. She asked nervously, "How is it possible that Camille got in?"Her drawing is clearly..."

The other person was also surprised, but just comforted her. "It's ok, she has no proof, you just need to calm down."

Irene pressed her lips slightly, her face was pale and her heart was restless.

But she didn't know that Kian was watching her every move.

When the competition was over, Camille and the others left the lounge for the garage.

She and Sienna were walking behind, holding hands. Sienna suddenly asked, "Are you serious about what you just told them?"

"Why did you do that? The thief stole my things and won't let me call the police?

Camille, of course, didn't want to let it go. She just said that to Yessica to make them feel better and didn't want them to dwell on the incident to interfere with their work.

As in her heart, it never occurred to her to let it go.

“Since she was from Flento City, we have to start an investigation in Flento City.”

After hearing her words, Sienna immediately responded, "I'm relieved that you said that. I've already asked Mario to check her. Irene is a Flento City native and a rising designer in recent years.

Camille was also startled. Before she could respond, the cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

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