My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 212 Excessive

The two men's eyes confronted each other, neither of them flinching.

A few seconds later, Ayan hooked his lips to reveal a cold, faint smile: "So you're tacitly agreeing that you don't want to do the wedding because you're afraid that your ex-boyfriend will be sad when he finds out and will measure up to block your chances, right?"

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were light and expressionless as she looked at her.

She said lightly, "If you must feel that way, then take it for what it is, after all, you wouldn't believe me if I were to say no, would you?" "Camille, so what's your attitude now? Or have you gotten in touch with him so now you're emboldened to pull out at any moment?"

Camille's heart creaked, a sound of shattering.

His distrust left her bruised all over.

But she didn't want to say anything, much less explain.

Since in his heart she is this kind of person, it is futile to say more. Camille's lips narrowed slightly without saying anything, Ayan's eyebrows wrinkled more tightly, she turned around and was ready to go back to her room, but just before she took a step, the man came forward and clutched her wrist.

When Camille tried to shake it off, he pinned her directly to the wall. He stared down at her for a moment and then kissed her on the lips without her reaction.

She only felt a darkness in front of her eyes, the kiss fell on the lips, icy cold with a hint of cold, followed by a subconscious struggle, but soon found the man's arms like iron, she struggled to spend a lot of energy, and because he had plundered all the breath, almost quickly soft in his arms.

Her fingers clutched hard at the lapels of his chest and the kiss lasted for a long time until he left just before she was about to suffocate.

She gasped and glared at him angrily.

But Ayan curled his lips, "Camille, why are you always messing with me? Because you're pregnant and you think I can't do anything to you, so you're just scared, right?"

Camille frowned slightly and subconsciously nudged him, "You stay away from me."

"Talk and answer me, is that it?"

He reached out and hooked her chin, not only did he not move away from her as she wanted, but he also deliberately hung his head closer to her.

Camille's face stiffened slightly and she said lightly, "Why do you always impose your own ideas on me? If you think so, why do you ask me again? Will you believe me when I deny that it's not?"

Ayan was silent.

Camille laughed: "You think I don't want to have a wedding with you because I'm afraid people will know, but what about you, Ayan, has the ex-boyfriend I'm talking about ever interrupted our lives? No, but your beloved Eileen lives in our lives, so I ask who is more outrageous?" Camille she is a very reluctant to reopen old scores, but only if she is forced to go out of her way.

Because time and again misunderstood, she will also feel very aggravated and tired.

Although this ex-boyfriend is an excuse she made up off the top of her head, she has not done anything to disturb their lives because of this ex-boyfriend.

She looked down at the floor, her face warm and expressionless. Ayan had been staring at her closely, with a slightly downcast look and a warm voice: "So you're doing it these days because of Eileen ?" Camille didn't say anything, so that's a tacit agreement.

He said lightly, “I have no contact with Eileen, I don't know if you heard something or saw something, but you have to give me a reasonable chance to let me know and be able to explain, right? Don't you think you're going too far, Camille, to give someone a death sentence like that?"

“I'm overdoing it?" Camille smiled coldly, she said helplessly, "Ayan, you used all your resources to promote Eileen, you never mentioned it to me, I don't believe that besides Eileen with the ability of Simpson Group can't find a singer with potential, does it have to be her?"

The so-called no contact, for Camille, no phone calls or text messages or work involved are cut off cleanly that is called no contact.

But now that Eileen is signed to Simpson Group, is that a lack of connection?

Ayan's face sank as he whispered, "It's not what you think, Eileen signed with Simpson Group to be an artist for Simpson Group as a normal partnership. 2"

He said that she is the only person in his mind right now?

It was a statement that was enough to make Camille feel good.

But only before.

She won't now.

She will not lose herself now because of a casual sweet word.

His tenderness could have been for many people, but his heart was always for Eileen, so she told herself over and over again, "Camille, wake up, even if he has you in his heart now, it's because of the baby.” Camille showed a faint smile: "Ayan, I understand what you mean, since you are not willing to say, then I will not ask again, as for who you have in your heart also has nothing to do with me."

After she finished, she pushed Ayan directly behind her trying to keep her distance from him.

But Ayan didn't move, reached out and took her arm, his voice low, "Camille, what do you mean it's none of your business who's in my heart?"

“It means just what you understand it to mean."

"So you don't care even if there's another woman in my heart?"

He questioned in a cold voice.

Camille looked up at him, "What's the point of me minding? It's not like I can control your heart, will you really listen if I don't allow someone else in your heart?"

"Heh, Camille, I really underestimated you, you are not only ruthless, you are also thin-skinned, all this time I have done all this because of what do you not see?

He narrowed his eyes, and the strength of his grip on her hand was increasing, the handsome face revealing a clear displeasure and coldness.

Camille was also stunned.

She looked at him with blank stares, her face a little stiff, but did not know what to say?

What do his words mean?

Was he trying to tell her something?

Camille opened her mouth but couldn't muster the courage to ask. Because of the disappointment too many times, the answer she got was not what she wanted, so she did not want to touch any more questions related to that answer in her heart.

She pursed her lips without saying anything, and the atmosphere quieted down with her.

Soon, though, Ayan's cell phone rang.

He let go of Camille because the phone rang, then took out the phone and pressed answer.


His voice was low and cold, with an air of displeasure.

Kian on the other end of the phone also gave a slight pause and was briefly mute for half a second before speaking, "Mr. Simpson, I just received a video that is related to Armstrong Corp. After Elijah’s capture the lady asked us to keep an eye on the people around him, his wife has nothing unusual these days, but a man just drove up to pick her up.”

"What people, did you find out?"

Ayan asked lightly.

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