My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 165: No room for others in your eyes

Camille frowned, said with her warm and cold face: "In what capacity are you questioning me?"

"Heh, Camille , are you trying to tell me you're his wife? But now you see if he has you in his sights? If I were you, since I can't control my husband then I should vacate my position before it's too late."

"To make room for you?" Camille said coldly, "I'd like to, but only if he gives you the rights to sit in my position, right?"

"You ........ What do you have to be proud of, now you still have to put up with him making out with someone else!!!"

"Eileen , don't you feel bad for saying that? He would rather make out with someone else than look at you more, don't you know what it is?" Camille left Eileen speechless with a few words.

Camille didn't want to waste any more time with her, so she cut the call off right after she said that.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, her face was cold, ten minutes had passed since she came out, she hesitated for a moment, then still walked back to the private room .

Camille pushed open the door of the private room and walked in. The two people who were supposed to be eating at the table were gone, and she subconsciously turned around to see Ayan kicking the door and walking towards her with a grim face.

He looked at her with an indifferent expression, and his eyes were filled with an unpleasant indifference: "You've been gone for so long that you don't want to come back again?"

"What am I doing standing here now if I don't want to come back?" "Well, Camille , that's your attitude when you talk to me now, isn't it?" "Ayan , I don't understand what you mean."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted her chin, narrowed his long and deep eyes, and said with a smile, "You always look like you don't care about anything, you can't tolerate anyone in your eyes, but you are willing to go out of your way to find Sienna, so for Sienna, your friend, you are willing to do anything, right?"

She was stunned for a moment before she said, somewhat bewildered, "I already said that Sienna is my best friend."

"So more important than anyone else?"

He questioned with a light grunt.

Camille pursed her lips slightly, "I don't know what you're referring to?" "Heh, Camille , don't you forget that you and I aren't divorced yet.” His indifferent reminder caused Camille to subconsciously frown.

Camille followed his words and asked lightly, “Ayan, are you trying to say that I'm not doing my job as a wife?"

Ayan does not speak.

That's the default.

She smiled lightly: "But the ones who have dealings with them know you, and if I say no you will listen? You will not, so why should I do what bores you?"

"So you don't say anything to keep me from getting bored? Generous enough that you'd take it even in bed? Or would you be willing to let you deliver a T to me personally?”

His words are harsh, as with a sharp hostility zap the hearts of vaguely painful.

When Camille was silent, his hand on the chin increased in strength and he said sternly, "Speak, Camille, answer me, is that what you think?"

“If you think it is then it is.”

Camille stared blankly, feeling like her jaw would be crushed by him at any moment, but she didn't flinch.

Ayan said, "I think it's right, right? So am I right in thinking that you don't want to see Sienna at all?"

"Ayan , aren't we talking about us now, why do we have to involve Sienna again ?"

She was slightly more emotional.

"Why? Why do you think?" He stared at her with a chill in his eyes, "Because I hate this attitude of yours, so if you want to get Sienna out of the way sooner than later, put away this look of yours that bores me." After saying that, he let go of his hand, but the coldness and indifference under his eyes has not decreased at all.

Ayan didn't stay, turned around and walked out of the booth and left. Camille stood quietly for a long time with pursed lips until she recovered from Ayan's words and then went to the table to pick up a copy of the design and walked out of the room.

His words were heavy with threats, and Camille didn't feel them, she just didn't know what to do to make him happy.

She got out of Darkmoor and got into her car, where she satin a depressed mood.

I don't know how many times I've had a bad breakup with Ayan, and to be honest, she felt very tired.

The body and mind are tired.

If she could, she would have preferred if Ayan had just told her, "Camille, I'm not going to help you find Sienna, and I'm not going to help you talk to Rex, so get over it!"

Then she probably won't have any hope either.

It's not like he always thinks he'll say yes after satisfying him like he does now.

Camille shook her head helplessly, a bitter, faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

After that, she drove back to the office, and to her surprise, Jack from Fumiko Estate arrived almost the same time as her.

Jack's face was irritated and there was no patience in his words: "Camille , I want to know the project why you were able to continue Fumiko Estate but were kicked out?"

"I didn't make this decision, it was a direct decision of the Simpson Group."

"You're Ayan's wife, you can't sit in charge?" Jack laughed coldly as he walked into the office and sat down on the couch, and he said, "Camille, are you using the Fumiko Estate as a springboard? You just kicked us out when you got to the top, right?"

"Mr. Lawson, I need to correct you, as you said, I am Ayan's wife, if it were you, would you use Fumiko Estate as a stepping stone? I didn't meet Ayan after I met you, so what's the point of using him?"

Camille is also a bit helpless in the face of Fumiko Estate's questioning, but some words if not said will make the other side feel that she is defensive.

She said: "It's not that I haven't fought for Fumiko Estate for this project, but ask yourself, what has Fumiko Estate paid for this project? The Simpson Group is responsible for everything else, and as far as I know, the Fumiko Estate has been paid every penny up to now, so what else do you expect me to do?"

Jack blackened his face.

He said indifferently, "You mean you want to completely tear your face off and settle the score, don't you?"

“I'm not trying to count anything, I just want you to understand that I don't call the shots on this project, and I don't say anything at Simpson Group, so I hope you won't give me a hard time."

Jack looked at Camille coldly and then sneered, "Camille, we'll see about that!"

Camille didn't say anything and Jack slammed the door and left.

She was really annoyed, but there was no other way out of the situation.

Jack left Camille and drove straight to a speakeasy tucked away in the middle of downtown, a place where many rich people gather to chat and pass the time.

Jack went directly to the most luxurious private room, there were already people inside, and after he went in, he immediately carried the wine towards the man sitting in the center of the sofa: "Younger Wen, I'll have to rely on you to take care of me in the future."

Arnold lightly asked, "What, the Simpson Group is not working at all?" "Camille flipped out on the Simpson Group and Ayan didn't give a damn, so there was nothing we could do.”

“It's okay, thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west, as long as you pick the right team you won't lose.” Arnold's hint made Jack nod his head.

He then made an excuse to leave the room, then picked up his phone and made a call: "Want to take a piss and teach Camille a lesson?"

I don't know what was said over there, only to hear a faint smile, "You know what I want, so ......"

Then along with the other party's response, his cheeks revealed a winning smile as he faintly said, "Then I'll come pick you up now."

The weather in Hance City is very changeable at this time of year, from sunny during the day to rainy at night.

Camille was cooking dinner for Ayan at Hanyama Manson when she got a call from Kit on short notice.

Looking at the rain outside, I wonder when it will stop?

At that moment, Ayan came down from the stairs with a brisk pace, and he stared at Camille with a slightly strained expression and said, "Camille, come out with me now."

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