My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 218 Conditions

Camille's eyes widened.

She stared hard at Eileen and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Did I not make myself clearly? Didn't Ayan tell you last night?” She raised her eyebrows and smiled.

The tone was meant to remind Camille that she and Ayan shared a secret, which Camille did not know.

Camille narrowed her eyes and said, "Why should I believe you?"

She did have dinner plans with Ayan last night, but Ayan told her she couldn't come at the last minute and asked his driver to take her back to the apartment after she'd visited her grandmother.

So, did Ayan met up with Eileen last night?

When he came back to the apartment last night, suddenly he was like a different person.He was very close to her.

The more Camille thought about it, the more she got confused.

If Ayan had done the match testing, why hadn't he told her?

Camille looked Eileen in the eye coldly.

Eileen took the initiative and handed Camille the matching result. “Now you're going to believe it, right?" she asked.

Camille looked at the report in her hand, her face turned pale and her eyes darkened.

For a moment, she was numb and did not respond.

Eileen started to talk again. "Camille, I can give you this heart if you want your grandmother to have the operation sooner, but with on one condition.”

“It's your mother's heart match, isn't it?" Instead of asking her about her condition, Camille confronted her directly: "What's the point of you doing this? Wouldn't you want to save your mother? Why do you want to give me the heart match that originally belonged to her?"

Eileen's face stiffened and then said quietly, “This is my business and you don't need to worry about it. You just need to tell me whether you want to save your grandmother. She is so old and not in good condition.”

“Eileen, this is the difference between you and me. I am not you. I won't leave my own family in danger for my selfish purpose.”

"Camille, you say that I'm selfish, but what about you? You are also selfish. For your own sake, in order not to take my deal, you gave up your grandmother's match. Do you know how difficult a heart match is? If you miss it, you may never have it again. All you have to do is to divorce Ayan and let me marry him. Then you can save your most important grandmother.”

Camille was stunned.

So, her intention was to marry Ayan?


This woman really tried everything she could.

She looked at Eileen faintly with deep contempt in her eyes. "Eileen, no matter what you say I will not agree to your conditions, so you just give up this thought. It's too disgusting to make a such deal. Whether it is me or my grandmother is not going to accept it. You'd better leave, or speak louder, and let everyone know how disgusting you are.” "You......."

Eileen clenched her fists, and her eyes were full of hatred for Camille. She took a deep breath and had an even more meaningful look. She pressed her lips and sneered. "Camille, how do you think you're better than me? Looking at you, I feel sorry for you.”

Camille, with a cold face, did not want to talk to her. Because she was pregnant, she did not want to argue with her. She pressed her lips slightly and moved away.

But Eileen stopped her again and whispered, "Camille, I'll tell you a secret. Do you know why Jack wanted to kidnap you?"

Camille's face turned pale and her eyes widened. She stared at Eileen and asked, "How do you know this? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Eileen did not speak but smiled with satisfaction. She was delighted that Camille was a little out of control.

With a smile in her eyes and she said proudly, "Ayan already knows that I have something to do with it, but he will never take action with me because I am more important in his heart, far beyond your imagination. Do you believe it?"

Camille pressed her lips together as she spoke.

Her heart was aching. It hurt so much that she couldn't breathe.

She looked at Eileen faintly. She felt so painful that made her look indifferent with no emotion. She said, "Is it? Since he cares about you so much, why do you want to negotiate with me? Why don't you just go to him? You are telling me all this because Ayan isn't talking to you, right?"

Eileen stiffened and didn't immediately respond to Camille's question. Camille just laughed. "Am I right?"

"Oh, Camille, how could you be so proud? You were almost..., well, and you have to stand it in the end, right? You will never be able to compete with me. I'll always be more important to Ayan than you." Camille squinted, not replying, but only staring at her.

She didn't know exactly what was going on. She didn't want to talk too much about Ayan. She wanted to ask Ayan herself and hear his answer, or she wouldn't believe Eileen completely.

After lunch with her grandmother at the hospital, she went straight to Simpson Group without much rest.

In fact, her condition was not very good, and the grandmother also noticed that. She thought it was because of the heart match. The grandmother took the initiative to comfort her and said: "What are you thinking? I'm not even stressed, and how do you have pressure?" Camille smiled and shook her head. "You misunderstood me. I'm just worried about my work. It's all about the competition.”

“The result doesn't matter. Just do your best."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right.”

Camille smiled brightly.

She walked all the way to Simpson Group in silence, and her face looked as cold as ice without any expression.

When she arrived at Ayan's floor, Kian greeted her. Her voice was cold: "Where is Ayan?"

Kian sensed something was strange and responded, "Mr. Simpson is in his office........"

Before he could finish his sentence, Camille walked toward the office. Kian could tell from Camille's words and actions that she was upset and unhappy. He thought to himself that it would be better if he didn't go near the office today, or he might lose his job.

Camille opened the office door and walked in directly.

Ayan held his head down, thinking it was Kian who just entered. "Are there any dinners or social meetings this evening?"

There was no response.

Ayan frowned nonchalantly and said, "Can't you hear me? I'm asking you."

Then he looked up, and it was Camille.

Looking into each other's eyes, he saw Camille staring coldly at him. He got up quickly and said gently, “What are you doing here? Have you missed me?"

With those deep eyes staring at her without blinking, he walked up to her, reached for her hand, led her to the sofa, and sat down. Then he asked her gently, "Why don't you say anything? Unhappy? Didn't you go to lunch with grandmother at noon?"

"Ayan, is Jack really the only one who kidnapped me?"

Ayan unconsciously frowned. His face went pale. After a short silence of two seconds, he asked, "What do you want to ask?"

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