My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 201: Sacrifice

She sat in the office, staying quiet for a second with her eyelashes quivering slightly and her eyes glazing over, then said, “Since such things like stealing goods happened, he has to shoulder his responsibility no matter how he weasels out or weather he resigns immediately or not because it happened at his job. It's indispensable. You should learn to take advantage of other's sincerity to do things for you this time.”

Grace asked immediately,"Do I need to figure it out directly?”

"Or you want to beg him humbly?" Camile was also unkind, but her tone got a little bit lighter the next second, “You have to remember that you are the boss and they are employees. Is it rational for them to steal boss's things? Though we are facing some crises and difficulties, it is not an employee who dares to provoke. If you spare them this time, they would push their luck next time.”

"Camile, what you said is reasonable and you know everything clearly. Why don’t you come to help me personally?”

"Are you testing me?”

Camille's tone got indifferent instantly.

Grace said immediately, “No, of course not. I just really don't know what to do when such things happened.”

"You know, it's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. Armstrong Corp can't trust anyone but you now.”

That was Camille's warning and advice for her.

Grace just didn't understand why Camille would rather tell her those things than promise her to help her.

However, she didn't think too much. She was a little confident now with Camille's advice.

After talking with Camille on the phone, Elijah and Leo came along. Elijah talked with Grace, "Grace, I had told Leo to contact those people who stole and let them get the goods back. If they sell them, Leo will get the money back. If so, we could pretend it never happened.” "Elijah, is that all?"

Grace repeated Camille's instructions at the bottom of her heart. Not be humble. She was the boss. She was not the wrongdoer.

Elijah hesitated for a while and asked unbelievably, “Do you have any plans?”

Grace glanced at Lian Hunter and then looked at Elijah. She said, “Elijah, though our company is facing difficulties, Armstrong Corp is a big company anyway. If I spare the thief easily, someone will dare to do such things next time, so call the police and let them deal with it.” Grace's words stunned Liam immediately. She looked at Elijah subconsciously. “Elijah, what does Miss Grace mean?”

Elijah was also surprised, he frowned and asked softly, "Grace, choosing to call the police at this time would make the employees bitterly disappointed. Armstrong Corp needs to unite now.”

"Elijah, I know what you mean, but our team is not indulgent. If I do nothing this time, what about next time? Especially when we are in trouble, we must prevent such things happening again. I think we should call the police now, don't worry, I will bear the responsibility for the matter.”

Grace insisted on calling the police. Her firm attitude made Liam a little bit panicked.

Liam said incoherently, “Elijah, though Miss Grace chooses to call the police, I will quit. The company is so disappointing.”

“Liam, you can quit, but the theft happened at your job. You are still responsible for it even after you quit.”

Liam was completely silent. He looked at Elijah, who was also silent. Because Grace was like a completely different person, she analyzed everything clearly and sensibly, which was not like a lady who doesn’t know anything.

Liam said frightenedly, “Miss Grace, I didn’t allow them to steal. I am a victim, too.”

“I know that you didn’t steal anything, but you were in charge. If you don't want the police to visit your home, you'd better stick to your post and do your job well. When Armstrong Crop's difficulties are solved, I will tell my father your contribution, so you want to resign or continue at your job?”

Liam looked at Elijah with his spare lights. He hesitated to make a decision until Elijah said, “Liam, this is your last chance. Grace forgives you because you are a senior employee. Don't you agree soon?”

Liam agreed at last and promised such things wouldn't happen again. As for the employees who stole, Grace reported them to the police. She was more certain that Camille knew everything, or else how could these methods be so effectivel

After dealing with these things, Grace went straight back to the hospital. Elijah sent her to the door and told her, "Grace, if your dad wakes up, do tell me. I'm worried.”

Grace nodded and walked into the hospital.

Camille didn’t realize that Grace became attached to her. She called Sienna after talking with Grace on the phone.

Sienna was a little bit surprised for her unexpected call, “What's up? It's very late now.”

Camille compressed her lips slightly and said, “I want to borrow two men from Mario.”

"Borrow two men? Who?”

“That' not important. What is the ratio of my success?”

"Zero." Sienna pulled no punches.

Camille snorted, “If I didn't tell you but ask him directly, I'll have a 100% chance for success. Now I come to you first because you are my partner, would you consider answering me again?”

Sienna stayed silent for a second and repeated, “Who do you ask him for?”

"He has an effective PR director that I want to hire for a while. In addition, I need an assistant who he thinks would be great in Hance City.”

"Do you need them or does Ayan need?”

Sienna doesn't know much about business, so she doesn't know about Armstrong Corp yet.

Camille frowned and said softly, "Do you think Ayan need Mario's help? You really think too highly of the King family.”

“In that case, you shouldn't ask for Mario.”

Sienna snorted.

Camille then told her the things about the Armstrong family. “I need two new people. Only someone who isn't from Hance City can keep mysterious to the employees of Armstrong Corp.”

"You need me to ask him?"

"Well, tell him that I won't let him make contributions without rewards. Also, I won't let you go begging for me. Just tell him that I will work for the King Group for free for two years.”

"So much sacrifice?”

"Just talk with him. I want to see them tomorrow.”

Camille said dully.

Sienna asked, “Why don't you ask him directly?”

"As I know, he will push his luck if I ask him directly. I could only depend on you.”

Sienna smiled, "I like that. Okay, I'm going to get it for you right now.” Sienna came to visit Mario right away.

She told Mario exactly what Camille had said. She didn't think that Mario would say yes. But on hearing that Camille was willing to offer to work for him for free for two years, he said yes without thinking. Sienna asked curiously, "What did Camille do for you that made you agree so readily?”

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