My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 162 Having a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother

Talia immediately understood what Ayan meant.

She smiled lightly and said, "Of course I want it, will you give it to me?" Ayan hooked his lips and smiled: “Let's see how you do."

Talia did not speak, just a faint look at him, then turned to take Camille's arm, with a complaint tone: “Cami, look at him even such a small hobby can not satisfy me as a mother, you are his wife, you have to give me the decision to do so. *

Camille froze, especially when the word "wife" came out of her mouth, causing Camille's cheeks to flush.

Camille pursed her lips and whispered, "No, Ayan was just joking with you."

“It's really just a joke?"


"Then ask him if he will buy it for me? He will listen to what you say, I can't control him as a mother, now he is your husband you control.” Talia, like a child, pushed Camille directly in front of Ayan after she finished speaking.

Camille and Ayan both know what Talia is thinking, but Camille doesn't want to upset Talia, so she does what she's told.

She looked up at Ayan and asked, "You'll buy it for mom, right?"

Ayan face a slight pause, noble indifferent face did not set off the slightest ripple, just faintly looked at her: “Do you think?"

“I think it's okay to buy."



What does um mean?

Camille pursed her lips and froze slightly, Talia applauded happily: "See, I told you Cami, you're better, Ayan doesn't even listen to me now, I'm right about having a daughter-in-law who forgets her mother.” Camille hung her head with a slightly stiff face.

The atmosphere quieted down with it.

Talia looked at Ayan and gave him several low looks, but the latter did not react or move at all.

Talia couldn't help herself and she asked, "How did you two get here?" "Ayan and I each drove here."

“I'm not used to driving your dad's car, but you're going to see your grandma with Cami, right? I'm not used to driving your dad's car. "Good."

Camille simply cannot say the word no.

Arriving at the parking lot, they watched Talia get in her car and drive away before getting into Camille's car.

In the small space of the car, the man's breath around him is strong, Camille pursed her lips to keep her composure and stepped on the gas. The journey was quiet without any conversation.

A few moments later, the car pulled up steadily at the bottom of the apartment building and the two of them took the elevator up to Camille's floor, where she led Ayan to knock on the door across the hall.

Ayan thought she was living in an apartment with her grandmother, but what she didn't expect was that she had rented the apartment across the street as well.

His face was slightly cold, but only for a moment before he regained his original appearance.

When she heard the door open, her grandmother also looked up. Although she was over seventy years old, she loved cleanliness and was a particularly cultivated old woman, so she immediately put a smile on her face and asked, "This is Ayan, right?"

Grandma knew Ayan and had asked Winnie to give her photo and name when she found out Camille was getting married.

Grandma has a good memory, so she recognized it right away.

Ayan also smiled immediately, the smile on his lips was gentle and graceful, his voice was also very gentle: “It's me, Grandma took so long to visit you, you won't be angry with me, right?"

"Of course not, come and sit down.” Grandma looked at him with a smile full of gentle kindness, and then said to Camille: “Cami, go and pour Ayan a glass of water."

"Good." Camille went straight to the kitchen to pour water, and when she came out she saw that Grandma and Ayan were having a good time talking about who knows what.

Ayan asked, "Grandma, I'll come to pick you up in a couple of days, here's my contact, I've put a note in my phone for you, if there's anything you need, just call me directly, I'll come over immediately.” "Well, I remember, then I'll trouble you.” Grandma smiled lightly and looked at Ayan with a seemingly more satisfied look.

Faced with grandmother's attitude he is also not condescending, there is no impatience between the words, every move is very serious and careful.

Ayan spent a lot of time talking with his grandmother and had lunch here, cooked by Camille herself.

After dinner, Grandma took a nap, and Camille sent Ayan downstairs. While waiting for the elevator, she took the initiative and said, "Grandma may talk a little too much when she is old, I hope you don't mind, and if you don't like what you hear, you can go in the left ear and out the right ear! If you say anything you don't like to hear, I'll say sorry on Grandma's behalf!"

She looked at Ayan seriously, without any emotion, these are her words from her heart, because she thinks Ayan's nature is not so patient to listen to all those parental content.

Ayan narrowed his eyes and gave her a faint sweeping glance: "So you've been listening to your grandfather's nagging in one ear and out the other? You pretend to be hypocritical and accept them even though you don't like what you hear?"

Camille froze.

She frowned and caught his words, "I wasn't talking about me, I'm just talking about you right now."

"So why do you think I'm that kind of person?"

“I don't think you're that kind of person, I'm just afraid you'll find it nagging and distracting, I'm just assuming, if you don't then just pretend I didn't say it, okay?"

Camille sighed silently, and her eyes met Ayan's inadvertently.

He wasn't talking, just looking at her without moving, his eyes barely rippling.

Camille bit her lip and asked in a low voice, "Ayan, what did Grandma talk to you about? And you exchanged contact information, was it an appointment to go somewhere?"

"You want to know?"

His thin lips outlined a few shallow curves, deep eyes flooded with high and profound.

Camille nodded, naturally, she wanted to, otherwise she wouldn't have asked.

The smile at the corner of Ayan's mouth deepened, and his head suddenly dropped closer to her, his voice low, "But Grandma forbade me to tell you.”

Camille is silent, her eyes full of speechlessness.

The elevator opened at that moment, and Ayan just gave him a faint look and said, "No need to send it, I'll go down by myself."

Along with the sound of his speech, others have entered the elevator. The elevator door slowly closed, and the two men's eyes were separated a little.

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, a bony hand suddenly lifted to block the doors from closing, and the man's deep eyes locked on her as he asked, "Camille, let's go get the formalities done when grandpa is stable."

Camille's eyelashes fluttered gently, and her voice was inaudible: "Yes!" He hooked his lips and smiled, "You're quick to respond, have you been waiting for me to say that?"

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