My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 172 Injustice to him

Camille's expression is faint, and there is little emotion under her eyes. Especially when she realized she was lying in a hospital bed, her hands under the covers were subconsciously clenched tightly. She looked at Ayan and tried to see the reaction and ripples on his face, but she found that the man had always hidden very deeply, so it was impossible to see through.

Ayan lifted her up and sat her down, his voice still gentle: "Kian has gone to prepare food for you, are you hungry?"

She wrinkled her brow and looked at him faintly.

Looking at each other, Ayan asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Camille's eyelashes fluttered and he reacted as if he didn't know anything.

Don't you really know?

Camille pursed her lips and then heard Ayan ask lightly, "Camille, is there anything you want to say to me?"

Camille's heart cackled, and already had a vague answer.

It seems to know everything.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked her that.

It's just not what she wanted to say.

Because hiding it from him was not just a whim, nor did she choose to hide it in order to be angry with him, it was just that she had seriously thought that she could not afford the consequences and the cost of the decision Ayan would make if she knew she was pregnant.

But at this moment, Camille listened to his questioning and knew it was impossible to avoid or deny it.

But before Camille could respond, Ayan asked again, "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Camille, I'm the baby's father, and that's not fair to me.

Camille pursed her lips, her eyes slightly vacant and silent.

Ayan, we've been going through a divorce since Eileen woke up, so how do you think I'm going to tell you? Kidnap you with a child? Would you be willing to give up you and Eileen because of a child?"

The mistrust and sarcasm in Camille's words made Ayan's brow tighten, his deep eyes fixed on her for a moment, and the atmosphere between them became silent and heavy.

Camille's emotions are slowly being ignited, and she can't be quiet as long as she thinks about Eileen's words.

She said indifferently: "Do you want me to tell you that I want me to give the baby to you and Eileen to raise? But my child, why should I give it to someone else? So what's the point of telling you?"

Ayan's eyebrows deepened and the intensity under his eyes grew darker and deeper: "So that's what you thought in your heart all along? And then because of your own thoughts you deprived me of the right to know that the child existed?"

Camille's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Ayan, his face warm and light, but his face slightly lowered and serious.

He said lightly, "Camille , believe it or not, I have to tell you that I never wanted you to have a child for Eileen to raise, even though we were going to divorce each other in the beginning, but I never had that idea or thought.”

She was silent.

A voice in the bottom of my heart is also silently asking: "Is it true what he said? Did he really never think that way? So it was really Eileen who was lying?"

Although she never really believed what Eileen said, it must be said that she was still influenced by it.

Camille did not react, and even the atmosphere in the ward was quiet. The silence was as if you could hear each other's heartbeats and breathing.

After an unknown amount of time, the man's low voice rang out again, "Camille , I promise you, there will never be a possibility of that happening.”

Camille didn't say anything, and Kian knocked on the door of the ward at that moment.

Kian packed the chicken soup and Ayan opened the bowl for her and watched her sip it down.

But Camille's appetite is not very good, so she only drank half a bow! before she couldn't drink any more.

She shook her head, "I'm full."

Ayan gazed at her, his dark eyes gentle, "Is that a cat-like stomach you have?"

After that, he drank the rest of the soup and some rice directly from the bowl Camille had eaten.

Where did all his cleanliness go?

Camille subconsciously frowned, "You ....... What are you doing?" "What? I'm hungry and I'm not allowed to eat something to pad my stomach?"

His voice seemed to carry a faint hint of aggravation.

She subconsciously averted her eyes not to look at him, but her cheeks were somewhat uncontrollably flushed with hotness.

After eating, Camille took another nap and Ayan didn't leave the whole time, but called Callum while she was asleep.

He said to Callum, "Grandpa, Camille is pregnant and your wish has come true.”

"How do you know that?" Callum was very shocked.

But Callum's words caught Ayan out.

Ayan asked lightly, "So you knew all along?"

Callum grunted: "Why did Cami tell me not to tell you? Now that you know, you should treat Cami well. Don't think you can do whatever you want just because my wish to have a great-grandson has come true, but if you don't keep Cami as your granddaughter-in-law, I won't give you a good look either."

Ayan hadn't gotten over the fact that Callum knew Camille was pregnant long before he did, but now he was being lectured by Callum, and he didn't have any response, just silence, the depression in his heart seemed to deepen, and his eyes looked at the sleeping woman on the bed, and he had an urge to squeeze her awake.

At that moment, Callum gave the phone to Talia, who had been trying to answer it for a long time, and Talia asked: "Where is Cami? How many months old is the baby? Where are you now? I'm going to see Cami and the baby.”

Talia reacted as if the baby had already been born.

Ayan didn't say she was in the hospital, but just made an excuse: "You can come back to see her in a couple of days, otherwise I'm afraid you'll scare Camille with the mood you're in."

"How do you talk?"

“You're too excited, so calm down and cool off?"

Talia grunted coldly as she said, "Take care of her, or I won't spare you."

After the call ended, Talia looked at Callum and said aggressively, "Dad, you're really something, why didn't you tell me all this time? No wonder you and Cami are always sneaking around, so you knew Cami was pregnant, right?"

Callum coughed softly a little embarrassed, Fletcher is also quickly reached out to stop Talia continue to ask.

But Camille's pregnancy is good news for the Simpsons, and they don't mind whether they find out sooner or later.

In the ward, Camille woke up again in the dark.

She stared at the ceiling in stunned silence, in fact, only at this moment clearly realized that she was pregnant Ayan already knew.

It's just confusing how to define their relationship.

Would she want to stay in a loveless marriage because of her children? No.

She doesn't want to.

Camille's eyes were full of determination.

Ayan's voice also sounded slowly in your ear: "Awake? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat tonight?"

Camille sat up and looked at him lightly as she said, "Ayan, actually you don't have to be here all the time to guard me, I'm fine just not rested, as for the baby, I won't make other decisions just because you know, after all, the baby is not only yours, it's mine too."

She wanted to tell Ayan that she would not entertain any thoughts or intentions of not having the child just because he knew.

Since she has decided to have it, she will not change it.

What did she mean, and what did Ayan not understand?

His eyes deepened, a dark low under them, and he said, “You think I'm keeping watch because I'm worried about you hurting the baby?"

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