My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 223 Being Loved

Molly did not speak, but she made no intention of moving at all. Camille was stopped at the door. Her face was cold, and her voice increased. "Molly, can't you hear me when I talk to you?"

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?" Molly snorted coldly, not taking Camille seriously at all.

After responding to Camille's words, Molly put on her earplugs and looked at Camille defiantly with a smile on her face.

Camille was speechless, picked up her cell phone, and called Yessica. Yessica came out quickly and looked at Camille helplessly. "Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Molly came to see Mr. Walker, but Mr. Walker was out of the office. She blamed us for not telling her in advance, and said she would fire us."

Camille told Yessica to go get the two boys over and whispered, "Move her out of here."

The two boys nodded and immediately began to lift the chair and carry her straight out of the door.

Molly was furious. She stood up and hit the two boys with her bag. Then she pointed at Camille and said, "Who are you? This is my brother's company, so it's mine. You are the one who should get out. You have married already and still kept sticking with my brother. Disgusting. "

Camille frowned slightly, looked coldly at Molly, and said, "Molly, I don't want to fight with you for Preston's sake. But if you continue to talk nonsense like this, I will send you directly to the police and let them deal with you."

Molly's face changed as she remembered how terrible she had been the last time, especially when Camille was involved.

She glared at Camille. "Don't think you can do whatever you want because you are with Ayan. I tell you, Camille, people like you will be abandoned one day. You're not worthy of love."

"Molly, I really don't understand why you keep doing this to me while I did nothing wrong."

"Because you've been all over Preston.” Molly assumed that the reason why Preston was in touch with Camille was that Camille kept contacting him.

Yessica couldn't stand their conversation anymore. "Mr. Walker already has a girlfriend," Yessica said.

"Didn't you see him at the coffee shop? What does it have to do with Mrs. Armstrong? They have only a partnership. This company is not only owned by Mr. Walker, but also by Mr. Armstrong."

Molly stared blankly and lost control of her emotions. Pointing at Yessica, and shouted, "You're talking nonsense. Preston doesn't have a girlfriend. He won't have a girlfriend. You are all liars.”

Molly couldn't bear the thought of Preston having a girlfriend, smiling at other women, and being nice to other women.

The more she thought about it, the worse she felt, the angrier she became.

In her opinion, Preston, should not be with anyone else. He had been raised by the Walker family, and why should he be with other girls? He can only be hers.

Molly went out of control, which made Camille frown even subconsciously. She gave Yessica a look to stop talking, then picked up her phone to call Preston.

But no one answered.

Camille squinted, looking for someone to keep an eye on Molly. Of course, she wasn't worried about Molly, she just didn't want anything to happen to her at the office, for Preston's sake anyway.

Camille returned to her office and didn’t care much about Molly. Instead, she focused on continuing to revise the artwork.

With only a few days left before the competition, Camille wish she had more time.

She had been busy the whole morning.

Preston didn't call her back until lunchtime.

Over the phone, Preston said, "Sorry Cami, I just saw your missed call.”

“That's all right, I didn't have anything to do. I just wanted to talk to you about Molly. Where have you been? She probably couldn't find you, so she came to the office and wait for you."

"I'l run some errands and arrive at the office in about half an hour.” Preston, who was driving, also had a headache when she mentioned Molly, then said lightly, "She's not bothering you, is she? I guess because I told her I would bring her to see a friend last night, and she suspected a therapist, so she got a little upset.”

"Well, I don't care, but you'd better deal with her properly. It's unprofessional for her to affect the company’s business. After all, there are other employees in the company, not only us. I think Molly's possession of you is too strong, it's not good to continue like this.”

"l understand."

"Well, let's talk when I'm back in the office!"

After finishing the call, Camille asked Yessica, "Has she gone?"

"No, she's waiting in Mr. Walker's office.”

"Well, ignore her. Tell everyone to leave her alone and keep their distance so that there won't be any arguments.”

Camille made the arrangements and was about to order some food. Her cell phone rang.

She picked it up and checked who was calling her. With a small pause, she answered immediately, "Hello, Mom?"

“It's me, Camille. Have you finished your work now? Have you eaten yet?"

Talia's soft voice was on the other end of the line.

Camille responded, "Not yet. I'm about to order. Have you eaten?" "That's good. Come downstairs quickly. I'm here. We haven't had meals together for a long time. Let's go to eat together and have a chat”

"Ok, I'll come down now."

Camille was happy to have dinner with Talia. She was relaxed and comfortable. She wasn't a snob as a rich mother-in-law but more like a friend to her.

Camille and Talia went to a nearby fancy restaurant. They ordered food and had a chat. Talia discreetly asked Camille, “Camille, are things going well with Ayan?"

Camille nodded, "Yeah, we are fine, Mom. Why do you ask?"

"Didn't he say anything to you?"

Camille shook her head, not sure what Talia meant. "No."

Talia narrowed her eyes. "When we finish eating, I'll take you somewhere."

Camille noticed a hint of irritation and coolness on her face, which of course was directed at Ayan.

But the more Talia acted like this, the more Camille wondered what was going on.

Since the two made peace, Camille texted Ayan while Talia went to the bathroom, asking, "Where are you?"

Ayan replied half a minute later. "Meeting a client. Are you missing me? Camille frowned and didn't reply anymore. Instead, she flipped her phone over the dining room table and felt speechless.

Talia saw her movement when she returned and asked, "Camille, what are you checking?"

"Harassing text messages."

Recently, Ayan had been accidentally saying some ambiguous words, which made her really confused. As she had different feelings for him, her heart had always been beating very fast. She was really worried that she would fall in again.

After dinner, Talia took Camille to a casual teahouse hidden in a small alley in the city center.

Talia knew the direction well, but it was Camille's first visit.

She asked out of curiosity, "Mom, where are we going?"

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