My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 190 - Completely Bad

Camille didn't quite catch on to what he meant by that question.

Her brief silence fell into Ayan's eyes as a tacit acknowledgement. Their gaze met and he slowly said with his low voice, "Eileen went to Simpson Group to see me about the contract.”

Hearing his words, Camille now understood.

Was he referring to the day he spoke to her on the phone when Kian said Eileen was looking for him?

After that because she went back to the Simpson's mansion, and then looked for auntie, so she has not mentioned this matter until now, in fact Camille has also forgotten.

She looked at Ayan lightly and smiled lightly, "Ayan, are you explaining to me?"

Ayan was also stunned and reacted with hindsight to what he was doing.

He looked at Camille and followed her words, “What would you do if it were?"

Camille was not expecting such a straightforward admission from him. If it was before, he would have denied telling her not to think too much. But what's going on now?

Camille looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond for a while?

Ayan asked, "Camille , I'm asking you, what would you do if I was explaining to you?"

Camille hurriedly looked away and then smiled lightly: "Ayan, you don't have to explain, I didn't misunderstand, if you didn't say it I probably would have forgotten all about it."

"Is that so?"

His eyes were slightly narrowed, his expression was slightly cool, and his face became instantly gloomy.

Camille pursed her lips without speaking.

He said indifferently, "Heh! It's me who thinks too much of myself?" The atmosphere then became calm, and neither of them was talking, each had their own thoughts in mind, but the other could not guess.

As for the Armstrong family, Ayan is also following the normal procedure, in fact, he has thought about it, if Camille opened up, he will agree.

But she didn't appreciate it, so why should he make a fool of himself? Ayan's rejection makes Brody panic. He thought that Ayan would say yes because Camille is pregnant, but now Ayan doesn't care at all, which makes Brody completely at a loss.

Brody was so upset he couldn't even eat: "Ayan won't help, and now Armstrong Corp is finished."

"Is it possible that Camille didn't talk to Ayan clearly enough? I'll go to Camille and ask her again!"

"What's the point of looking for her? She resents us for sending her to Flento City to stay with her grandmother, and now she's happy to see us in trouble!" Brody was furious at the mention of Camille.

Grace heard her parents’ conversation, and a trace of emotion surfaced on her face, she said lightly, "Mom and Dad, I'll go find my sister, I'll convince her."

After saying that, Grace rushed out the door.

Looking at the back of his eldest daughter's departure, Brody also sighed helplessly.

In fact, Brody himself knew that although the Armstrong Corp has been supported by the Simpson Group over the years, but itis only a superficial phenomenon, the actual loss has been in the outside, there are debts everywhere, and now because Simpson Group is not willing to cooperate, those debts become more because of interest rolled over, several also directly to the door to call the debt, but Brody simply can not get the money.

If Simpson Group was willing to continue to cooperate, then Brody can also smoothly pay the interest on those outside arrears, but since the arrears remained the same, so there was no practical solution at all. the Armstrong Corp now wanted to solve the problem of profit loss, either by changing its own model so that it could produce and sell the products on its own without partners, or by simply declaring bankruptcy and selling off all its real estates to pay off its debts and then starting from scratch.

Obviously the latter was not feasible, after all, Brody's age was long past the stage of starting from scratch.

So this was the main reason why he was in such a difficult situation, if he had little chance, he wouldn't have been so desperate.

Grace found Camille just after Camille's meeting, and she had already decided to enter the architect competition.

Although it is her entry, but she has the idea to select three of the best from the company to be her assistant, to be able to do her assistant which undoubtedly also represents if she is lucky enough to enter the top three, then the assistant will also follow with exposure and fame will be greatly enhanced.

Camille's message was simple, she said: “There is still a little time before the competition starts, if you want to compete for my assistant's place, you have to give me a complete architectural design within 10 days, Mr. Walker and I will select the top three in a professional competition, of course, to be fair, I will also invite famous designers in the circle”. Kate" with us with the video situation selection evaluation.” Who was Kate?

Let's put it this way, in the designer community, you may not know Ayan from the Simpson Group, but you will definitely knew the designer Kate. Kate's artwork in the design circle was comparable to the film and television queen, and she was recognized as NO.1, but since she was low-key, people only knew the gender, but no one has seen her, some rumors was going around that she dressed as a man, there were other rumors going around that she looked too ugly to meet people.

But neither argument could deny her ability.

Her design work ranged from clothing to jewelry and more.

Camille's words were a real hit with everyone in the company, as such an opportunity was not available in other companies, and after all, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate.

After the meeting, Camille returned to her office and had just sat down when Yessica knocked on the door, "Ms. Armstrong, your sister is here.”

Camille didn't respond for a moment: "My sister? You're mistaken, I don't have a sister."

These two words were quite unfamiliar to her, so she didn't even think about it and just denied it.

Yessica cautiously reminded: "Ms. Armstrong, are you losing your memory? Armstrong family ah ......"

Camille now looked up at Yessica: "Where is everyone?"

Yessica nodded her head, Grace was right behind her, and she hurriedly moved aside to let Grace in, and then closed the door behind her in the process.

Camille looked at Grace, who was not embarrassed or embarrassed, but simply asked, "What brings you here? Is there something wrong?" Grace watched her and was shocked to learn she was pregnant, but she had to come to her because of the Armstrong family.

The thought of her being pregnant gave Grace an indescribable taste in her heart.

Grace's brief silence caused Camille to ask in disbelief, "So you came all the way over here just to look at me and not say anything?"

That's when Grace reacted and she asked, "Camille, I can't believe you don't know the purpose of coming.”

"So what?

"So? Don't you really have a little heart to move? Is your heart made of stone?"

Grace's emotions were slightly agitated.

Camille, however, smiled lightly: "My heart is not made of stone, you as a sister is not the most clear? If you were me, what would you be doing now?"

She was very envious of Grace when she was a child, almost growing up in the kind of environment she envied, and then was sent to her grandmother's side, she was glad to be forced to leave the Armstrong's villa countless times, otherwise she must have grown crooked, and now may be a deep-hearted dark and bad bad guy, right?

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