My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 225 Boredom


He said he was meeting clients. Good! Ayan did not understand Camille's meaningful words but unconsciously clenched her finger more tightly. His reaction and expression seemed to tell Camille that he would explain later.

Sophia laughed and said, "Ayan, I didn't realize you were such a hen- pecked husband. I won't ask you out again.”

Ayan just laughed without saying anything.

Then Sophia said, "Miss Camille, please don't misunderstand me and Ayan. We have a cooperative relationship now, because the recent architectural design competition is my first cooperation with Ayan after taking over Benson Group, so it may be a little frequent for us to meet up. If Miss Camille cares about it, you can exchange contact with me. Every time I have a job-related chat with Ayan, I will take a video and send it to you, so you won't have any misunderstanding.”

Sophia's words were very diplomatic, not in the form of direct displeasure and sarcasm, but in the form of honest advice.

But Camille didn't like what she said.

She didn’t express unhappiness. She just smiled and raised her eyebrows to look at Ayan next to her, then looked at Sophia.

She said, "Sophia's advice is good, but I am not so strict and unreasonable. Ayan likes to share his schedule with me. I have told him many times, but he will not listen to me. Sophia, you know him very well. You can talk with him too. "

Then she looked at Ayan. He looked down and his lips curved up. He was not angry at all, but with a kind of acquiescence.

The two from the opposite side didn’t see that he was holding Camille's hand under the table, scratching her palm with his jointed fingers as if to tell her that she would be punished for twisting the facts.

Talia also smiled quietly and said, "Sophia, you don't know that Ayan has never taken his eyes off his wife since he got married. Can you believe that he visits Camille's company so often? Not only you, but I also can't believe it even as a mother."

Sophia didn't believe it, of course, but Ayan didn't say anything back. She was lost in thought and questioning.

The atmosphere then cooled down, but Camille didn't want to go on like this. After all, she had cooperation with Simpson Group and was an old classmate of Ayan, so she couldn't ignore the overall situation.

She pressed her lips slightly and said, "Sophia, you and Ayan have something to discuss. Mom and I will leave first. You two can continue your meeting. You are welcome to join us for dinner at home. After all, you are our guest in Hance City.

Sophia looked stunned, but she gave a slight nod. "Miss Camille is so kind."

“It's all right. After all, you are Ayan's friend and Simpson Group's partner.”

Sophia just smiled.

Then Camille and Talia got up and left.

Before leaving, Talia told the waiter, "Let Ayan pay."

Once in the car, Talia looked at Camille's face straightly. Camille was forced to meet her gaze.

Camille said, "Mom, I'm fine. They are classmates and friends, and they are still working together. It's OK to have dinner or a chat together."

What matters was that Ayan subconsciously hid her answers.

When he replied to the message, he could have just said he was having dinner or tea with a girl.

Such a direct confession made her feel okay.

She was not stingy or irrational. Talia took Camille back to the office. In front of the car, Talia felt uneasy and said, "Camille, are you unhappy?" "How come? Mother, tell grandpa that I will go home and have dinner with him one of these days." Camille naturally changed the subject, and Talia nodded and didn’t continue the topic.

Camille took the elevator back to work. As she got out, she heard the woman yelling, "Preston, who is that woman in your car? What is your relationship? Are you already hooked up with her?"

When Camille arrived at the office door, she saw Molly being grabbed by Preston and ready to walk out. But Molly was holding the door frame with her other hand and refused to leave.

Preston, with a cool face, responded to Molly, "Can you stop? I told you that she's just a friend. If you keep acting like this, go back to Flento City!"

Molly was getting out of control.

She stared blankly and said, "Preston, you want me to go back to Flento City? When I get back, you can stay here and have fun with another woman, right? Do you think I can't find out who is that woman without you telling me? I took a picture of you eating together, and I'll find out if I ask around.”

Molly took out her phone and showed the photo to the staff at work. "Everyone, come and have a look. Mr. Walker has all the benefits of the Walker family, but he is out with other women behind my back. What do you think? Is he selfish?

Molly's behavior made Presto extremely embarrassed.

His gentle face was now overlaid with gloom. As she was struggling to get rid of him, Preston suddenly released her hand and Molly subconsciously walked towards the staff area. Preston squinted his eyes, then grabbed Molly's hand. He slapped her right on the cheek. His voice was cold and surly. "Molly, have you had enough? This is the office. Whatever you got to say, say it at home and stop being a joke here, ok?"

Molly was confused.

Preston had never hit her. No matter how she made a drama, Preston was helpless, but he had never hit her. Even if he was angry, he would yell at her at most.

This was the first time that Preston ever hit her.

Molly looked up at him in disbelief and asked, "Did you hit me?" Preston didn't say anything and looked at her coldly.

She said, "You hit me, Preston. Why did you hit me?"

After that, Molly threw herself at him. Preston, who was still peppy, took her arm in one hand and led her straight out the door.

Seeing Camille standing in the doorway, Preston gave Camille a complicated look and then dragged Molly out the door.

They walked to the elevator. There were many people working on the same floor. Molly's voice was very loud, which attracted a lot of people. Camille asked Yessica to tell them not to take photos and make videos, then whispered to Preston, "Preston, take it easy."

She was telling him not to hit her again.

Even though she hated Molly, she was still a girl, and it wasn't nice for a man to hit a woman.

After Preston left the office with Molly, Camille went back to her office. She had just sat down and Yessica followed her in.

Yessica said enigmatically to Camille, "Mrs. Armstrong, I just saw that picture taken by Molly. Can you guess whom Mr. Walker was dating?"

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