My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 203: Fail

Camille looked directly back at him the next second, but she didn't answer his question in the end.

As for Ayan, he didn't ask any more in that his phone rang at this moment.

It was Kian.

Kian said, “Mr. Simpson. I just learned that there were two vigorous and resolute executive managers at Armstrong Corp that were brought by Grace. They are from Flento City.”

“Well. I see.” Ayan cut off the phone and put it at the center console. He glanced ahead with a deep stare and then looked at the woman in the co-pilot. “Did you arrange the two people in Armstrong Corp?” He asked.

Camille cocked her head and stared at Ayan with a faint smile, “You got it?"

I had someone to keep an eye on Armstrong Corp in case something bad could be addressed as soon as possible after it happens.

Camille said, "Mario borrowed them to me.”

“He is not as easy-going as he looks. Is he willing to lend you?"

Ayan was incredulous apparently, for he was also a businessman. Businessmen know each other best.

Camille laughed, “Sienna and I are good friends. Though they are not siblings, they grew up together. It's not strange that he is willing to help me.”

Ayan stared at her, looking serious. His Adam's apple rolled up and down and his voice cracked subconsciously, “I don't care what he helps you for, but you have to remember that you are married and even pregnant. It's better to keep a distance from the other men.”

Camille paused in a flash. She just pressed her lips and didn’t speak. Back at the apartment, they had dinner with grandma and went for a walk together.

In the evening, when Camille came out of the shower. Ayan was still checking his schedule for the next day with his tablet. Camille sat at the empty seat next to him.

She looked and asked, “How did you get on that thing earlier?”


“The man hid behind the baby-sitter.” Since the incident happened, neither of them dared to tell the Simpson's manson and grandma. They have been hiding it until now

Camille already had a serious psychological shadow, so she just didn't want to hire any baby-sitter.

However, Ayan already had plans to employ one from Simpson's manson to work temporarily.

Because Camille was pregnant, he would be worried if she employed anyone else.

Ayan looked at Camille subconsciously with his eyes narrowing sightly and said, “Nothing yet, if there is a progression, I'll let you know.”

She didn’t think much about it, just nodding in response.

Camille then picked up her phone and started to chat with Sienna, not noticing that Ayan's eyes got more serious and hesitant.

The next afternoon, Kian roughly figured things out after inquiring from many sources and even spending a sum of money on cigarettes and drinks.

Then he came to the office directly. Camille asked Yessica to get some water and shut the door.

Preston saw that by chance. He asked Yessica, “Isn't that Mr. Simpson's secretary?”

Yessica nodded, “Well, it's Mr. Reid.”

“Why is he here?"

“Well. I don’t know. Mr. Armstrong didn’t say, but I think they must have something to discuss.”

Preston glanced at the closed door with his eyes showing surprise.

In the office, Camille beckoned Kian to sit down to talk.

Kian nodded and sat down, taking a sip of water. Then he handed Camille the photo.

He said, “Mrs. Simpson, this is the picture I took. He is Mr. Armstrong's secretary, Elijah. He has been with Mr. Armstrong for many years. Mr. Armstrong trusts him very much. So to speak, he is trusted by the entire Armstrong family.

Camille opened the photo that Kian handed over. She glanced at the figure lightly before looking at Kian. Then she asked, “Does Elijah have anything to do with these two jumpers?”

“Yes, I thought it was impossible at first. He works for Mr. Armstrong. Since he has worked for Mr. Armstrong for so long time, he must be treated well. But after I checked him, I found it was indeed the case. When Kian finished speaking, Camille also became silent.

If there is a problem with Elijah, Armstrong Crop’s breakdowns would not be a simple business model problem, but be premeditated.

Kian looked at Camille, who kept silent. “What are you going to do, Mrs. Simpson.” He whispered.

Camille raised her eyes and asked, “Does Grace know his problems?” “No, if she knew, she would have given herself away by now.”

Kian was straightforward because Grace is simple and wears all her emotions on her face.

Camille narrowed her eyes and kept silent for about half a minute before she said, “Could you come with me to meet with him?” Then you can check on him. If there is something wrong with him, he will reveal himself. After all, nothing would happen until he gets alarmed, otherwise we can't do anything if he does nothing."

Kian was stunned.

He didn’t know why. For a moment, he saw Ayan's shadow in Camille's expression.

Camille stared at him. “Mr. Reid, what do you think?"

Only then did he gather his wits together. He quickly said, “Yeah, you are right. Shall we go to meet with him now?"

Camille smiled and left the office with Kian.

As they walked out, Preston came out from the break room with his coffee coincidently. He saw Camille and asked, “Camille, you want to go out?”

“Well, I have to go to the hospital.”

“To see Brody? How are things going now? I was just about to ask you, is it convenient for Brody to drop by at this time?”

Preston glanced at Kian out of the corner of his eyes. His eyes were fixed on Camille.

Camille said, “He is stable now, but he can't be agitated while resting. It's better not to visit him until things in company are under control.” “Well. I'll listen to you. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.” “Well, don't worry. I'll ask you for help if needed. Don't try to escape.” Camille smiled and Preston smiled back. The atmosphere seemed to become harmonious.

Camille and Kian took the elevator and walked out the office building. Kian drove her to Armstrong Corp.

Sitting in the back seat, she took out her phone and sent Grace a message, “Squeeze some time to go to Armstrong Corp now and I'll go, too.”

Grace replied immediately, “Now? What's up?”

“See you later.”

She texted these words and stopped looking at her phone.

At the moment, Kian, who was driving, grew solemn and said, “Mrs. Simpson, you may have to fasten your seat belt.”


“There is a car following us.”

Camille looked behind subconsciously. There was a black car following them. “Are you sure that it is following us?" She asked uncertainly.

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