My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 177 Rescuing

"He told you that?" Camille asked rhetorically.

Sienna said lightly, "He didn't tell me, but he's clearly after you, Camille, you're done, you're in his sights.”

Camille just gave her a blank look, "You can go now."

Sienna beamed, "Don't you want to keep me?"

"I retain, you will stay?"


“Then why should I waste my breath?"

The two are quick to get well and quick to pinch.

Camille walks Sienna downstairs, the car is already arranged, because she is pregnant and Sienna is adamant that she not be taken to the airport herself.

But Camille asked Yessica to deliver it, so that she could feel more at ease.

After sending Sienna to the car, they waved at each other and Camille whispered, “Be safe on the road and call me when you get there."

"I know, take care of yourself and my godson, and I'll be back with you in a while."


Camille watched the car leave, and then noticed the black Mercedes that was parked across the street, and she saw through the window that Rex was sitting inside.

She just took a deep look and turned around and went upstairs. Because of Rex's history, Camille volunteered to talk to Ayan: "Can you call Rex and remind him to stop his childish behavior?"

Ayan understands what she means by childish behavior.

So he explained, "He won't, he's already talked to Sienna."

"You do believe in him."

Camille finished her sentence lightly, then went to stay with her grandmother.

She is now a bit unsure how to get along with Ayan, obviously the two are together, but she has a feeling that he is very far away from her. She was nestled alone on her grandmother's side of the couch, who looked at her several times without responding, and then only then asked, "Did you come over to keep me company?"

Camille nods and responds languidly, "Yes."

“You're good at making excuses.”


“It's getting late, and I'm going to rest, so you should go over early too." "Grandma, are you kicking me out?"

Grandmother said ironically, "If you want to think so that's it."

“You like Ayan a lot?" Camille asked in a low voice with pursed lips. Grandma looked at her and smiled faintly, "What do you want to say?" "If you don't like him, why do you keep speaking up for him?" Grandma never answered the question, and in the end she just said, "Do you want Ayan to come and pick you up before you go back?" Camille frowned, a face of reluctance, but grandmother also refused to relent, and finally she had to go away.

When she pushed the door back to her side of the house, Ayan had already taken a shower and was sitting on the sofa reading a book. When she saw her come in, Ayan immediately said, "Go take a shower, and I'll talk to you about something related to pregnancy after the shower.”

Camille wrinkled her nose: "You're experienced?"

Ayan raised the book in his hand: “I'm studying, I should know a little bit more than you."

In his hand was a book of things to do during pregnancy.

Camille's heart immediately surged with an unspoken emotion, but she didn't say anything, just took a deep look at Ayan and went to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later, Camille comes out of the bathroom after a shower and Ayan is already sitting on the bed waiting for her.

He was wearing a home suit, without the harshness and formality of a daytime suit, but with a touch more softness and life.

Camille stood still in the bathroom doorway, staring at him in awe, and Ayan noticed it too, asking, "Why are you standing there?"

"Aren't you going to tell me about the caveat emptor?"

She wrinkled her eyebrows, her body was warm white housecoat, long hair hanging on the sides, pinned behind the ears, standing in the light, the whole person exudes a soft and glowing.

Probably because of the pregnancy, her originally cold face has a touch more tenderness emanating from within.

Ayan narrowed his eyes at her for a moment and said in a low voice, "Sit down and talk?"

Camille was a little hesitant, but finally went over and sat down.

The two were so close that they seemed somewhat intimate in the cozy room.

Camille tried to avoid his eyes and not look at him, pursing her lips to keep quiet.

Ayan asked softly, “Camille, are you afraid of me?"


"Then why are you afraid to look at me?"

Camille subconsciously raised his eyes to meet his deep, dark eyes, the bottom of the eyes as if immersed in the abyss of the previous year so that people can not see the bottom.

She opened her eyes and said lightly, “What are you going to say?" Ayan looked at her for a moment before he looked down and began to tell her about the things she needed to pay attention to during pregnancy, and then he volunteered, "Starting tonight, I will tell the baby a story every night for half an hour, which will be good for the baby's development.”

Camille froze.

She asked, "Isn't storytelling supposed to be all about late pregnancy?” "Now the baby has some perceptual ability, so I think it's quite appropriate to start now."

Ayan was very insistent, so Camille did not say anything more, since he wanted to tell the story, so let him.

For this point of storytelling Ayan has little experience, almost the entire process is read out in accordance with the storybook, starting with the most basic white rabbit and the big bad wolf, Camille as the most direct audience is really a little hard to bear.

After holding back for a while, she thought she should tell Ayan directly, saying, "Ayan, you're not telling the story with any emotion at all, and I don't think the baby wants to hear it."

Ayan was instantly quiet, and his cheeks were visibly embarrassed.

He gazed at her and asked, "And what do you think should be said?" Camille took the storybook and skipped a paragraph to tell it in a more everyday tone and words, only to find someone staring at her without blinking when she was done.

Camille, too, immediately handed him back his storybook and said lightly, "I want to go to the bathroom."

She was about to get up when Ayan grabbed her hand and forbade her to leave, asking in a low voice, "What are you in such a hurry to run?" "Let go of me, why do you always do that?"

Instead of letting go, Ayan held the person directly in his arms. Camille's reaction was a little loud, and she said, "You said you wouldn't touch me if I didn't want to.”

Ayan paused.

He didn't move, but he didn't let go of her either. The expression on his face became stony, but only for a few brief seconds before he let go. That's when his cell phone, which was sitting on the nightstand, also rang.

Because she was right next to it, Camille subconsciously saw the note displayed on her phone screen.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and her face was a little gloomy.

Ayan also reached for his phone and picked it up in front of her, "Yes?" The next second came Eileen's anxious voice: "Ayan, what should we do? Mom is seriously ill and has just been admitted to the resuscitation room. I'm scared if you're not here, I'm afraid of what I'll do if there's an accident.”

The woman's sobs came through the phone loud and clear to Camille's ears.

She slightly narrowed her eyes face warm and light, the bottom of her eyes is also a cold indifference.

Ayan said lightly: "I am not a doctor, since the doctor is now resuscitating, you should calmly wait for the doctor's result."

"Ayan , can't you come over here?"

"Even if I go over there, I can't help.”

"But you are in, I will feel safer in my heart, Ayan , I really need you, so, you just come over, okay?"

Ayan wrinkled his brow, his face was very warm and light.

Camille also lifted her feet and walked directly to the bathroom in the next second, and soon the sound of water flowing was heard.

Ayan's face was cold, indifference floating between his eyebrows, and his words were always cold: "Eileen, I have arranged for the most authoritative doctor, so even if I go over there, it won't do any good, all you have to do at this time is to cooperate with the doctor instead of looking for me, huh?"

"Ayan , if you don't come, I'll jump from the hospital building!"

"Are you threatening me?"

His deep eyes were flooded with a cool chill.

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