My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 195 Injury

She stalled for a few seconds, then only then did she say, "Auntie, all of this is false, I knew about this apartment before I moved in, it's new and no one has ever lived in it."

"But those people have a nose to the ground,Miss Armstrong, I came out of the countryside, our side is particularly taboo these, especially pregnant women, pregnant women's bodies would have been different from ordinary people, not to mention that the suicide was also a pregnant woman, which ......."

Aunt dare not continue, Camille is also indifferent: "Aunt, these are not credible, you do not scare yourself, if you really do not want to do it, then wait until I find the right person before you go, okay?"

The aunt agreed, saying she could give Camille time to find someone. Auntie made dinner and left first, but Camille was alone on the couch looking at the empty environment, and her mind started to think down towards what Auntie said.

The more she thought about it, the wider the fear spread in her heart, and the more she thought about it, the more she had a feeling of believing it.

But she is not the only one staying in this apartment, there are also Ayan and Auntie. From what Auntie said just now, she can be sure that Auntie does not have the same nightmare as her, and Ayan is even more unlikely.

Why does she have nightmares?

Just as she was lost in thought, the door to the apartment suddenly opened from the outside.

Camille is startled by the sound of the door opening, and is relieved to see that it is Ayan who enters.

Ayan also noticed her reaction and asked lightly, “Did I scare you?" Camille didn't answer, just sullenly took the initiative to tell Ayan what her aunt had just said. She said to Ayan: "I've been having nightmares for the last two days, and I'm imagining things, Ayan, it's not right, I'm a little scared!

Ayan narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice: "It's okay, I'll handle it, I'll walk you out later to get some air?"

Camille agreed, and then after dinner, Ayan took her downstairs for a walk.

But somehow, Camille was always aware of the people who passed by her, because she always felt that they looked at her with pity and pity. She wrinkled her brow and looked very bad.

Ayan noticed it too and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ayan , have you seen them look at me a little differently?"

Ayan brow furrowed, face slightly sunken, he said: "No, you look wrong, they did not look at you."


Camille questioned it, but it was clear that she felt it.

Ayan once again told her firmly, “Really, I'm not lying to you, they are just normal eyes, there is nothing different, believe me, okay?" Camille's heart relaxed a little, but somehow she also began to believe the rumors that her aunt said, she heard herself whispering to Ayan: "Ayan, do you think it could be true?"

"Camille!" Ayan frowned and called out to her in a low voice, he said, “No, you have to trust yourself, if you don't believe me I can ask Kian to look into it and tell you the results, okay?"

Camille said yes.

Ayan immediately called Kian immediately, and Kian acted quickly, and the end result was nothing happened.

If not, then why did Auntie say that?

Camille and Ayan both realized that the problem might have come from their aunt, and when they tried to contact her to come over, they couldn't get in touch.

Ayan immediately asked Kian to investigate the aunt's information on the domestic side, and eventually found an unbelievable result.

Kian said: "Mr. Simpson, found out, this aunt before in the Armstrong's villa did, two years ago because of health reasons quit, but the Armstrongs to her good to give a good pay, she is only six months ago to come back to work, I also found out that she met the daughter of Armstrong family,Grace, after cooking for the lady, so ...... "

Ayan was on speakerphone, so Camille was able to hear every word. Camille shook her head and immediately denied it, "No way."

She doesn't believe there's a connection with Grace or the Armstrong family, and while the Armstrong family really isn't good for her, at least they won't hurt her, right?

Camille wrinkled her brow and looked very heavy.

She shook her head and whispered to Ayan, "I want to calm down." Ayan nodded and watched her get up. She was ready to go back to the bedroom, but then suddenly thought of her aunt's words and finally chose the living room balcony.

Ayan looked indifferent and his tone was a bit low. He said to Kian, "Keep an eye on her, I need to see her anytime."

"Yes, Mr. Simpson ."

Ayan hung up the phone directly, his face cold and sullen.

Ayan gave Camille ten minutes to calm down, estimating that the time was almost up, he then got up and followed her out, he looked down at Camille huddled up in a recliner with little energy, he leaned over and touched her head.

He said, "What are you thinking about?"

"I still can't imagine this having anything to do with the Armstrong family, Ayan, do you think I'm delusional about them or is there some kind of misunderstanding here?"

Because it's not like the Armstrong family didn't know she was pregnant, and if they had done something to hurt her when they knew she was pregnant, it would have not only turned Camille against them, but the Simpsons as well.

Ayan wrinkled his brow as he said, "Kian will keep looking into it, and it will definitely be clear how things are, huh?"

Camille nodded, Ayan told her to get up and sit inside, but she just stood up the whole person's weight is unstable, directly passed out. Camille woke up again in a hospital room.

The next second she opened her eyes, she immediately sat up from the bed, looked around Ayan was standing in front of the window answering the phone, saw her wake up and immediately hung up the phone and walked over: "How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You fainted, it's fine, the doctor said it was just a lack of rest combined with mental stress that caused it. "

"Ayan , am I really okay?"

“Yeah, it's fine." Ayan answered by looking her in the eyes in order to convince her.

Camille lifted the covers and tried to get out of bed: "I don't want to stay in the hospital.”

"Camille ." Ayan stopped her and said in a somewhat muffled voice, “The doctor said you need to be hospitalized for two days for observation because you took some not-so-good medication, so you need to do a full checkup to see if the baby was harmed."

“I'm taking not-so-good drugs?"

"Auntie has put some pills in the meal you ate that will cause the baby to be deformed and make you hallucinate, but you haven't eaten much in the past two days with a poor appetite, so it doesn't seem to be causing any harm at the moment, but for safety's sake, the doctor has arranged for a more comprehensive examination requiring two days of observation before you can be discharged from the hospital, okay?" Ayan was not going to tell Camille the truth, especially since she had just been brought to the hospital after the doctor's initial examination gave the results of Ayan's grim face, at that moment, he almost asked Kian to bring the Armstrongs here, and finally he took a lot of effort to control the inner impulse very angry.

Fortunately, the situation does not seem to be very serious at the moment, but the baby in his belly is in the development stage which makes him worry.

So he couldn't hide it from Camille, because Camille was the one who had the most direct contact with the baby, and she was the first one who could feel the good and the bad.

Camille was stunned for a long time, her voice trembling: “The baby will be okay, right?"

"Of course! I promise you, it'll be fine, and Dr. Ellis is back, so with him, nothing will happen, huh?"

Dr. Ellis is the Simpsons trusted physician and a leading expert in medicine, and everything will be fine with him.

Camille spent two days in the hospital, a news that was kept secret from everyone.

These two days were the most torturous time for her.

On the one hand, I was worried about the baby, and on the other hand, I was worried that it all had something to do with the Armstrong family. So she was stuck in a dead-end cycle, asking herself over and over again, "If it's really the Armstrong family, what should I do?"

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