My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 216 Unease

Camille leaned into the warm embrace of the man, and her uneasy heart felt a little calm.

She nodded her head gently. "Yes."

The atmosphere gradually quieted down, and they held each other gently.

Ayan left work early and took Camille to the hospital to see Dr. Ellis. Dr. Ellis explained all the risks and consequences to Camille.

If she chose the conservative treatment, she wouldn't live long. If she chose the surgery, there would be all kinds of risks. But the best result was for her to get through it successfully in the end.

Camille chose the latter. As she said, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she wouldn't give up.

The next step was to convince grandma to go into the hospital to prepare for the transplant.

When they got home in the evening, they showed up at Grandma's house.

Seeing two people appear together with very dignified expressions, grandma already knew that Camille found out.

When Camille brought it up, Grandma didn't say anything. She just asked, "Camille, will you feel better if I agree to your request?”

Camille nodded her head. She said, "Grandma, I hope you can always accompany me, so can we cheer together and not give up any chance or hope?"

Grandma didn't say anything, just looked at her with a smile.

Although they had no blood relationship, grandmother was like strong support for Camille. They participated in each other's life and had many memories with each other that they could never forget.

Finally, Camille nodded and agreed.

The process went smoothly.

She went to the hospital the next day. Camille sent her maid to take care of her. She also went there after work. She was still trying to find a heart match.

After visiting her grandmother, Camille and Ayan went to see Dr. Ellis. Dr. Ellis had also contacted the heart matching center, but no match had been found yet. It all depended on good luck.

Camille was so preoccupied that she didn't speak much on the way home.

Ayan whispered and comforted her. "Don't worry, I'll figure it out. We will know as soon as there's a match for Grandma."

"Yeah," she said. Camille just nodded.

After Ayan went to take a shower in the evening, she grabbed the phone, walked out to the balcony in the living room, and made a phone call abroad.

She said to the person on the other end of the phone, “I need your help. My grandmother is having a heart transplant and I want you to ask around if you can find a match there.”

The person immediately replied, "OK, I'll call the professor right away. Don't worry, Grandma will be fine."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Hanging up the call, Camille stood on the balcony for a long time without moving.

When Ayan got out of the shower, he didn't see her. Knowing that she was in a bad mood, he went out to look for her and finally saw her on the balcony.

He walked over on her toes and grabbed her from behind.

Camille froze, her back impenetrable against his solid and warm chest. He rested his chin lightly on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Just let me know if you want to talk, okay?"

Camille closed her eyes and whispered, “I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

“I didn't tell you about Grandma because I made a deal with Grandma. There are no other reasons. Do you believe me?"

“Well, I see.” He turned her back to face him, and asked in a deep voice, “Then why are you unhappy now”

“I'm not unhappy.” She looked up at him and replied in a soft, weak voice. "Just a little guilty.”

She felt guilty for not knowing her grandmother's condition until now, which was really irresponsible.

Ayan stroked her cheek gently and then leaned over to kiss her on the lips. He seemed to like kissing her a lot these days.

Camille paused, and her eyelashes twitched a bit.

He said in a deep voice, "The reason Grandma didn't tell you was that she was afraid you would feel that way. If you feel that way now, she won't feel good about the operation, so don't feel guilty, okay?" Camille was relieved by Ayan's comfort. Everything had to move on. After all, Grandma had agreed to the operation now, right?

Camille felt much happier now. After she was done with her work, she spent some time with her grandmother at the hospital. Then Ayan picked her up and took her back to the apartment.

One day, Camille still went to the hospital after work. She made an appointment with Ayan in advance: "Shall we have dinner together tonight? I'm in the mood for Darkmoor food."

Ayan said yes and agreed to pick her up at the hospital around six. But Eileen's arrival at Simpson Group around 5:30 broke Ayan's schedule.

Eileen told Kian she wanted to see Ayan. Kian checked and after he got permission, he took her to the office.

She was now an artist at Simpson Group, so it was not unusual for her to appear at Simpson Group. The only change was that she used to be able to come and go at her will, but now she needed a secretary to ask his permission first before she could see him.

Eileen wasn't happy about it, but she had to endure. She felt very depressed.

When she met Ayan, she told him, "Ayan, my mom found a match for her heart.”

Ayan's face was mild. "Well, if you find it, you can contact the doctor for surgery,” he said.

Eileen pressed her lips slightly, then said, "Ayan, do you not want to see me?"

“You think too much,” he replied.

His response was extremely bland.

Eileen added, "Ayan, I know I'm not supposed to come to you, but I heard Camille's grandmother is in the hospital, and I didn't want you to worry. I have an idea.”

Ayan looked at him faintly. He did not respond.

She continued to say, “I am willing to give the heart to Camille's grandmother. If it is a match for her. Camille's grandmother can have the operation first."

His eyes grew darker and his words softened. "Will you give your mother's match to Camille's grandmother?"

Eileen nodded yes.

Ayan smiled faintly. "Eileen, why did you do that? Is it really just because you don't want me to worry?"

"Yes, and also because I want to thank you for your help and tolerance. Of course, I know I should choose my mother, but my mother's condition is still stable and much better than Camille's grandmother's. So, I am willing to give the match to Camille's grandmother and let her have the surgery first if it is a match for her.”

"Is that all?"

"Yes, it's just that, Ayan. You don't have to believe me, but what I'm saying is true. I really want to help you."

Ayan looked at her for a few seconds to make sure she didn't have anything to say next, then he agreed in silence.

Since the match was for Eileen's mother, Eileen needed to sign it before it could be matched to Camille's grandmother.

Dr. Ellis was in charge of this and soon he had a result. It was a match. Just as Ayan was about to tell Camille the good news, Eileen suddenly said, "Ayan, even the universe is telling us that if we were destined to be together, otherwise this heart wouldn't be a match. But now it matched. Are we meant to be together?”

"What do you mean?"

Ayan stared at her coldly.

Eileen said, "Ayan, I want you to divorce Camille. As soon as you divorce Camille and marry me, I will give the heart to Camille's grandmother. Do you accept that?"

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